
  • Harley;Halley
  1. 哈雷彗星将于2061年回归。

    Halley 's Comet is going to come back in 2061 .

  2. Vega飞船对哈雷彗星的电视观测

    Television Observations of Comet Halley from Vega Spacecraft

  3. MarkElder爵士是曼彻斯特哈雷乐团的音乐总监,负责教授指挥;

    He is music director of the Hall é orchestra in Manchester , where he teaches conducting ;

  4. 哈雷摩托遭到了经济衰退的打击,因此目前是Triumph抢夺市场份额的一个好时机。

    Harley has been hit by the recession , so this is a good moment to strike .

  5. 我们使用云南天文台1米RCC望远镜和卡焦摄谱仪,取得了7张长狭缝光谱。这是我国唯一的一组哈雷彗星长狭缝光谱。

    U. , respectively , we made some long-slit spectral observations using the Cassegrain spectrograph attached to the 1-m RCC telescope of Yunnan Observatory .

  6. 相应地,市场分析师将哈雷公司股票调整至分红增长股票,与菲利普莫里斯公司(PhilipMorrisInternational)比肩。

    Accordingly , market analysts have reclassified Harley as a dividend growth stock along the lines of companies such as Philip Morris International ( PM , Fortune 500 ) .

  7. 范德维德的董事长一职已被此前担任家乐福非执行董事、代表哈雷家族的罗伯特•哈雷(RobertHalley)接替。

    He has been replaced by Robert Halley , who had previously been a Carrefour non-executive director representing the Halley family .

  8. 但是,在日本厂家模仿哈雷采用v型双缸发动机之时,triumph采用了平行双缸设计,为自己制造了独特的卖点。

    But where Japanese bike makers have also aped Harleys by using V-twin motors , triumph has given itself a unique selling point with a parallel twin engine .

  9. 同梅赛德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)和劳力士(Rolex)一样,哈雷公司算得上善于经营品牌历史的大师。

    Along with companies like Mercedes-Benz and Rolex , Harley is a master at marketing the past .

  10. 上世纪90年代中期摩托车旺销时,哈雷戴维森公司(简称哈雷公司)的股票与惠普(Hewlett-Packard)一样都是增长型股票。

    Amid booming sales in the mid-1990s , Harley was pronounced a growth stock , on a par with , say , Hewlett-Packard .

  11. Kitty可以弹钢琴,骑哈雷摩托车,或者穿着各式各样的衣服,从夏威夷草裙到传统的朝鲜结婚礼服。

    She can be seen playing the piano , riding a Harley Davidson , and wearing anything from a Hawaiian Hula skirt to a traditional Korean wedding dress .

  12. 绿色和平组织有毒和电子废品专家卡西•哈雷尔(CaseyHarrell)说:这些产品的设计初衷应考虑到报废问题。

    ' They are designed for obsolescence , 'says Casey Harrell , an expert on toxins and e-waste with Greenpeace .

  13. 在上世纪90年代初期,卡洛琳为哈雷车当过模特,也在多场NEC交易会上为标致车走过猫步,还为Aspire杂志工作过。

    In the early 90s , Carolyn modelled for Harley Davidson , was a catwalk model at dozens of NEC trade shows for Peugeot and worked for Aspire magazine .

  14. 先说一下案例背景。2010年8月,摩托车狂热爱好者、职业创业者(serialentrepreneur)克劳迪奥•卡斯蒂廖尼(ClaudioCastiglioni),从哈雷戴维森(Harley-Davidson)手中回购了意大利标志性摩托车品牌奥古斯塔(MVAgusta)。

    The story . In August 2010 Claudio Castiglioni , a motorcycle aficionado and serial entrepreneur , bought back the iconic Italian motorcycle brand MV Agusta from Harley-Davidson .

  15. 张钰哲研究小行星的光变曲线和旋转、CZ仙后座变星以及哈雷彗星轨道的变化。

    He studied the light curves of asteroids and thus their rotation , and also studied the variable star CZ Cassiopeiae , and the evolution of the orbit of Comet Halley .

  16. 一提到哈雷戴维森摩托车(Harley-Davidson),大家可能就会想到皮革、胡须,以及轰隆的引擎声。

    When you think Harley-Davidson , you probably think about leather , beards , and loud engines .

