
shānɡ yè dēnɡ jì
  • business registration;commercial registration
  1. 你须为业务申请商业登记。

    You have the obligation to apply for business registration .

  2. 经付款后,该缴款通知书便会成为有效的商业登记证。

    Upon payment , the demand note will become avalid business registration certificate .

  3. 在不违反第(1)款(c)项的前提下,提供任何商业登记簿的证明或摘录;

    Subject to paragraph ( 1 )( c ), the furnishing of any certificate of , or extract from , a register of commerce ;

  4. 为了满足要求,我们不断地发展使我们的机器适应现代化需求,引进新品种,立足高(HACCP认证,商业登记证)质量标准生产的能力。

    In order to meet the requirements , we are continually developing our capabilities by modernizing our machines , introducing new assortment and basing production on high quality standards ( HACCP , BRC ) .

  5. 宽免商业登记费一年。

    Waive the business registration fee for one year .

  6. 请提交商业登记证副本。

    Please submit a copy of HK Business Registration cert.

  7. 以下收集的资料只用作商业登记用途。

    The following information is only collected for the purpose of Business Registration .

  8. 载有新店名的商业登记证的副本三份。

    3 copies of the business registration certificate bearing the new shop sign .

  9. 所有表格均须附有商业登记证副本方为有效。

    The registration form must be attached with the copy of business registration .

  10. 我国商业登记制度的缺陷及其完善

    The Deficiency and Consummation of Commercial Registration System

  11. 请出示商业登记和酒牌。

    Produce your business registration and liquor license .

  12. 股东身份证或国外商业登记证复印件,需要中国大使馆认证。

    Investor 's Copy Passport or Business License which is witnessed by China Embassy .

  13. 论商业登记的法律性质

    On Legal Essence of Business Registration

  14. 商业登记法律制度研究

    Study on Commercial Registration Legal System

  15. 商业登记署〔税务局〕美国国内税务局审计可疑的所得税报告。

    Business Registration Office [ Inland Revenue Department ] The IRS audits questionable income tax returns .

  16. 请告诉我在天津做一个商业登记需要填几份表格。

    Please tell me how many forms do I fill out to register a business in tianjin ?

  17. 开妥户口后,你可以用音频电话缴交商业登记费。

    With a PPS account , you can pay business registration demand note with a tone phone .

  18. 在本港经营业务的任何商号均须办理商业登记并缴纳有关费用。

    Every person carrying on business in Hong Kong must register the business and pay the required fee .

  19. 在作出申请时,你需输入查询对象的商业登记号码。

    To make an application , you are required to input the business registration number of the target business .

  20. 如申请人为无限公司,请提交香港商业登记证副本;

    In case the applicant is an unlimited company , please submit copy of Hong Kong business registration certificate ;

  21. 母公司注册政府部门出具的最新的母公司商业登记证正本一份。

    An Original commercial register with a recent date from the authority that the parent company is registered in .

  22. 商业登记制度的价值取向在于维护交易的安全,提高效率,并协调好两者的关系。

    The value of business registration system lies in maintaining safe trade , improving economic efficiency and coordinating the relation-ship between safety and efficiency .

  23. 至于申请商业登记册内的资料,申请人必须能够透过互联网支付需要缴交的文件费用。

    To apply for supply of information on the business register , applicant must be able to pay the document fees payable over the internet .

  24. 我国尚无一部统一的商业登记法。

    Part IV tries to involve some special questions on business registration law . Our country has the non - united law on commercial registration .

  25. 根据《公司条例》在香港注册成立的有限公司,其首张商业登记证的开始生效日期是它的注册日期。

    For a company incorporated in Hong Kong under the Companies Ordinances , the commencement date of its first business registration certificate is its date of incorporation .

  26. 于到期日午夜前缴交的税款及商业登记费,会被视作当天的交易。这不适用于印花税。

    Except for stamp duty , tax or business registration fee paid before mid-night on the payment due date will be taken as made on the same day .

  27. 申请商业登记人士,必须在递交申请书时一并缴付商业登记费及徵费。

    All applications for registration of a business must be accompanied by full payment of the appropriate business registration fee and the levy before they will be processed .

  28. 申请人可选择于上述时间后亲临商业登记署领取,或要求该署以邮寄方式将文件发出。

    Applicants may choose either to collect the documents from the business registration office in person after the aforementioned time or have the documents sent to them by post .

  29. 办理商业登记的申请人,除办理商业登记外,应注意经营某些行业尚须申请其他种类的牌照或经营者须具有认可专业资格。

    Apart from business registration , the applicant may need to apply for other types of licences or obtain the recognised professional qualifications for operating certain kinds of business .

  30. 你需要先填写这张表格,然后请出示商业登记证、香港身份证及住址证明。

    You need to fill in this form , and show us your company 's business registration certificate , your Hong Kong Identity card , and proof of your residence .