
  • 网络sniff;niffler
  1. 也许,嗅嗅和匆匆一直就是这样做的。

    Maybe that 's what Sniff and Scurry had been doing .

  2. 嗅嗅和匆匆会心地笑了,并且赞许地点了点头。

    Sniff and Scurry laughed . They nodded their heads in admiration .

  3. 一天早上,当嗅嗅和匆匆到达奶酪C站时,发现这里已经没有奶酪了。

    One morning they arrived at Cheese Station C and discovered there was no cheese .

  4. 他嗅嗅他的袜子-看看是否要洗。

    He sniffed his socks to see if they needed washing .

  5. 不管什么时候我家狗看见生人就嗅嗅。

    My dog always sniffs at strangers whenever it sees them .

  6. 随着时间的推移,嗅嗅和匆匆继续着他们一成不变的生活。

    As time went on , Sniff and Scurry continued their routine .

  7. 嗅嗅是什么别问了

    What 's a Niffler ? Don 't ask .

  8. 一头雄从地洞里钻出来,嗅嗅周围的空气。

    A male badger came out of its den and snuffed the air .

  9. 小乖乖,给我好好地嗅嗅,他们可能正藏在某个角落里呢。

    Sniff around , my sweet , they might be lurking in a corner .

  10. 有时,唧唧会想像出嗅嗅和匆匆已经找到了奶酪并正在享用它们的情景。

    Sometimes , Haw would imagine Sniff and Scurry finding New Cheese and enjoying it .

  11. 嗅嗅冲唧唧点了点头,表示欢迎,匆匆则朝他挥了挥爪子。

    Sniff welcomed Haw with a nod of his head , and Scurry waved his paw .

  12. 我能嗅嗅你的气息吗?

    Can I smell your breath ?

  13. 他还提醒自己,如果嗅嗅和匆匆能不断前行,那么自己也能做到!

    Then he reminded himself , if Sniff and Scurry could move on , so could he !

  14. 现在我终于明白了,这一切后果归咎于我的家人都不是嗅嗅和匆匆,我们就像哼哼。

    I can see now that instead of being like Sniff and Scurry , we were like Hem .

  15. 学生们叫道。它一路小跑过来,友好地嗅嗅他们,欢迎他们来到它的草坪。

    They called , as he trotted over , welcoming them to his turf with a friendly sniff .

  16. 当嗅嗅和匆匆已经在迅速行动的时候,哼哼和唧唧还在那里不停地哼哼唧唧、犹豫不决。

    While Sniff and Scurry had quickly moved on , Hem and Haw continued to hem and haw .

  17. 我们的嗅嗅能够敏锐地嗅出市场的变化,以便我们以有够及时调整公司的战略。

    Our Sniffs could sniff our changes in the marketplace , so they helped us update our corporate vision .

  18. 常见西方的旅者嗜奇地嗅嗅这有浓烈气味的东西,对于过去的历史没多少人记起。

    We often see curious western travelers sniffing at these aromatic little blossoms , apparently oblivious to their past .

  19. 他慢慢走到饲料槽那里,用鼻子嗅嗅看看午饭时是否遗漏了什么东西。

    He walked slowly to his food trough and sniffed to see if anything had been overlooked at lunch .

  20. 唧唧相信他从他的老鼠朋友嗅嗅和匆匆那里,学到了一些有用的东西&不畏惧改变,勇往直前。

    He knew he had learned something useful about moving on from his mice friends , Sniff and Scurry .

  21. 而且你和我明天也得早起去找我的嗅嗅所以

    And besides , you and I will need to be up early tomorrow morning to find my Niffler , so ...

  22. 嗅嗅和匆匆仍旧每天都起得很早,然后沿着相同的路线跑进迷宫中。

    Sniff and Scurry continued to wake early every day and race through the Maze , always following the same route .

  23. 我看到了嗅嗅、匆匆、哼哼和唧唧,每一种角色都需要区别对待。

    I began to see that the Sniffs , Scurrys , Hems , and Haws each needed to be treated differently .

  24. 小老鼠嗅嗅和匆匆,总是运用简单低效的办法反复尝试寻找奶酪。

    Sniff would smell out the general direction of the cheese , using his GREat nose , and Scurry would race ahead .

  25. 终于,唧唧睁开了眼睛,朝周围看了看说:顺便问一下,嗅嗅和匆匆现在在那里?

    Finally , Haw opened his eyes , looked around and said , By the way , where are Sniff and Scurry ?

  26. 当哼哼和唧唧还在争执着试图决定该怎么办的时候,嗅嗅和匆匆忙已经在很顺利地做他们的事情了。

    While Hem and Haw were still trying to decide what to do , Sniff and Scurry were already well on their way .

  27. 但是不管怎样,这四个家伙&嗅嗅与匆匆,哼哼和唧唧都以他们各自的方式不懈地追寻着他们想要得到的东西。

    Nonetheless , Sniff ; Scurry , Hem and Haw all discovered , in their own way , what they were looking for .

  28. 我还要问我的孩子们,我像故事中的谁嗅嗅、匆匆,还有哼哼和唧唧他们又觉得自己像谁。

    I 'll ask my children who they think I am Sniff , Scurry , Hem or Haw and who they feel they are .

  29. 眼前的景象太壮观了,他犹豫了一会儿,不能肯定这是否是真的,或许这只是他的幻觉。直到他看见了他的老朋友&嗅嗅和匆匆,他才相信这一切是真的。

    Then he wondered for a moment whether it was real or just his imagination , until he saw his old friends Sniff and Scurry .

  30. 一旦长大,你就会变得很忙。所以我希望你能尽情地去嗅嗅所有的花朵,把你喜欢的叶子都放进小桶里。

    You will be busy when you 're older , so I hope you take time to smell all the flowers and put all the leaves you want in your bucket now .