
huá biàn
  • mutiny
哗变 [huá biàn]
  • [mutiny] 部队叛变;两个以上下级军事人员反抗或攻击其上级的公开行动;有时也指非军事性质的反抗或攻击

  • 商船上的哗变

哗变[huá biàn]
  1. 乱得跟电影《凯恩号哗变》里的情节一样!

    It 's like " The Caine Mutiny " In here !

  2. 在南美洲海岸外的舰艇上发生了一次哗变

    A mutiny have take place off the coast of south america

  3. 这位上校得以在军队监狱里策动了一场哗变。

    The colonel was able to orchestrate a rebellion from inside an army jail .

  4. 驻扎在首府周边的部队因9个月没有领到军饷而哗变。

    Units stationed around the capital mutinied because they had received no pay for nine months

  5. 在船上不执行命令就是哗变。

    Failure to obey orders on a ship is mutiny .

  6. 在南美洲海岸外的舰艇上发生了一次哗变。

    A mutiny have take place off the coast of south america .

  7. 哗变的士兵们突然袭击他们的军官,并把他们全部射杀了。

    The mutinying soldiers turned on their officers and shot them all .

  8. 美联储政策遭遇三票反对接近于发生了‘哗变’,他表示。

    Three dissents on Fed policy is pretty close to mutiny , he said .

  9. 当时情况十分紧急,琼恩·雪诺临危受命,甚至还有一些守夜人哗变,联合起来反对他。

    This occurs under very tense circumstances , and several Night 's Watch brothers rise up against him .

  10. 哗变也震撼了上任才两个月的哈西娜政府,并引起人们对军方可能采取暴力性报复行动的忧虑。

    The mutiny shook the two-month-old government of Sheik Hasina and has raised concerns about a violent backlash from the military .

  11. 警方说,他们正在全国搜捕孟加拉国步枪队里1千多名参加哗变的军人,他们都将受到谋杀罪的指控。

    Police say they are conducting a nationwide manhunt for more than one thousand BDR mutineers who are to be charged with conspiracy to commit murder .

  12. 一八五七年,印度士兵哗变,最后令东印度公司解散,统治权转到英国王室手上。

    In1857 , the Indian soldiers started a mutiny , which led to the Company 's dissolution and the transference of its administrative powers to the British Crown .

  13. 听起来这显然是愤怒的陆军成员对总理哈西娜吼叫的声音。士兵们批评哈西娜处理边防军哗变的方式。

    In the recording angry army personnel are shouting at Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina criticizing her handling of the mutiny by border guards who killed scores of their commanders .

  14. 星期天的选举是竞争由谁来取代维埃拉总统。维埃拉3月被哗变的士兵打死。

    Sunday 's vote is a contest to succeed long-time President Joao Bernardo Vieira , who was killed by mutinous soldiers in March hours after his chief political rival died in a bomb blast .

  15. 动辄发脾气的金里奇刚从希腊乘船旅游归来&这次度假促使他的手下集体哗变。他可能休息过度了,回来就嚷嚷月球上居然没有美国的营地。

    The sometimes fiery Mr Gingrich has returned from the Greek cruise that prompted his staff to mutiny en masse , perhaps excessively rested and wondering aloud about the absence of an US encampment on the moon .

  16. 一种狂热的情绪弥漫在IT业和理工科大学的校园中,仿佛因特网不仅是工具,而且是一场起义与哗变。

    A kind of enthusiastic mood diffuses in the campus of IT course of study and college of science and engineering , as if Internet is a tool not only , and it is an uprise and mutiny .

  17. 甚至充当暗探,联络土匪,煽动部队哗变,实行测绘地图,秘密调查情况,公开进行反对边区政府的宣传。

    Some of them are even acting as spies , conspiring with bandits , inciting our soldiers to mutiny , making surveys and maps of our region , secretly collecting information , or openly spreading propaganda against the border region government .