
sì chuān dà xué
  • Sichuan University
  1. 徐玖平,全国政协委员、四川大学工商管理学院院长

    Xu Jiuping , head of the Business School of Sichuan University

  2. 华西医院隶属于四川大学(sichuanuniversity),是中国历史最为悠久的医院之一。

    The state-owned West China Hospital , an affiliate of Sichuan University , is also one of the oldest hospitals in China .

  3. VBA将四川大学工程硕士学位论文MicrosoftOffice中的每一个应用程序都看成一个对象。

    VBA regards every application program in Microsoft office as a target .

  4. Northern印迹四川大学博士学位论文表明,八氢番茄红素脱氢酶在番红花成熟组织中柱头、雄蕊的表达强于叶和茎。

    Northern blot analysis showed higher expression level of PDS gene in the stigma and anther than in the leaf and stem .

  5. 本课题是四川大学研究和开发,应用于四川电气设备成套厂的一个MIS软件。

    The Project is a software project developed by Sichuan University and applying in Sichuan Electric Set Plant ( CDCT ) .

  6. 四川大学硕士论文(3)在对饭金件的几种展开放样方法分析比较后,开发了基于delPhi的实用饭金件自动展开CAD系统。

    After analyzing and comparing a few of spread lofting method , the utility sheet metal automatic spread CAD system is developed based on Delphi .

  7. 根据数字化设计及PDM技术,提出四川大学硕士学位论文了机床夹具数字化设计手册软件的总体方案。

    According to digitization design and PDM technology , we put forward the whole project of software for machine digitization design handbook .

  8. 方法对四川大学华西医院1980~2003年连续24年两个不同时期的1376例重症急性胰腺炎(SAP)的治疗原则、方法和结果做回顾性对比分析。

    Methods The therapeutic regimens and end results of 1376 cases of SAP in two periods from 1980 to 2003 were reviewed and analyzed .

  9. 通过神经网络模拟与传统有限元模拟结果,并结合凝固温度场的实测结果,对比分析了四川大学硕士学位论文神经网络与有限元模拟的与实测结果的相对误差与CPU时间开销。

    Resulted from neuro-optimization and FEM respectively , relative error and CPU time in simulation of temperature field of casting are discussed , combined with experimental data .

  10. 本项目是四川大学为电力系统开发的一套应用于电能计量表的质量检测数据管理的MIS软件。

    This project is a set of MIS software built by SiChuan University for electrical station of measure in order to manage the quality data of products .

  11. 四川大学华西医院继续教育学术活动EBM讲座于2006年3月22日召开

    EBM Continue Education Program was Held in West China Hospital , Sichuan University in March , 2006

  12. 目的评价四川大学华西口腔医院近年来根管治疗(RCT)的临床质量。

    Objective To evaluate the clinical quality of root canal therapy ( RCT ) in West China Dental Hospital of Sichuan University .

  13. 四川大学华西医院循证医学与临床流行病学中心与英国Cochrane中心达成长期合作协议

    Long-term Cooperative Program Between EBM and Clinical Epidemiology Center of West China Hospital of Sichuan University and UK Cochrane Centre Has Been Achieved

  14. 了解四川大学华西医院产ESBLs肺炎克雷伯氏菌和大肠埃希氏菌的TEM或SHV型ESBLs,并探讨ESBLs进化及分类关系。

    To identify TEM-type and SHV-type ESBLs encoding gene of ESBLs-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli , and to study the evolution and classification relationships of the ESBLs .

  15. 方法:用危机反应问卷和焦虑自评量表(SAS)对四川大学华西医院护理学院在校2-4年级开始接触临床护理(见习或实习)的299护士学生进行有关非典危机心理应激反应和焦虑状态调查。

    Methods : Crisis response scale and self-assessed anxiety scale were used to measure the response to psychological stress and anxiety level of 299 nurse students from West China Nursing College of Sichuan University .

