
  • 网络Jialingjiang Formation
  1. 四川盆地南部嘉陵江组烃源研究

    Study on hydrocarbon sources of Lower Triassic Jialingjiang Formation in south of Sichuan Basin , China

  2. 地壳波浪运动对四川盆地嘉陵江组油气的控制作用

    The Crustal-Wave Movement as a Control over the Oil and Gas of Jialingjiang Formation in Sichuan Basin

  3. 随着MLC、YB、TFC、MJP等中~小型整装气田的发现,使嘉陵江组成为蜀南地区新的勘探重点。

    With the discovery of middle or small-scale equipped gas field like Mlc field , Yb , Tf field , Mjp etcs , make jialingjiang group become new exploration focal point on Sichuan Province south district .

  4. 川东地区嘉陵江组四段膏盐岩分布的沉积环境分析

    Sedimentary Environment Analysis on T_1j_4 Gypsum-salt Rock in Eastern Sichuan Basin

  5. 四川南部嘉陵江组碳酸盐岩气层识别方法

    The Identifiable Method of the South Sichuan Jialingjiang Group Carbonate Gas Layer

  6. 四川盆地下三叠统嘉陵江组储层成岩作用研究

    Research on diagenesis of Jialing River formation , lower Triassic in Sichuan Basin

  7. 因此利用深浅双测向反演技术探索性地对嘉陵江组储层的渗透性进行了研究。

    Utilize inversion technique of LLd and LLs to research reservoir permeability in jialingjiang group .

  8. 宜宾潜伏构造嘉陵江组气藏滚探井井身结构完井方法与改造措施

    Wellbore structure , completion methods and stimulations of rolling exploratory well in Yibin Jialingjiang reservoir

  9. 获得了适合本区嘉陵江组储层流体性质判别的方法;

    The identification of Jialingjiang Group reservoirs fluid properties adapted to this area is achieved ;

  10. 泸州古隆起嘉陵江组油气运聚规律与成藏

    Oil and gas migration and accumulation and reservoir formation in Jialingjiang Formation of Luzhou paleo-uplift

  11. 嘉陵江组储层岩石具有较高的弹性模量(岩石较硬)。

    Reservoir rock in Jialingjiang Formation has higher elasticity modulus . It means that the solidness of rock is big .

  12. 此外嘉陵江组储层厚度薄是储层预测中面临的难题。

    In addition , the reservoir thin of jialingjiang group is a difficult problem when we face in predicting thickness .

  13. 大量钻探资料证明,断后的嘉陵江组碳酸盐岩对油气一般都具有较好的遮挡条件。

    Many boring data proves that carbonate of Jialingjiang Formation generally has better barrier condition for oil and gas after faulted .

  14. 四川盆地南部嘉陵江组天然气远源成藏模式

    Study on the distal gas accumulation model of the Lower Triassic Jialingjiang Formation in the south of Sichuan Basin , China

  15. 基于统计学的随机地震反演在储层预测中的应用&以蜀南某地区嘉陵江组储层预测为例

    Application of statistics-based seismic stochastic inversion to reservoir prediction & in case of reservoir prediction of Jialingjiang formation in South Sichuan

  16. 建议盆地西南边缘地区勘探以三叠系嘉陵江组气藏为主。

    It has been advised that Jialingjiang Formation is the main prospecting formation in the southwestern edge area of Sichuan Basin .

  17. 针对嘉陵江组储层高含水饱和度、低电阻率的特点,用多种方法组合对储层进行流体性质判别研究。

    Many kinds of method are applied to identifiy the reservoir fluid property for the characteristics of low resistivity and high water saturation .

  18. 分析认为:嘉陵江组天然气是混源气,烃源条件充足;

    By the analysis , it is considered that the gas in Jialingjiang Formation is composed of the mixed source with abundant source rock ;

  19. 分布于赣西北地区的三叠系嘉陵江组,以往虽未获充分的化石资料,但长期以来把它划归中三叠统。

    The Jialingjiang Formation distributed in northwestern Jiangxi has long been assigned to the Middle Triassic though no adequate fossil data have been obtained .

  20. 三叠系嘉陵江组、二叠系和石炭系的天然气普遍具有同位素倒转现象,认为这是由于天然气混合作用的结果。

    The gas of Triassic Jialingjiang formation , Permian and Carboniferous is generally of isotope reversal phenomenon , which is caused by gas hybridization .

  21. 通过分析不稳定试井曲线类型,用动态的方法认识地质特征,为四川盆地宜宾嘉陵江组气藏的勘探和开发提供一些帮助。

    Analysis of the well test curves and recognition of the geology characteristics using dynamic methods are benefit for further exploration and development in this areas .

  22. 以麻柳场构造嘉陵江组气藏为实例,运用主曲率法对其嘉二3、嘉四3两储层的裂缝发育情况进行了预测。

    With the Jialingjiang group Reservoir as a case , we predict Jia ~ 3_2 and Jia ~ 3_4 two zones ' fracture distributing using this method .

  23. 川中地区磨溪&龙女寺构造带下三叠统嘉陵江组天然气的成藏机理一直是一个悬而未解的问题。

    The accumulation mechanism of natural gas is still an unsolved problem in the Lower Triassic Jialingjiang Formation of Moxi-Longn ü si area in the middle of Sichuan Basin .

  24. 四川盆地南部地区嘉陵江组中具有较大天然气储量的气井在天然气组分上与储量较小的微气井有明显差异,前者天然气以高成熟的甲烷为主。

    There is the difference in the gas composition between the commercial wells and the non-commercial wells in the Jialingjiang Formation , Lower Triassic in the south of Sichuan Basin .

  25. 按形成方式和形态,嘉陵江组断层圈闭可分为6类,总勘探成功率达70.5%。

    Based on form types and shapes , fault traps in Jialingjiang Formation can be de-vided into six types and their success ratio of exploration reaches 70 . 5 % .

  26. 研究区地质岩性为三叠纪嘉陵江组和大冶组灰岩,而且分布广泛,沉积厚度大。

    Geology lithological character of the research area is for the Triassic Period Jialing River group with Daye group calcareous rock , moreover distributes widely , the deposit thickness is big .

  27. 嘉陵江组沉积时期,受盆地东南部台缘滩限制,总体上为局限海~蒸发潮坪沉积环境。

    During the deposition of Jialingjiang formation , through the restriction of Platform margin beach in southeast of Sichuan basin , overall , it is limited sea ~ evaporation tidal-flat sedimentary environment .

  28. 为油气资源评价提供测井分析方法基础;为嘉陵江组的油气勘探提供合理有效的见解;

    The base of logging analytic methods for resource appraisement of oil and gas , and it offered rational and valid opinions for exploration of oil and gas in Jialing River Group .

  29. 通过研究,总结出了一套针对蜀南地区嘉陵江组储层的识别及预测技术,预测成果经后续钻井证实与已知的地质认识符合较好。

    Through study , summarize one set of identify and prediction technology of reservoir on Jialingjiang group Sichuan Province south area , through well drilling verify that predict achievement is better accord with known geology .

  30. 圈闭类型为岩性圈闭、构造圈闭及其组合。(4)现今嘉陵江组气藏的形成经历了古油藏→古气藏→现今气藏的演化过程。

    The type of trap is lithology trap or structure trap or their combination . ( 4 ) The gas pools ' formation of Jialingjiang formation today experienced ancient oil pool → ancient gas pool → present gas pool .