
shānɡ biāo shǐ yònɡ quán
  • right to use a trademark;right to the use of a trademark
  1. 十一家全球赞助商(称为顶级奥运合作伙伴,即TOP)向国际奥委会支付大笔金钱以获取奥运商标使用权。

    Eleven global sponsors ( known as top Olympic partners , or TOPs ) pay fat sums to the IOC for the right to use the Olympic brand .

  2. 其实早在林书豪2月13日提出商标使用权申请的好几天前,两名加州男子已经分别提出了将Linsanity注册为商标的申请。

    According to the document , Lin filed his application on Feb. 13 , several days after two California men entered the cash-in derby to trademark Linsanity .

  3. 对未注册商标使用权法律保护的深层思考

    On the Legal Protection of the Right to Use Non-registered Trademarks

  4. 商标使用权的价值评估

    Value Evaluation for the Usufruct of Trade Mark

  5. 但唯冠(深圳)公司声称该公司仍然保留在中国大陆的商标使用权。

    However , Proview Shenzhen claims it still reserves the right to use the trademark on the Chinese mainland .

  6. 邵武市“振洁”牌茶薪菇已获国有A级绿色食品商标使用权。

    The brand " Zheng Jie " tea material edible fungus has got the right of use of national grade-A green food brand .

  7. 通过论述未注册商标使用权的权利性质,指出未注册商标使用权是一项合法的民事权利。

    By stating the nature of the right to use non-registered trademarks , this paper points out that the right to use non-registered trademarks is a lawful civil right .

  8. 通过对商标使用权分层分析,经销商使用他人商标的基础是经销商标商品和商标的非商标含义。

    Pass to use to the trademark the power layering analyze , the foundation of the dealer usage others trademark promote the trademark merchandise to is not the trademark meaning with the trademark .

  9. 在此情况下,为了避免侵权和遭遇海关扣货,出口企业在接受订单之前一定要设法证实委托方是否真正拥有商标使用权或者某项技术。

    In this case , export enterprises must try to confirm whether the client actually has the right to use trademark or possesses certain technology before accepting an order to avoid infringement and customs seizure .

  10. 2010年2月,苹果公司通过在英国注册的IPApplicationDevelopmentLimited公司(缩写iPadL)买入了iPad商标的使用权。

    Apple bought the right to use the trademark from Proview Taipei in February 2010 via IP Application Development Limited ( IP ), a company based in the US .

  11. 围绕“娃哈哈”商标的使用权,宗庆后与他的合资伙伴达能(danone)斗争多年。

    Mr Zong fought for years with Danone , his joint venture partner in China , over the right to exploit the Wahaha trademark .

  12. 论建立商标在先使用权制度

    On the Establishment of Priority Right of Trademark System

  13. 国际特许经营中商标独占使用权保护的困境与选择&由一起商标商品平行进口案例引发的思考

    The Dilemma and Choice for Protection of Exclusive Right of Trademark-use in International Franchise

  14. 苹果声称,公司于三年前以55000美元的价格购买了iPad商标的全球使用权。

    Apple claims it bought worldwide rights for the trademark three years ago for $ 55,000 .

  15. 用商标的专有使用权作为债的担保是商标利用的一种重要方式。

    It is an important way to hypothecate the debts with the right of trademark .

  16. 对发行人业务及生产经营所必须的商标、土地使用权、专利与非专利技术、重要特许权利等,应明确披露这些权利的使用及权属情况。

    The trademarks , land-use rights , patents and non-patented technologies , material license rights necessary to the businesses , productions and operations of the issuer shall be disclosed with their usages and ownerships .

  17. 近日,苹果公司在“iPhone”商标在华独家使用权一案中败诉,不得不与北京一家皮革产品制造商共用该商标。

    Apple Inc has lost exclusivity on the use of the " iPhone " trademark in China and has to share it with a Beijing-based leather products maker .

  18. 唯冠科技(深圳)有限公司与美国科技巨头苹果公司,就iPad商标在中国的使用权纠纷已经陷入了长期的诉讼拉锯战。

    Proview Technology ( Shenzhen ) and US technology giant Apple have been tangled in a lengthy dispute over the right to use the iPad trademark in China .

  19. 在全国范围内,注册商标所有者享有独占使用权。

    The owner is guaranteed exclusive use of the trademark throughout the national territory .

  20. 商标权包括专有使用权和禁用权两方面的内容。

    There are two sides in exclusive right of exploitation and forbidden right for trademark right .

  21. 网上商标使用行为对商标权的取得和维持具有重要意义;

    On-line trademark use behaviors matter a great deal to the obtaining and maintenance of trademark rights .

  22. 然后对几种主要无形资产专利权、商标权、土地使用权、商誉进行了研究分析。

    Then several major intangible franchise trademarks , the right to use the land , a reputation for research and analysis .

  23. 商标合理使用在商标权限制制度中有着重要地位,它对利益平衡起着重要作用。

    Trademark fair use plays an important role in the rights restriction system of trademark right , it takes important effect for the balance of interests .

  24. 广州中博美佳酒业有限公司是香港中博鉴证科技投资集团公司属下子公司,拥有拉洛卡酒庄在中国大陆的独家代理权以及所有拉洛卡商标、标识的使用权。

    Ltd , is the sub company of CAA , and it has all rights to sale Larocca brand wines in China and the permission to use Larocca 's trade marks .

  25. 苹果贸易(上海)有限公司在上海拥有三家专卖店,则要求法院拒绝唯冠的诉求,目前该商标在中国的使用权存在很大争议,苹果方面表示没有最终裁决之前,应该中止这个案件的审理。

    Apple Trading ( Shanghai ) Co. , Ltd. , which runs three Apple retail stores in Shanghai , asked the court to reject Proview 's request pending a final verdict on the ownership of the trademark in China .

  26. 其中,笔者还就商标合理使用与著作权合理使用制度的关系、商标合理使用与商标在先使用的关系做了阐述,旨在能从外观上形成关于商标权合理使用的一个清晰的形象。

    Of which , the author also trademarks reasonable relationship with the Fair Use of Copyright , trademark fair use , trademarks relationship of prior use are described in detail the aims from the appearance of a clear image on the reasonable use of trademark .

  27. 涉外OEM,主要指在国外拥有商标注册权(商标权)或使用权(拥有注册商标使用权)的人,委托国内企业进行贴牌加工,产品全部回销国外的情形。

    Foreign OEM , mainly referring to the people who have rights of trademark registration in the foreign ( trademark ) or the rights to use ( it has its registered trademark rights ), commissioned by the domestic enterprises OEM , all products sold abroad .

  28. 一方面,《商标法》应充分注重商标使用对于商标权取得制度的意义,将商标使用作为商标注册的前提条件,并借鉴美国《兰哈姆法》意图使用内容。

    On the one hand , the Trademark Law should emphasize the importance of trademark usage to the acquisition system of trademark right . It should add trademark usage on registration as a condition and take example by the " intent to use " of Lanham Act .

  29. 商标所有人的权利包括对其商标的专有使用权和防止不正当竞争的权利两个方面。

    The right the owner of a trademark usually involve two sections : the exclusive right to use trademark and the right to prevent unfair competition .

  30. 国际特许经营中商标商品的平行进口造成了对特许经营人商标独占使用权的侵害。

    In international franchise , trademark goods parallel import has caused infringement of the franchisee 's exclusive right of trademark-use .