
  • 网络Commercial Crime Bureau;CCB
  1. 年内,由商业罪案调查科一支特遣小队负责的两宗冗长调查取得成果。

    The year also saw two long-term investigations undertaken by a CCB Task Force come to fruition .

  2. 荣智健在致公司董事会的信中表示:就商业罪案调查科于2009年4月3日发出之搜查令,要求本公司及其董事提供资料,在社会上产生了很大影响。

    The execution on 3 April 09 of the search warrant by the Commercial Crime Bureau requiring [ Citic Pacific ] and its directors to provide information has had a great impact in society , Mr Yung said in a letter to the company 's board .