  16. 健康雄性SD大鼠,二级动物,五六月龄,体质量372~418g(388.48±10.57)g,由四川大学动物研究中心提供。

    Healthy male SD rats of class II which aged between 5 to 6 months with weight of 372 to 418 grams [ mean weight ( 388.48 ± 10.57 ) g ] were provided by Animal Research Center of Sichuan University .

  17. 采用全局变量实现图形数据的交换与共享,通过ODBC接口实现与金四川大学硕士学位论文属切削数据库进行数据通信,取得本系统所需的工艺参数。

    The graphics data have been exchanged and shared by making use of whole variables . The data traffic between the system and metal cutting database has been realized by ODBC interface .

  18. 论文在理论与实践中的主要研究成果和特色如下:四川大学博士学位论文(l)对城市CNG加气站布局规划与评价方法研究体系进行了总体结构设计。

    Main research results and features of the thesis are as follows : ( 1 ) The evaluation method and evaluation system of CNG station is designed entirely .

  19. 在摩擦过程四川大学褚项I学位论文中,M一UHMwPE和LLDPE向磨擦界面转移产生的磨屑分布于摩擦界面,起到了减摩耐磨剂的作用。

    In the course of friction and wear , the debris produced by M-UHMWPE and LLDPE transfer to the worn surface exits in the contact surface , which act as anti-friction and wear-resisting agent .

  20. 结合现代企业的网络运作模式,建立基于四川大学工学硕士论文C/s和Bls相结合的PLM系统的体系结构。

    Considering the network operation status of modern enterprises , the system structure of PLMS based on the combination of C / S and B / S structure is build up .

  21. 方法随机选择2001年3月~2002年2月在四川大学华西口腔医院牙体牙髓科门诊完成RCT的1423颗患牙为研究对象,分析RCT的治疗质量及疗程情况。

    Methods 1 423 RCT teeth were finished from Mar. 2001 to Feb. 2002 in West China Dental Hospital . Root canal filling quality and treatment period of these teeth were evaluated .

  22. 目的调查四川大学华西医院分离的产超产谱β-内酰胺酶(ESBLs)肺炎克雷伯菌和大肠埃希菌的TEM型及SHV型ESBLs亚型,并探讨其分子进化规律。

    Objective To identify TEM type and SHV type ESBLs encoding genes of ESBLs producing Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli isolated from clinical species in West China Hospital of Sichuan University and study the molecular evolution of the ESBLs .

  23. 本文第一部分研究了服务质量管理的相关理论,阐述了服务质量的含义、感受服务的基本标准、服务质量的构成要素、服务产品改善性设计的概念及其四川大学2001级MBA学位论文方法。

    The first part of this thesis researches related theories on service quality management , and discusses the meaning of service quality , fundamental standards of experiencing service , factors of service quality , as well as the meaning and methods of service product improvable design .

  24. DSP-ADPCM语音采集压缩卡是四川大学图形图象研究所新研制的集语音采集和回放功能于一体的硬件设备。

    The DSP-ADPCM voice encoder is a new product of the Institute of Image and Graphics of Sichuan University , which is used for collecting and playing voices .

  25. “高分子工程”国家重点实验室·四川大学高分子研究所;

    State Key Laboratory of Polymer Materials Engineering , Sichuan University ;

  26. 四川大学建筑与环境学院;

    College of Architecture and Environment , Sichuan University ; 2 .

  27. 对四川大学会议口译培训项目的评估和再设计

    Assessing and Re-designing the Conference Interpreter Training Program of Sichuan University

  28. 最后,介绍了与融资风险衡量有关的企业债四川大学硕士学位论文券信用评级。

    At last it introduces the rating of the enterprise bonds .

  29. 主办大学:该项目主办方为四川大学。

    Host University : The program is hosted by Sichuan University .

  30. 四川大学华西医院行政楼保护性改造

    Protective retrofit in administration building of West China Hospital of Sichuan University