
  • 网络Donaldson;Simon Donaldson;Lily Donaldson
  1. 唐纳森有一系列小的犯罪前科,但没犯过大事。

    Donaldson was a petty crook with a string of previous offences .

  2. 不过,唐纳森的研究提醒我们,优良的交通工具非常重要。

    Still , Donaldson 's research is a reminder of the huge importance of quality transport links .

  3. SEC主席唐纳森辞职他重建了对美国企业的信心

    He rebuilds the confidence to American enterprises

  4. 唐纳森教授称,这次调查表明青少年不惜拿他们的健康去冒险。

    Professor Donaldson said the survey showed that teenagers were prepared to take risks with their health .

  5. 公爵还透露,乔治和夏洛特在乘车途中还会听她朗读朱莉亚•唐纳森的书。

    The Duke revealed that George and Charlotte listen to her readings of the Julia Donaldson books on car journeys .

  6. 但31岁的玛丽-唐纳森就是在澳大利亚最南端塔斯马尼亚岛塔鲁纳长大的。

    But that 's where Donaldson , 31 , grew up , in a small home in Taroona on the island of Tasmania .

  7. 得益于渴求数据的殖民地政府他们收集有关当地粮食价格和降雨量的信息唐纳森得以较为准确地估算铁路在改善农村经济方面的作用。

    Thanks to a data-hungry colonial administration , which collected information on local crop prices and rainfall , Donaldson was able to calculate the improvements with some precision .

  8. 唐纳森把产生所有这些影响(大部分是有益的影响)的源头,归结为以下事实:铁路促进了一个地方与印度国内其他地方、以及与世界其他地区之间的贸易。

    Donaldson tracks all of these ( largely beneficial ) effects to the fact that the railways increased trade with other regions of India and the world beyond .

  9. 唐纳森在一篇以「干细胞研究:负责的医学进步」为题的报告中,坚定地表达他对扩大「医疗性复制」研究的支持立场。

    In a report titled " Stem Cell Research : Medical Progress with Responsibility ," Donaldson affirmed his support for an expansion of " therapeutic cloning " research .

  10. 英国政府首席医学官员唐纳森周三表示,英国科学家应被获准复制人类胚胎以应用于更多种类的医学研究上。

    British scientists should be allowed to clone human embryos for use in a wider variety of medical research , the government 's chief medical officer , Liam Donaldson , said Wednesday .

  11. 在第七十届戛纳电影节的第一天,像艾米莉·拉塔基科斯基、阿德里亚娜·利马、莉莉·唐纳森以及皮德拉·尼姆科娃这样的人最终称霸红毯一点也不奇怪。

    It came as no surprise that the likes of Emily Ratajkowski , Adriana Lima , Lily Donaldson and Petra Nemcova turned out to be the red carpet rulers on day one of the 70th Cannes Film Festival .