
  • 网络Hatshepsut
  1. 哈特谢普苏特,你现在是我的妻子了,我简直无法相信!

    Hatshepsut , you are my wife now , I can 't believe it .

  2. 典型的例子就是哈特谢普苏特王后——她生活在公元前15世纪,石棺上的王后苗条而优雅,然而很多史学家认为:这位王后不仅肥胖,而且还可能是个秃子。

    A notable example is the legendary Queen Hatshepsut , who lived in the 15th century B.C. While her sarcophagus depicts her as slender and athletic , historians believe she was actually obese and balding . 7 .

  3. 哈特谢普苏特王后(QueenHatshepsut)就是一个典型的例子。她生活在公元前15世纪,可谓是埃及一个传奇人物。她石棺上的画像身材苗条,看上去体格健康,但历史学家们认为,她实际上是个秃顶的胖女人。

    A notable example is the legendary Queen Hatshepsut , who lived in the 15th century B.C. While her sarcophagus depicts her as slender and athletic , historians believe she was actually obese and balding .

  4. 哈特谢普苏特与塞内穆特的爱是历史上最伟大的地下爱情。

    Hatshepsut and Senenmut 's forbidden passion is one of history 's greatest untold love stories .

  5. 在一篇发表在自己的网页上的未注明日期的文章里,哈瓦斯怀疑这具将右手放置在胸前的特殊位置的木乃伊是否就是哈特谢普苏特王后。

    In an undated article on his Web site , Hawass cast doubt on the theory that the mummy with the folded right arm was that of Hatshepsut .

  6. 多年前,埃及古物学者托马斯伊丽莎白就推断这些木乃伊中之一是哈特谢普苏特王后,因为这个女性将其右手放置于胸前就揭示了她的皇家身份。

    Egyptologist Elizabeth Thomas speculated many years ago that one of the mummies was Hatshepsut 's because the positioning of the right arm over the woman 's chest suggested royalty .

  7. 埃及古物学者已经确认他们在帝王谷的一座简陋的坟墓里挖掘出哈特谢普苏特的木乃伊。哈特谢普苏特是统治古埃及最著名的一位王后。

    Egyptologists think they have identified with certainty the mummy of Hatshepsut ( 1 ), the most famous queen to rule ancient Egypt , found in a humble tomb in the Valley of the Kings .