
  1. 唐墓壁画中的妇女发饰

    The Women 's Headgear in the Frescos of Tang Tombs

  2. 唐墓壁画侍女形象是陕西唐墓壁画的重要组成部分,不仅反映了唐代贵族生活的各个方面,而且具有很高的艺术水准。

    Tang tomb in Shaanxi maid image is an image is important part of the mural , and mostly with a high artistic level .

  3. 陕西出土的唐墓壁画数量之多、等级之高而且时代序列之完整,在中国乃至全世界都是绝无仅有的。

    The murals of Shaanxi with large amount , high level and integrated time sequence are uniquely rare in China and even the world .

  4. 在唐墓壁画中的乐舞图里蕴含有大量的服饰图像资料,这些难能可贵的资料对于研究唐代乐舞伎服饰有着重大的意义。

    In the tang dynasty tomb figure to music murals containing a lot of dress image material , these valuable material to study music Ji dress in tang dynasty is of great significance .

  5. 本文通过对西安地区唐代壁画墓的发现及研究状况的回顾,注意到目前学界对壁画中所见男性服饰关注较少,故而本文选择西安地区唐墓壁画所见男性服饰为题展开探讨。

    After reviewing the discovery and research on the Xi ' an mural tombs in Tang Dynasty , this article notes that our academe has paid less attention to male clothing in paintings .