
  • 网络Havana cigar
  1. 他抽着昂贵的哈瓦那雪茄还带着十克拉的钻戒。

    He smokes expensive Havanas and wears a ten-carat diamond .

  2. 在上世纪80年代晚期,奥汀•大卫多公司因与古巴雪茄生产商发生纠纷,因此一直未推出任何品种的哈瓦那雪茄。

    Oettinger Davidoff has not produced any Havana cigars since a dispute with Cuban manufacturers in the late1980s .

  3. 大多数专家估计,如果有一天古巴雪茄能够合法、大量地进入美国,也应该是通过古巴的国有雪茄连锁店——哈瓦那雪茄之家(CasadelHabano),该连锁店已在全球开了大约130家分店。

    When Cuban cigars finally do arrive abundantly - and legally - on American soil , most experts figure it will be through the Casa del Habano , Cuba 's state-owned chain of cigar boutiques , which already has some 130 stores worldwide .

  4. 你们可以在中央那张桌子上找到上等的哈瓦那雪茄。

    You will find good cigars on the centre table .

  5. 哈瓦那雪茄抽起来挺不错。

    The Havana cigar smokes quite well .

  6. 但今年,加西亚先生没有在哈瓦那雪茄节上出来问候来宾。

    But this year Mr Garc í a was not there to greet visitors at the Havana cigar festival .

  7. 饮一杯香浓的咖啡,抽一支哈瓦那雪茄,翻翻喜爱的杂志,有助您舒缓身心,抖擞精神。

    Having a fragrant coffee , smoking a Havana cigar and reading a fond magazine will make you feel relaxed and full of vigor .

  8. 他仍抽着哈瓦那雪茄烟,这已成了他20年代以来的舞台形象的标记。

    Nor did it stop him from smoking the Havana cigars which had become a trademark of his stage act back in the 1920s .

  9. 这批新货的目的地是卢加沿岸,货物几乎全都是哈瓦那雪茄,白葡萄酒和马拉加葡萄酒。

    This new cargo was destined for the coast of the Duchy of Lucca , and consisted almost entirely of Havana cigars , sherry , and Malaga wines .

  10. 哈瓦那雪茄知识财富阶层的生活属性,财富后人生的欢愉体验,在升华的雪茄缭绕中,在升腾的人生境界中,不断实现自我价值。

    Havana cigar is knowledge wealth class 's life characteristic , life 's enjoyment after wealth possession , in sublimate cigar smell , in rising life realm , and one continuously realizes self-value .

  11. 他是哈瓦那《雪茄爱好者》杂志读者会(CigarAficionadoClub)的忠实会员。这些会员多是外交官和商人,他们每月聚会一次,一起吃晚餐、抽雪茄、聊天。

    He is a devoted member of the city 's Cigar Aficionado Club , whose members - foreign diplomats and businessmen - meet monthly for dinner , cigars and conversation .

  12. 他那个样子,历历如在眼前,他一直手里拿着一只哈瓦那大雪茄,另一只手里拿着那杯酒,大叫苦命,倒了霉来主持一家好莱坞片厂。

    I can see him now , a big Havana cigar in one hand , highball in the other , crying out against the fates that had sentenced him to the cruel job of running a Hollywood studio .

  13. 这种做法也未能阻止哈瓦那大街上黑市雪茄的小规模买卖。

    That did not prevent the small-scale peddling of black-market cigars on the streets of Havana .