
pēn fěn
  • dusting
喷粉[pēn fěn]
  1. 基于颗粒的扩散特性和颗粒对流体湍流脉动响应的不同机理,以圆柱为模拟目标物,建立了静电喷粉沉积过程中荷电颗粒随机位移的概率密度分布函数所满足的Fokker-Planck方程。

    Based on the different mechanisms of particle 's dispersion and the response to the turbulence , a Fokker Planck equation for charged particle 's motion was established to describe the deposition velocity around a cylinder in electrostatic dusting .

  2. 利用玻片计数法测定了15×104V、3×104V、5×104V3种电压下的静电喷粉效果,并与常规喷粉效果作了比较。

    The effects of electrostatic dusting with different voltages was determined using microscope slides counting method , and was compared with the effect of normal dusting .

  3. 轻型动力触探N(10)在喷粉桩检测中的应用

    Application of the light dynamic probe n_ ( 10 ) in powder pile test

  4. 钢液RH精炼过程中的喷粉脱硫

    Desulphurization by powder injection in RH refining process of molten steel

  5. RH顶吹喷粉脱硫工艺实践

    Process Practice of Desulphurization by RH Top Blown - Powder Injection

  6. CWS型非ODS喷粉机性能与应用

    Performance and Application of Model CWS Non-ODS Powder Sprayer

  7. Ⅵ法的实质就是在RH真空脱气过程中进行钢包喷粉。

    The basis of ⅵ process is that the powder is injected into the ladle during RH vacuum degassing .

  8. 20tEBT电炉喷粉造泡沫渣试验

    Test of Making Foamed Slag With Injecting Powder in 20t EBT Electric Arc Furnace

  9. CAS-OB喷粉精炼熔池内均混时间的水模研究

    Water modeling of mixing time of CAS-OB bath with powder injection

  10. CAS-OB喷粉过程中精炼粉剂穿透行为的研究

    Study on Powder Penetration Behavior in CAS-OB Process With Powder Injection

  11. CAS-OB喷粉精炼粉剂配料计算模型

    Burdening Calculation Model of Powder Injection in CAS - OB Refining Process

  12. CAS-OB喷粉精炼温降预测模型

    Prediction model for temperature drop of steel in CAS-OB refining with powder injection

  13. 钢液RH精炼中喷粉脱硫的动力学中小型钢厂铁水喷粉脱硫试验研究

    Kinetics of desulphurization by powder injection and blowing in RH refining of molten steel study on hot metal desulphurization by powder injection at small and medium sized iron & Steel Works

  14. WPB喷粉脱硫装置的应用与改进

    Application and Improvementof WPB Spray - powder Device for Desulfuration

  15. 指出:以冶金反应工程学的观点、原理和方法深入研究钢液RH精炼喷粉脱硫过程无疑具有理论意义和实践价值。

    It was pointed out that probing into the desulphurization process by powder injection during the RH refining of liquid steel from the viewpoints , fundamentals and methods of metallurgical reaction engineering was of important theoretical meaning and practical value .

  16. 研究了RH-PTB(顶喷粉)精炼过程中钢液和粉剂颗粒间的传质特性。

    The mass transfer characteristics between powder particles and liquid steel in the RH-PTB ( Powder Top Blowing ) refining have been investigated on this model .

  17. 本文研究了RH-PTB精炼装置内喷粉操作时,各个工艺操作因素对进入钢液的粉剂的均混时间的影响。

    The highlights of the experiment results dealing mainly with the effect of various RH-PTB operating variables on the mixing time of injecting powder in molten steel are presented .

  18. 研究了在18t钢包中采用喷粉方法生产的钙系与钙硫系易切削钢中非金属夹杂物对切削性能的影响。

    The effects of non metallic inclusions on the machining properties of Ca and Ca S free machining steels , which were made in 18 t ladle by means of powder injection , were presented .

  19. 通过在18t钢包上进行的钢包密闭喷粉脱硫脱氮新工艺的试验表明:第1阶段脱硫率达到50%,脱氮率达到30%;

    Powder injection desulphurization and denitrification refining process with the ladle-cover was studied . The experimental results showed that in first stage , desulphurization ratio reached the 50 % and denitrification ratio reached the 30 % .

  20. 结果表明:LST-1在高温、快速干燥过程中性质稳定,适用于洗衣粉高塔喷粉前配料工艺。

    The experimental results show that LST-1 is stable in quick and high temperature spray drying and is suitable for using in the detergent slurry preparation for spray drying tower process .

  21. 通过冷态和热态试验、研究转炉底喷粉剂的输送特性,初步认为:喷粉压力应大于0.5MPa;

    T is demonstrated through cold and hot state tests on the characteristics of feeding the bottom injectant for the converter that the pressure for powder injection shall exceed 0.5 mpa ;

  22. WG公司炼钢生产所用WPB喷粉脱硫装置系从国外引进设备,与RH真空脱气设备配套使用,可对钢包内的钢水进行深脱硫处理。

    The WPB spray-powder is a device for desulfuration which is used by the WG Corp. , it is an equipment introduced from abroad and used in company with the RH vacuum de-gas equipment , it can make deeper desulfuration for the molten steel of the ladle .

  23. 对CAS-OB喷粉精炼工艺的粉剂穿透比进行了理论分析及实验测定,研究了固气比、喷枪插入深度、粉剂粒度和喷嘴出口角度等参数对粉剂穿透行为的影响规律。

    The powder-penetration ratio of the powder injection in CAS-OB process was studied by theoretical analysis and experimental measurement . The effect of solid-gas ratio , nozzle depth , particle size and nozzle angle on powder-penetration behavior were experimentally investigated .

  24. 对轻型动力触探N10检测喷粉桩加固软弱地基的成桩质量判断标准及成桩类别划分进行了初步的探索.并在实际检测中进行了应用。

    This paper discusses the determination standard of pile quality and pile classification in a case study of which the light dynamic probe N10 is applied to check the Powder piles which are used to consolidate the weak ground foundation .

  25. 不同电压下静电喷粉沉积效果的比较试验

    Study on effects of electrostatic dusting by using different high voltages

  26. 喷粉闭路回收系统设计初探

    Preliminary discussion on Design of closed recycle system for powder coatings

  27. 水泥喷粉深层搅拌桩桩头下沉问题分析及处理

    Analysis and treatment of sinking pile-head of cement dusting deep mixed-pile

  28. 铝液静置炉喷粉精炼装置设计

    The design of the dust refiner of Al solution stewing furnace

  29. 铁水连续脱硫技术评析铁水沟喷粉连续脱硫工业试验

    Industrial test of continuous desulphurization of hot metal in casthouse runner

  30. 静电喷粉颗粒沉积速度的实验研究

    Laser Doppler Velocimetry Measurements of Particle Deposition Velocity in Electrostatic Dusting