  • confined to use in declarative sentences;used in enumerating items;used in a definite but somewhat exaggerative tone

  • 语素in yīnglǐ 英哩

  • 语素in līlilālā 哩哩啦啦
  • 助词,义同“呢”。

  • 助词,义同“啦”。

  • 英语mile的译名,一哩(yīnglǐ ㄧㄥˉㄌㄧˇ)。英美制长度单位,一哩等于5280英尺,合1609米(中国大陆地区已停用此字,写作“英里”)。

  • 〔~~啦啦〕零零散散或断断续续的样子。

  1. 我才不想每天早上六点钟起床哩!

    I don 't miss getting up at six every morning !

  2. 马塞洛跪坐在地上,激动地哇哩哇啦地说着。

    Marcello sat on his knee and gabbled excitedly

  3. 轿车以每小时40哩的速度行驶。

    The car was going at the rate of 40 miles an hour .

  4. 别看我门神老了不捉鬼,我耳朵可灵着哩。

    I may be an old codger , but I 've sharp ears .

  5. 哩哩啦啦下了一天雨。

    It rained on and off all day .

  6. 跟上队伍,不要哩哩啦啦的。

    Close up . Don 't straggle along .

  7. 森林曼延数百哩。

    The forests stretch for hundreds of miles .

  8. 那天的雨才大哩。

    The rain was virtually pouring that day .

  9. 他哩哩啰啰说了半天,没有一句要紧的话。

    He gibbered away for a long time , but said nothing of importance .

  10. 客人来得哩哩啦啦的。

    The guests came in dribs and drabs .

  11. 醉汉哩溜歪斜地走了。

    The drunk staggered away .

  12. 历史哩,地理哩,哲学哩,各种参考书都在书架上放着。

    History , geography , philosophy & you 'll find all sorts of reference books on the shelves .

  13. 下边对他这个长官心怀不服的,故意作对的,可多着哩。

    There were too many men resisting his authority thwarting him .

  14. 这是视频分享网站哔哩哔哩制作的纪录片《小小少年》的片段。

    This is part of a documentary Little Giants made by Bilibili , a video-sharing site .

  15. 这一次出现的机会极为难得,他满以为十拿九稳哩

    This time the opportunity presented what he fatuously termed to himself a ' cinch ' .

  16. 还有秋雨哩,北方的秋雨,也似乎比南方的下得奇,下得有味,下得更像样。

    As for autumn rains in the North , they also seem to differ from those in the South , being more appealing , more temperate .

  17. 骗子一眼看到停泊的船,灵机一动,准备下手,就骗季子说:“道就在这儿哩!”

    At the sight of a moored2 boat , the swindler got an idea and planned to take action . He said to Ji Zi : " Taoism is right here ! "

  18. 儿子回答说:“当然寄了,我还省了三分钱哩。我看到很多人把信投进了一个箱子,我就趁没人的时候把我的也投进去了。”

    His son replied5 , " Certainly6 , and I have saved7 the three cents8 . I saw9 many people dropping letters in a box , so when nobody10 was11 looking , I dropped mine in too . "

  19. 当他正在添足的时候,另一个人却把蛇画好了,而且立刻把酒壶夺了过去,说:“蛇是没有脚的,你怎么画上了脚?第一个画好蛇的是我,不是你哩!”

    When he was just adding feet to the snake , another man finished his drawing . He grabbed the wine pot at once , saying : " A snake has no feet . How could you add feet to it ? The first one who finished drawing a snake is I , not you . "

  20. 它们能让我们更深入地洞察物理灾难,如三哩岛核泄漏事故(ThreeMileIsland)。

    And they provide insight into physical disasters , such as Three Mile Island .

  21. 丹那哩治疗3周可使EOS萎缩退化。有些滤泡和生殖细胞萎缩退化。

    Three weeks ' treatment with Danazol can make EOS atrophy .

  22. 模型组EOS超微结构与在位子宫内膜有区别,丹那哩治疗3周可促使EOS细胞器改变,细胞坏死。

    Ultrastucture of EOS from modeling group is different from eutopic EM , Three weeks'treatment with Danazol can make organelle altered and cell necrotized .

  23. 确实,年逾古稀的人可能经历过二战的浩劫,而其他人应该见证过从三哩岛(ThreeMileIsland)核灾难到前苏联解体等一系列黑天鹅事件。

    To be sure , somebody over the age of 70 might have seen the devastation of the second world war , while others would have witnessed black swans ranging from the Three Mile Island nuclear disaster to the collapse of the USSR .

  24. “弹幕”发源于日本,首先被日本ACG(动画、漫画、游戏)视频门户网站Nicodou推广,后来在中国催生了类似的ACG视频网站,比如哔哩哔哩(Bilibili)。

    The idea behind " bullet screens " originated in Japan , where they were first popularized by a Japanese ACG ( animation , comics , games ) video portal called Nicodou , which later became the inspiration for similar Chinese ACG video sites such as Bilibili .

  25. 比赛在单圈一点五哩的肯塔基椭圆形赛道举行。

    The race was at the 1.5 miler Kentucky Speedway oval .

  26. 他每天上下班要开10哩的车。

    He has a10-miles'drive each day to and from his work .

  27. 脚被夹在树叉中他唧哩呱啦的惊叫唤。

    His foot stuck in the burl , he shouted frightenedly .

  28. 妈妈:保罗,你这孩子还真怪哩。

    Mom : Paul , you really are a strange boy .

  29. 谁知道,也许他们不愿来哩。

    Who knows , perhaps they don 't wish to come .

  30. 这条道路上有十哩的距离是坏的。

    This road is bad for a space of ten miles .