
sì shū
  • The Four Books
四书 [sì shū]
  • [The Four Books] 指《大学》、《中庸》、《论语》、《孟子》四种儒家经典

  • 贾母因问 黛玉念何书。 黛玉道:只刚念了《四书》。--《红楼梦》

四书[sì shū]
  1. 民国四书文献研究

    Studies of the Four Books Literature in the Republic of China

  2. 张岱的《四书》学与史学

    Zhang Dai 's Study of the Four Books and His Historiography

  3. 朱熹《四书》学的治学特点

    The Characteristics of Zhu Xi 's Studies on the Four Books

  4. 理学教育经典四书的确立与佛学关系探讨

    The relationship between the classical textbook the Four Books and Buddhism

  5. 理学、《四书》学与儒家文明现代科技文明的人文哲学

    Human Philosophy of the Civilization of Modern Science and Technology

  6. 宋代《四书》学的多重观念文化理性

    Multiple Conceptual Reason in Study Of The Four Books in Song Dynasty

  7. 论清初四书学中的经世思想

    The Statecraft Thought of the Four Books Learning in the Early Qing

  8. 朱熹《四书》学与儒家工夫论

    Four Books Learing of Zhu Xi and His Confucian Gong Fu Theory

  9. 儒家《四书》中的时中智慧&基于伦理学角度的分析

    Wisdom of " Timely The-Mean " in Si Shu : An Ethical Approach

  10. 清代早期《四书》就被翻译成满文。

    The book Sishu had been translated in Manchu in early Qing Dynasty .

  11. 字频视角的古文字四书分布发展研究

    On the Distribution and Development of Four Categories of Character Construction in Ancient Writings

  12. 南宋四书学的经学文化述义

    On Meaning of Classics Culture of the Study Four Books in the Southern Sung Dynasty

  13. 超验主义《日晷》英译《四书》研究的补注

    Supplements and Notes to the English Version of The Four Books in the Transcendentalist Dial

  14. 两宋时期的理学与《四书》学之间有着十分深刻的内在联系。

    There are profound connections between the philosophy and the Four Books in the Song dynasty .

  15. 在四书,它对待的内部精神生活,在仿制的耶稣基督。

    In four books it treats of the interior spiritual life in imitation of Jesus Christ .

  16. 这两种“书”被认为是另一个集合的一部分,被称为四书。

    Both of these " books " are considered part of another collection known as the Four Books .

  17. 宋代理学的逻辑&以朱熹的《四书集注》为考察文本

    Logic of Neo-Confucianism in Song Dynasty & Regarding Zhu Xi 's Connotation of Four Books as Study Text

  18. 尽管这一政策在执行过程中有所反复,四书学的内容却逐渐得以凸显。

    Although this policy oscillated during the implementation process , the content of Si-Shu was obvious day by day .

  19. 在四书学史上,元代百年是一个值得特别关注的历史时期。

    On the history of the Si-Shu-Xue , the Yuan dynasty is a period that worthy of our special attention .

  20. 《四书》修订稿本同时也是满文古籍文献研究、满语研究的重要对象之一。

    So it could be taken as one of the important objects in Manchu ancient books and Manchu language research .

  21. 论经典诠释与哲学建构之关系&以朱子对《四书》的解释为中心

    On the Relation between Interpretation of Classics and Construction of Philosophy : Centered on Zhu Xi 's Interpretation of the Four Books

  22. 《四书》是中国儒学重要的经典,一直是后人修身治学的准则。

    Four Books constitute part of significant classics in Chinese Confucianism , and have been principles for people to study and cultivate themselves .

  23. 四书是指《论语》、《孟子》、《大学》和《中庸》;

    The Four Books refers to The Great Learning , The Doctrine of the Mean , Confucian Analects and The Works of Mencius .

  24. 英译的中国儒家经典《四书》对超验主义接受中国儒家的一些思想起了至关重要的作用。

    The English version Chinese Confucian classic , the Four Books plays an essential role during the course of the reception of Confucianism by transcendentalism .

  25. 儒学原理主要包含在九本书里,这九本书共分两部分:“四书”和“五经”。

    The principles of Confucianism are mainly contained in nine Chinese works that can be divided into two groups : the Four Books and the Five Classics .

  26. 此外,对与船山四书学思想颇有关联的《船山经义》之内容和写作时间也作了细致考订。

    Moreover , the paper also expounds the content and writing time of Chuanshan 's Confucian Classics Argumentation which concerned to his thoughts on the Four Books nearly .

  27. “四书”必修课教育如果成功,兴许以后能增开新的内容,将诸子百家都加上。

    " Four Books " compulsory education , if successful , perhaps it will be brought in additional new content , will have to add hundreds of various schools .

  28. 加拉太、以弗所、腓立比和歌罗西,四书合成一组,构成新约神圣启示的(心脏)。

    The books of Galatians , Ephesians , Philippians , and Colossians form a cluster of Epistles that make up the () of the divine revelation in the New Testament .

  29. 多次造访中国,我得以收藏至为稀罕的古籍,如元明间刻本,朱熹撰写的《四书集注》。

    My many trips to China enabled me to collect such extremely rare and ancient publication as the Yuan / Ming edition of Commentaries on the Four Books by Zhu Xi .

  30. 汉唐时期的《论语》《孟子》学的发展为宋代《四书》学的形成奠定了基础。

    The Developments of the study of Confucian analects and the works of Mencius from Han to Tang dynasty is the base forming of the study of the Four Books in Song dynasty .