
zhé lǐ
  • philosophy;philosophic theory;philosopher's stone;philosophers stone
哲理 [zhé lǐ]
  • (1) [philosophers stone]∶能使人的精神新生的原理或概念

  • (2) [philosophic theory]∶关于宇宙和人生根本的原理

哲理[zhé lǐ]
  1. CIM不仅仅是一项技术,更是企业组织和管理生产过程的一种哲理、思想和方法,而CIMS则是这种思想的具体体现。

    CIMS is not only a technique but also a way of enterprise organization and manufacture process management . CIMS exactly is a embodiment of certain philosophic theory , concept .

  2. 佛教哲理和王维山水诗的构境艺术

    Buddhistic Philosophic Theory and the Conception Art of Wang Wei 's Landscape Poems

  3. 这其中大有哲理。

    There is much philosophy in it .

  4. 《伊索寓言》含蕴着丰富的哲理。

    There is plenty of Philosophy in aesop 's fables .

  5. 本书对《老子》的哲理颇多发明。

    This book does much to expound the philosophy of Lao zi .

  6. 对哲理的钩玄永无止境。

    There is no end to searching into philosophical theories .

  7. 故事虽短,却蕴涵着深刻的哲理。

    The story , short as it is , contains a profound philosophy .

  8. 这首诗富有哲理。

    This is a philosophical poem .

  9. 供应链管理(SCM)是在IT技术广泛应用的基础上产生的一种先进、新颖的管理哲理与方法。

    The supply chain management ( SCM ) is one newly and advanced method based on IT application .

  10. 基于并行工程哲理的CMM检测规划系统的研究与实现

    Research and development of the CMM inspection planning system based on the concurrent engineering philosophy

  11. CIM哲理与现代企业管理模式

    CIM philosophy and contemporary business management model

  12. 因此,将RMS这一制造哲理用于指导汽车焊装生产线的设计和制造工作,对增强汽车制造企业竞争力有重要意义。

    So , using RMS in welding line design is of importance for strengthen enterprise competition .

  13. 基于e-制造哲理,提出了一种用“e-技术”改造现有CNC设备的新模型。

    Based on the philosophy of e-Manufacturing , a new model of e-formalizing the legacy CNC machine tools with e-Technology is put forward and studied .

  14. 依据MC的哲理和方法体系,对PFM进行了需求分析。

    According to the MC philosophy and method system , the requirement analysis of PFM is done .

  15. CIMS的设计原则和哲理由技术为出发点转向基于组织构件为出发点;

    The design principle and philosophy of CIMS turn from the technology as a starting point to structure component as a starting point .

  16. 计算机集成制造系统(ComputerIntegratedManufacturingSystem,CIMS)是按CIM哲理建成的复杂的人机系统,是实现制造业信息化、提高企业竞争力的有效方法。

    Computer Integrated Manufacturing System ( CIMS ) is a complicated people-machine-interactive system . It is an effective method for every enterprise to improve its capability of competing and make the information manufacturing come true .

  17. 另外MRP系统在保留传统生产控制方法(加工单和日产量)的同时吸收了JIT生产哲理的精华,引入了JIT/KANBAN生产控制方法,做到了对多种生产控制方法的支持。

    In addition , this MRP system absorbs the idea of JIT ( Just In Time ) and uses the JIT / KANBAN production method to support repetitive manufacturing .

  18. 基于特定的任务,针对多Web应用系统的控制逻辑、信息传输和集成问题,依据工作流机制和移动Agent哲理,为多Web应用系统的集成提供了一个新的解决方案和框架。

    In order to deal with the problems of control logic , information transmission and integration for multiple Web applications based on specific tasks , a novel resolution and framework for the integration of multiple Web applications is introduced which is based on workflow mechanisms and mobile agent technologies .

  19. 产品数据管理(PDM)是企业信息化的重要组成部分,它集成了现代设计过程中的多项先进技术和管理哲理,为企业实施新的战略手段提供强有力的支撑。

    Product data management ( PDM ), an important portion of enterprise information technology , which integrates numbers of advanced techniques and management principles in modern designing process , could powerfully support enterprises to implement new strategical methods .

  20. 对爱因斯坦的弯曲时空理论与生物体DNA双螺旋结构的相关性进行了哲理性思考:控制生命时间程序的生物钟基因编码在DNA双螺旋结构上可能具有时空弯曲的运动原理。

    To philosophical think for between relationship of The theory of warpage of space time of Einstein and biological DNA double helix structure . It is possible a principle of movement of warpage of space time for the order of control the life time of coding biology clock gene .

  21. 因此,将CE的哲理充分运用于CAPP系统,研究和开发面向并行工程的集成化的CAPP系统具有重要的理论意义和广泛的迫切的要求。

    According to this situation , it has the academic significance and the abroad , imminent demands to apply the CE philosophy to the CAPP system thoroughly , research and develop the integrated CAPP system , which is concurrent engineering oriented .

  22. 基于仿真的采办(SBA)是一种将信息技术、建模与仿真(M&S)技术以及先进制造技术融为一体的先进管理方法和采办哲理。

    Simulation & based acquisition is a kind of advanced management method and acquisition philosophy , which integrates information technology , modeling and simulation technology and advanced manufacture technology .

  23. 分析了JIT采购与JIT哲理的关系,在此基础上,总结供应链环境下,JIT采购的内涵、特征及其优越性。

    Meanwhile , a conclusion about the connotation , characteristics and advantages of JIT purchasing is made on the basis of an analysis of the ties between JIT purchasing and JIT philosophy , under the Supply Chain Circumstance .

  24. 在分析MRPⅡ与JIT两者制造哲理、处理逻辑及其关系的基础上,阐明了MRPⅡ与JIT的结合是制造哲理的发展和完善,而不是对MRPⅡ的否定。

    It is proposed that hybrid system of MRP ⅱ / JIT can be viewed as a synergy , an evolution but not a revolution about manufacturing philosophy , based on analyzing their manufacturing philosophy , processing logic and relationship .

  25. 本文主要谈谈有关CET-4作文的五大题型即观点对比型、问题解决型、说明原因型、利弊分析型、哲理论证型及其各自的写作模式。

    The following article is mainly about five major CET-4 writing types such as : viewpoints comparison , problems solving , reasons explaining , advantages and disadvantages analysis , theories argumentation and their writing models .

  26. 本文采用成组技术的哲理,建立了内燃机活塞HSDM编码系统,用于在计算机辅助工艺设计过程对零件几何信息和工艺信息的表达。

    In this paper , a code system for internal combustion engine piston , which is named as HSDM code , is constructed based on group technology .

  27. 呼吸内科疾病史与临床教学及引发的哲理

    Philosophic Theory in the Clinical Teaching of Respiratory Internal Diseases History

  28. 它的诗学意蕴和哲理内涵,丰富了人类的智慧宝库;

    Its poetical and philosophical connotations enrich human being 's wisdom ;

  29. 期刊社网络经营哲理及重点发展项目

    Network philosophy of management and major projects in a periodical press

  30. 文化精神和哲理意蕴的美学表达

    Culture spirit is with the esthetics expression of the philosophy meaning