  17. 2007年至2009年经济危机,泡沫破灭,销售大幅下滑(北美地区减少了50%),哈雷公司在投资者眼中成为和福特汽车(FordMotor)一样的周期性产业股票。

    That bubble burst in the downturn of 2007-2009 when plummeting sales ( down 50 % in North America alone ) downgraded Harley in the eyes of investors to the ranks of a mere cyclical stock like Ford Motor ( F , Fortune 500 ) .

  18. 本文先概述国际哈雷彗星联测(IHW)的计划;

    In this paper , the plan of the International Halley-Watch ( IHW ) is introduced briefly .

  19. 由此展开本项研究,以美国红树莓哈雷太兹(Heritage)和黑莓沙尼(Shawnee)为试材,研究了红树莓与黑莓茎尖脱毒快繁技术以及在此基础上进行工厂化育苗的具体方法。

    So we perform this study on Virus-free and Rapid-propagation of Red raspberry and Blackberry for Seedling Culture in Factory in order to provide large number and high quality seedlings in the near future .

  20. 我已经打定了主意,让我的自行车哈雷胖男孩FLSTF新面貌。

    I have made up my mind to give my bike Harley-Davidson Fat Boy FLSTF a new look .

  21. 而当哈雷彗星第二次过近地点时期,利用M24微机数据采集系统,对该彗星进行追踪观测。得到在此期间哈雷彗星21厘米射电连续辐射强度的上限为2.22Jy(5σ)。

    The upper limit of the intensity of the 21-cm wavelength continuous radiation of Halley 's Comet is 2.22 Jy ( 5 σ) .

  22. 哈雷阿卡拉太阳能公司(HaleakalaSolar)首席执行官詹姆斯·惠特科姆(JamesWhitcomb)表示,对于那些能够负担得起的人来说,可能有一个比较激进的解决方案:避开这家电力公司和它的电网。惠特科姆在1977年创立了哈雷阿卡拉。

    For those who can afford it , said James Whitcomb , chief executive of Haleakala Solar , which he started in 1977 , the answer may lie in a more radical solution : Avoid the utility and its grid altogether .

  23. 20世纪90年代末到21世纪初,订单增长超过产量,二手货价格也涨了上来,分析师们断言哈雷应该像蒂芙尼(Tiffany)一样算得上奢侈品厂商。

    Then in the late ' 90s and early ' 00s , orders began outpacing production , and used prices shot up , leading analysts to the conclusion that Harley really ought to be considered a maker of luxury goods , like Tiffany .

  24. 《自然哲学的数学原理》是一本物理学史上首屈一指的鸿篇巨制,一部描述运动规律和万有引力的鸿篇巨著。为此,艾德蒙德·哈雷(EdmundHalley)给予了鼎力资助,次年这一巨著终于呈现在世人面前。艾德蒙德·哈雷本人因发现哈雷彗星而名垂青史。

    That the most important volume in the history of physics , which described the laws of motion and of gravity , saw the light of day the next year was , in the end , due to the deep pockets of Edmund Halley , of comet fame .

  25. 英国天文学家J.R.海德曾经使用这些数据计算哈雷彗星的运行轨道,他发现,彗星运行轨道角度呈变小趋势:在汉代,角度为1700,到19世纪中叶,则减至1610。

    R. Hind , a British astronomer , once usedthese continuous data to calculate the orbit of Halley 's Comet , and discovered that the angle of the orbit showed a narrowing trend.In the Han Dynasty , it was 170 degrees , but it nar-rowed down t0 161 degrees in the mid-9th century .

  26. 一次哈雷彗星爆发现象的观测和分析

    Observation and Analysis for the Outburst of the Halley 's Comet

  27. 随着警报声,诺顿和哈雷大步走来。

    Norton and Hadley stride across the grounds , ALARM BLARING .

  28. 哈雷彗星的四轴跟踪预报

    The Prediction of the Four-Axis - Tracking for Halley 's Comet

  29. 哈雷彗星每七十六年经过地球一次。

    Halley 's comet visits the Earth once in 76 years .

  30. 在1986年3月哈雷彗星可能发生了彗核分裂

    Possible Nucleus Splitting of Halley 's Comet in March , 1986