
  • 网络status asthmaticus;Status Asthmatic
  1. 小儿支气管哮喘持续状态52例临床分析

    Clinical Analysis of 52 Cases of Infantile Bronchial status Asthmaticus

  2. 小儿哮喘持续状态的处理和预防

    Treatment and Prophylaxis of Pediatric Status Asthmaticus

  3. 结果哮喘持续状态在48h以内被控制的62例(28.4%);

    Results The continuous state of asthma were controled in 48h : 62 cases ( 28.4 % );

  4. 哮喘持续状态患儿健康教育方法探讨

    Health direction measures for children In asthma persistent state

  5. 美普清舌下含服治疗儿童哮喘持续状态疗效观察

    Observation on efficacy of sublingual meptin in treatment of status asthmatics in children

  6. 慢性肺心病哮喘持续状态218例临床分析

    A clinical analysis of 218 cases of chronic cor pulmonale complicated with continuous state of asthma

  7. 支气管哮喘持续状态下豚鼠气道感觉神经生长相关蛋白43的表达

    Induction of growth-associated protein-43 expression in airway afferent nerves of guinea pigs by allergic airway inflammation

  8. 死于哮喘持续状态病人的肺切面基本正常。

    The cut section of the hyperinflated lung of a patient dying in status asthmaticus appears essentially normal .

  9. 肺外观基本上正常,但呈现过度充气状态,病人死于哮喘持续状态。

    These lungs appear essentially normal , but are normal-appearing because they are the hyperinflated lungs of a patient who died with status asthmaticus .

  10. 哮喘持续状态4例,3例症状缓解;急性肺脓肿12例,均有不同程度脓腔缩小或闭合。

    Of 4 patients with conti-nous asthma , the symptom was relieved in 3 . In 12 patients with acute lung abscess , the suppurative cavity was reduced or healed in different degree .

  11. 方法:对18例食道癌术后并发支气管哮喘或哮喘持续状态患者观察和护理。

    Methods : observation and nursing care were applied to18 patients with bronchial asthma or status asthmaticus .