
  • 网络tuk-tuk;Tuk Tuk;tuk-tuks;auto-rickshaw;tuktuk
  1. 途中,游客常常会发现自己在一个莫名其妙的地方停了下来,那是因为嘟嘟车司机带他们走的弯路上碰巧有可以赚外快佣金的商店。

    Tourists often find themselves delivered to an extra , unexpected stop en route as tuk tuk drivers attempt to get a cut of commission at stores where they happen to take a detour .

  2. 游览暹粒时最常用的就是人力车(当地人称之为“嘟嘟车”),但是我却冒险像很多欧洲游客一样选择了骑自行车。

    The most common way to get around Siem Reap is to hop on rickshaws ( the locals call them Tuk Tuk ) , but I ventured out on a bike like many Europeans .

  3. 但当你到达那里时,你应该避开那些装满垃圾的卡车和嘟嘟车的障碍

    But to reach there , you must dodge between the trucks overpacked with garbage and slalom between the tuk-tuks ,

  4. 也有其他公司加入到为通勤者提供便利的队伍中来,包括专做早餐的公司Belvita,该公司让上班族免费搭乘嘟嘟车,车上还配备免费点心。

    Other companies to have offered commuters special offers include breakfast company Belvita which offered workers free rides in Tuk Tuks with complimentary snacks .

  5. 颜色鲜艳的三轮嘟嘟车在曼谷快速穿梭,将乘客都塞入其后排座位,和疯狂的交通作斗争,在高温、潮湿和污染中横冲直撞。

    Brightly colored , three-wheeled tuk tuks beetle about Bangkok , cramming passengers into their covered back seats as they battle insane traffic and hurtle about in the heat , humidity , and pollution .

  6. 没耐心的司机驾驶着这些生了锈的、加大了马力的高尔夫球车从一条小巷猛冲到另一条小巷,几乎无视笨重的巴士、雷鸣般的卡车、以及如蚊子舰队般众多的其他嘟嘟车的存在。

    The impatient drivers of these rusting , souped-up golf carts hurtle from one lane of traffic to another , barely registering the presence of lumbering buses , thundering trucks , and the mosquito fleets of other tuk tuk drivers .