
kū shēnɡ
  • crying
  1. 也许他们被哭声惹烦了。

    Perhaps they were irritated by the sound of crying .

  2. 她的哭声慢慢静了下来。

    Her crying slowly stilled

  3. 街上回荡着孩子的哭声。

    The street echoed with the cries of children .

  4. 有哭声、喊声——他能听出不同的声音。

    There were cries , calls . He could distinguish voices .

  5. 即便是蒙上眼睛母亲也能摸出自己孩子的肌肤。同样地,母亲也能立即听出自己孩子的哭声。

    A mother recognises the feel of her child 's skin when blindfolded . Similarly , she can instantly identify her baby 's cry .

  6. 那个新生儿哭声很弱。

    The newborn baby gave a feeble cry .

  7. 敌人开始进攻,村子里哭声和喊声交织在一起,乱作一团。

    There was a confusion of cries and yells in the village as the enemy started to attack .

  8. 我听到了一个婴儿的哭声。

    I heard the wail of a baby .

  9. 然而,在这里,喊声、哭声和其他噪音是受到鼓励的。

    However , here , shouts , cries , and other noises are encouraged .

  10. 凌晨两点左右,我们听到一阵哭声,紧接着是开枪的声音。

    About 2:00am we heard crying , shortly followed by a gunshot .

  11. 忽然,听到远处传来哭声。

    Suddenly , they heard someone weeping in the distance .

  12. 一时间,正个房间里都回响着她的哭声。

    For a second , the room is the reverberant sound of cry .

  13. 守财奴便捶胸痛哭。哭声引来了邻�

    He was surprised , and then burst into tears.All the neighbors gathered around him .

  14. 小孩受了惊吓的哭声

    the crying of terrified children

  15. 随后哭声消失了,鬼魂也走开了,马又继续向前走。

    Then the wailing6 and the touch of the ghosts would pass on and his horse would move again .

  16. 我记不清楚,但我大概有一年的时间没听到哭声和枪响声了。

    I don 't know but I haven 't heard crying or a gun shot for at least a year .

  17. 河面上哭声喊声一片混乱,顿时,队伍就像房屋倒塌一样,溃不成军。

    There was utter chaos2 of desperate cries and shootings ' on the river . All at once , the army collapsed3 like a fallen building , and was routed .

  18. 虽然他用了可爱的脸儿上的微笑,引逗得他妈妈的热切的心向着他,然而他的因为细故而发的小小的哭声,却编成了怜与爱的双重约束的带子。

    Though with the smile of his dear face he draws mother 's yearning5 heart to him , yet his little cries over tiny troubles weave the double bond of pity and love .

  19. 之后的夜晚我们没再见到她,我和女朋友甚至在入夜后一起到过树林里。但接下来那个月的18号,我们又见到了她,先是一阵哭声,接着是枪响声,然后她出现在树林边上。

    As the nights passed we didn 't see her , we even walked in the woods together at night.Then a month later on the 18th we saw her again . We heard crying then a gunshot and then we saw her at the edge of the woods .

  20. 这是一款iPhoneapp,哭声翻译机(CryTranslator)号称可以辨识婴儿「五种不同的哭声」。

    Cry Translator promises to identify the " five distinct cries " made by infants .

  21. Lisa听到Harrison的哭声后跑进厨房,发现他在吐血。

    Lisa heard his cry and ran to the kitchen to find him vomiting blood .

  22. 5p缺失综合征似猫叫哭声和智力低下相关区域的定位及该区域EST的分离

    Chromosomal Localization of Cat-like Cry and Mental Retardation in 5p Deletion Syndromes and Isolation of ESTs from Related Regions

  23. 她的哭声得到了学识和魔力之神Thoth的回应,他拥有智慧和特别的力量,治愈了Horus的眼睛。

    Her cry was answered by Thoth , the god of learning and magic . Thoth , with his wisdom and special powers , healed the eye of Horus .

  24. 这小孩的哭声,使我们连续几个晚上都没睡好。

    The baby 's crying kept us awake night after night .

  25. 透过机器的噪声我们能听见哭声。

    We could hear cries through the noise of the machines .

  26. 她的耳朵呵灵敏地辨听婴孩的啼哭声。

    Her ears are sharply attuned to her baby 's cry .

  27. 只要你不介意孩子的哭声。

    As long as you don 't mind a crying baby .

  28. 我听见我听见走廊上有哭声

    I hear -- I hear some crying down the hallway .

  29. 突然间,他听到了儿子低低的哭声。

    Suddenly , he heard the tiny sobs of his son .

  30. 左拉被她宝宝的哭声吵醒。

    Zola wakened at the sound of her baby 's crying .