
qì yuè qǔ
  • composition for an instrument;instrumental
  1. 无词歌(songswithoutwords)是按照歌曲体裁和形式特点写作的小型器乐曲,常有一个歌唱性的旋律,配以抒情歌曲常用的伴奏音型。

    A song without words is a kind of minor instrumental music composed with characteristic of the type and form of songs . It has a singing melody with an accompaniment figure , which is always used in lyric songs .

  2. 曲中不乏伊诺式的悦耳魅力:低诉的弦乐与钟声般的键盘能将“死神和他所有朋友”都关在门外;而纯器乐曲《LifeinTechnicolor》的音色,则像从一个长金属管的末端中发出的绝响。

    There are Eno touches that catch the ear : the chattering strings and bell-like keyboards that close out " Death and All His Friends , " or the timbre of the instrumental " Life in Technicolor , " which sounds like it 's emanating from the end of a long metal tube .

  3. 这只是一段器乐曲,根本没有声乐部分。

    It 's just an instrumental-there are no vocals at all .

  4. 五首中国传统器乐曲改编的手风琴作品研究

    The Analysis of Five Accordion Composition Adapted from Chinese Traditional Music

  5. 此曲是河北民间器乐曲中具有代表性的作品之一。

    This tune is a representative piece of Hebei folk instrumental music .

  6. 论我国民间器乐曲中常用的旋律发展手法

    A Probe on Common-used Melody Developing Skills of China Folk Instrument Music

  7. 他既谱写声乐曲也谱写器乐曲。

    He composed both vocal and instrumental music .

  8. 第二部分从两个方面论述了由器乐曲改编的中国钢琴曲的概貌:(一)论述中国钢琴改编曲产生的历史背景、原因及发展;

    Part II gives an outline introduction to Chinese piano arrangement from two aspects .

  9. 传统器乐曲改编的五首中国钢琴曲分析与研究

    The Analysis and Research of Five Pieces of Chinese Piano Music Transcribed from Traditional Music

  10. 这种“循环体”结构在中国器乐曲中相当普遍。

    This type of " cyclical " movement is fairly common in Chinese instrumental music .

  11. 科雷利与巴洛克早期器乐曲

    Corelli And Baroque Early Instrumental Music

  12. 这首器乐曲编得特别细致。

    The instrumentation is particularly fine .

  13. 轻音乐会掩盖周围的环境噪音,特别是器乐曲。

    The calming music , drowns out environmental noise , especially if it 's mostly instrumental .

  14. 小型器乐曲与室内乐,这个类别包括中外各类乐器的独奏曲和重奏曲。

    Small-scale Instrumental Music & Chamber Music , this category includes Chinese and foreign solo and group instrumental music .

  15. 在这几年当中,他开始作曲,主要是器乐曲,即管弦乐作品,但也创作了几首歌曲。

    He began to compose in these years , mostly instrumental or orchestral compositions but also a few songs .

  16. 其创作作品广泛有交响乐、器乐曲、声乐曲、清唱剧等等。

    Its creation works widely have symphony , composition for instrument , sound music , oratorio and so on .

  17. 民族器乐曲标意性标题对创作表演和欣赏的积极作用

    About the Positive Roles of the Caption Titles of the Chinese Instrumental Music on Musical Creation , Performance and Appreciation

  18. 由声乐曲衍变成器乐曲是民族民间器乐曲发展的重要方面。

    It was an important way to develop the Chinese traditional instrumental pieces that derived them from the vocal ones .

  19. 根据传统器乐曲改编钢琴曲探索民族化的钢琴音乐语言

    According to Traditional Piano Pieces for the Piano Music , Language Exploration Nationalization ; Scored for violin , viola and cello

  20. 第四部分从五个方面论述了由器乐曲改编的中国钢琴曲的意义:(一)人们对于中国钢琴改编曲认识、观念方面有意义的变化;

    The last part refers to the significance of Chinese piano arrangement from five aspects : the significant change of public view on it ;

  21. 湖北民间器乐曲的制曲思维&民器集成湖北卷编辑拾零论我国民间器乐曲中常用的旋律发展手法

    My Thoughts On The Instrumental Music Formed In Hubei Province In China A Probe on Common-used Melody Developing Skills of China Folk Instrument Music

  22. 掌握管子、唢呐和笛子的演奏技巧,学会了大量的河北吹歌器乐曲。

    He mastered the tube , suona and bamboo flute playing skills , and learned a large amount of instrumental music of Hebei Blowing Songs .

  23. 琵琶名曲《海青拿天鹅》是作于元代的一首反映我国北方少数民族狩猎生活的器乐曲。

    The Pipa masterpiece in music " Hai Qing Hunting the Swan " is a musical piece reflecting the hunting life of the Northern Minorities of China in Yuan Dynasty .

  24. 其中,根据传统器乐曲改编的钢琴曲以其浓郁的民族风格和气质确立了其在中国钢琴音乐创作中的重要地位。

    Among of them , some music compositions which were transcribed from traditional music depending on their own evident national style have taken an important place in Chinese piano music .

  25. 每一首作品都从调式调性、曲式结构、创作特征、表现内容等方面,对民族器乐曲及改编后的钢琴曲进行了细致地分析,指明了二者的联系与区别。

    The relations and differences between the national instrumental and piano arrangement are indicated by the analysis of the mode and tonality , structure of musical forms , composition features and content .

  26. 并对采录音乐做音乐形态分析,从经韵曲与器乐曲两个方面进行分析,以总结泰山道教音乐之规律。

    In addition , the musical form of the collected and recorded music was analyzed from two aspects namely rhythmic music and instrumental music in order to summarize laws of Taoist music in Mt. Taishan .

  27. 弹唱音乐与纯器乐曲乐相比有自己的特点。比如,要注意面部表情、弹唱配合、情景交融等等。

    Ballad compare with pure instrument music which has its specialties . For example , should pay attention to the facial expressions , the match of playing and singing , the integration of feelings and moods .

  28. 本文以五首具有代表性的传统器乐曲改编的手风琴作品为研究对象,分析探讨其创作手法和演奏特点,肯定此类乐曲在中国手风琴音乐中的艺术价值。

    Focusing the study on the five chosen pieces of the most representative adapted music , this article aims to analyze their composing style and performing characteristic , hence to strengthen the artistic value in the development Chinese accordion music .

  29. 而中国音乐也经历了对外来音乐的照搬和模仿、器乐曲的尝试性创作、音乐理论探索、器乐的普及与盛行等几个阶段。

    Chinese music experienced several stages like the copy and imitation of the foreign music , trial compositions for instruments , the exploration of the music theories , the widespreading and the popularizing of the instrumental music and so on .

  30. 由器乐曲改编的中国钢琴曲素以浓郁的民族韵味、鲜明的时代特征和深刻的美学内涵打动每一位听者,在国际乐坛上也具有一定的影响力,可谓是中国钢琴改编曲中的佼佼者。

    There 's no doubt that this kind of arrangement is the best in the same field of China as well as imposes great influence on international music circles because of its strong national charm , distinctive characteristics of the age and profound aesthetic connotation .