  • lip
  • 嘴的边缘红色部分:嘴~。~齿(喻互相接近而且有共同利害的两方面)。~膏。~裂。~舌(“嘴唇”和“舌头”,喻言辞)。~吻(嘴唇,喻口才、言辞)。~亡齿寒(关系密切,利害相关)。


(嘴唇) lip:

  • 上[下]唇

    the upper [lower] lip;

  • 兔唇


  1. 回想起他甩给她的那些话,她咬了咬唇。

    She bit her lip as she recalled the words he 'd thrown at her .

  2. E线、B线、H线对评价侧貌唇美学一致性、敏感性的研究

    The consistency and sensitivity of E , B and H lines to lip profile esthetics

  3. 他正要说话,但她举手捂唇示意。

    He was about to speak but she raised a finger to her lips .

  4. 她目光狠毒,唇紧抿。

    Her stare was malevolent , her mouth a thin line .

  5. 厨师的薄唇一弯,露出一丝不易察觉的微笑。

    A small , unobtrusive smile curved the cook 's thin lips .

  6. 我的唇疱疹很严重,我真担心它会在我的婚礼上发作。

    I suffer badly from cold sores and dread them appearing on my wedding day

  7. 约翰试图回答教师的问题,但他所说的却是驴唇不对马嘴。

    John tried to answer the teacher 's question , but he was way out in the left field .

  8. 我所爱的美丽的姑娘像乳汁一样纯洁,蜂蜜一样甜蜜,美酒一样迷人;她的绛唇像清晨时开放的玫瑰,她的眼睛像蜂儿般漆黑。

    The beauty I loved was like milk and honey and wine , her lips like the rose of the dawn , her eyes bee-black .

  9. 髋臼唇无创性MR扫描方法的研究

    Non-trauma MR scanning of the acetabular labrum

  10. 先天性唇腭裂发病危险因素的Logistic回归分析

    A logistic regression analysis on risk factors and cleft lip and palate

  11. YAG激光与药物结合治疗文唇后接触性唇炎130例临床观察

    YAG laser combined with drugs in treatment of chelitis after tattoo

  12. 睑结膜、颊粘膜和唇粘膜刮片检查X染色质的分析

    The analysis of finding X-chromatin bodies on smears from scrapings of the conjunctiva , buccal and labial mucosa

  13. 原发性干燥综合征患者唇腺组织中CAD的表达与细胞凋亡的关系

    Relationship between expression of caspase-activated DNase gene and neuronal apoptosis in labial gland of patients with primary sjogren syndrome

  14. 结果AngleⅡ1病例矫治后的硬组织改变主要表现为上下切牙唇倾度的减小,(牙合)平面角的增加及磨牙的伸长;

    Results After treatment , the labial inclination of upper and lower incisors was reduced . The occlusal plane angle was increased and molars were extruded .

  15. 改良Bernard滑行瓣修复唇癌术后缺损

    Modified Bernard sliding flaps for repairing lower lip defects after cancer resection

  16. 高位LeFortⅠ型截骨同期牙槽嵴裂植骨矫治唇腭裂术后面中部畸形

    High level Le Fort ⅰ osteotomy and bone grafting for correction of secondary mid-face deformities in cleft patients

  17. Marc,考虑结构的材料非线性、几何非线性和接触非线性,建立了充气式气囊密封的轴对称有限元模型,对其充气密封机制进行了分析,得到了唇口法向接触应力的分布规律;

    Marc . The seal mechanism was analyzed and normal contact stress distribution along seal bead was obtained .

  18. 麦角酰二乙胺(LSD)对唇针镇痛的影响

    Effect of lysergic acid diethylamide on lip - acupuncture analgesia

  19. 目的探讨Bcl-2/Bax在干燥综合征(SS)唇腺组织中的表达和意义。

    Objective To observe the expression of Bcl-2 / Bax in salivary gland of patients with Sjogren ′ s syndrome ( SS ) .

  20. 干燥综合征患者唇腺p53及PCNA表达与其发生非霍奇金淋巴瘤的相关性研究

    The correlation between the genesis of Non-Hodgkin 's Lymphoma and the expression of P53 and PCNA in labial gland in patients with primary Sjogren 's syndrome

  21. 至少有112%抗SSA/SSB抗体阴性的pSS患者其临床诊断借助于下唇小唇腺活检的阳性。

    At least 11 2 % of pSS patients with negative anti SSA / SSB antibodies were diagnosed by lower lip biopsy .

  22. 唇状瘘(占31.30%)的CT征象特点是较大的外口,呈唇状改变,无瘘管形成。

    The characteristic sign of the labral fistula , accounting for 31.30 % of the cases , was the one without a " fistula ", however , with a considerably large external opening and its labrum-like rims .

  23. 用Kendall等级相关分析相关自身抗体与唇腺活检病理分级间的相关性。

    Correlation were analyzed between lip biopsy grades and the related autoantibodies through Kendall analysis .

  24. 另一种是基于变形模板和SNAKE的人脸特征跟踪方法,先用变形模板确定特征轮廓的大致位置,再利用SNAKE方法自主收敛到轮廓的准确位置,在此基础上用双SNAKE实现唇动跟踪。

    The second tracking method synthesizes deformable template and snake , which localizes feature contours using deformable template , then convergences to the accurate feature contours using snake .

  25. 目的比较唇腭裂术后继发上颌骨发育不足患者颅外支架式牵引成骨术(rigidexternaldistraction,RED)前后软组织面型及鼻唇部变化,评价RED治疗上颌发育不足效果。

    Objective This study was conducted to evaluate the soft tissue profile changes after maxillary distraction osteogenesis by using a Rigid External Distraction Device ( RED ) in cleft lip and palate patients with maxillary dysplasia .

  26. 捏脊可明显改善小儿缺铁性贫血的临床症状,面色、食欲、神疲乏力、大便、唇、舌色的改善效果非常显著(P0.01)。

    The chiropractic measure can clearly improve the clinical symptoms , such as : complexion , appetite , physical strength , stool , color of lips and tongue ( P0.01 ) .

  27. 在行下唇小唇腺活检和未行下唇小唇腺活检的pSS患者组中国际标准的敏感度分别为883%和846%,国际标准总的敏感度为870%;

    The sensitivities in pSS patients with lower lip biopsy and in pSS patients without lower lip biopsy were 88 3 % and 84 6 % respectively .

  28. A-T皮瓣在修复下唇唇红缺损中的应用

    Application of A-T Skin Flap in Repair of Vermilion Defect of Lower Lip

  29. 目的探讨MTHFR基因热敏感性多态性在非综合征性唇腭裂(NSCL/P)发病以及遗传易感性中的作用。

    Objective To investigate the effect of MTHFR thermolabile polymorphism on genetic susceptibility of NSCL / P in north China population .

  30. 5例合并肱二头肌长头腱复合体(SLAP)病损,采用肩关节镜下盂唇损伤处清创术,术后患肩零度位牵引;

    The injured glenoid labrum of five SLAP cases were treated with debridement under shoulder arthroscopy , and then the affected shoulder was immobilized by zero-degree traction .