
sì fāng
  • square;the four directions;cubic;quadrilateral;all sides;four directions of north,south,west and east
四方 [sì fāng]
  • (1) [four directions of north,south,west and east]∶东、南、西、北四个方向,泛指各个方面

  • 凡四方之士无有不过而拜且泣者。--明. 张溥《五人墓碑记》

  • (2) [quadrilateral]∶正方形或正方体

  • 一只四方的木头匣子

四方[sì fāng]
  1. 曰南北,曰东西。此四方,应乎中。

    East , west , south and north are the four directions correspoonding to centre .

  2. 五脏应四时四方的气候变化证据

    Climatic Evidence on the Corresponding Relationships between the Five Zangs and the Four Seasons , the Four Directions

  3. 他的房间位于四方院的左侧。

    His rooms were on the left-hand side of the quad .

  4. 荨麻长有四方茎和细小茸毛。

    The stinging nettle has a square stem and little hairs .

  5. 等蛋糕温热或凉至室温时切成四方块端上桌。

    Serve the cake warm or at room temperature , cut in squares

  6. 这样可以让苹果酒再度名扬四方,成为我们重要的国酒之一。

    This could put cider back on the map as one of our great national drinks .

  7. 胜利的歌声传四方。

    Triumphant songs were heard everywhere .

  8. “江湖”过去泛指四方各地。

    The term “ rivers and lakes ” in old days meant in general all corners of the country .

  9. 四方响应。

    Response came from every quarter .

  10. 英国的大多数公路从伦敦向四方延伸

    Most of Britain 's motorways radiated from London .

  11. 她把生面团捏成四方块。

    She formed the dough into squares .

  12. 果然,不出一个月,四方贤士能人都纷纷前来求见齐桓公。

    As expected , within one month , many able and virtuous men from all places came one after another to see Huan Gong .

  13. 一天,傅显踱着四方步上街,见人就问:“看见魏三了吗?”

    One day , Fu Xian strolled on the street with measured strides and asked whomever he met : " Have you seen Wei San ? "

  14. 又有一位儒学先生,正在路上慢慢地踱着四方步。突然间天空乌云翻滚,下起了倾盆大雨。

    Another Confucian moralist was walking slowly on the road with measured strides , when black clouds suddenly rolled in the sky and heavy rain began to pour .

  15. 于是,他冒着雨退回到刚才起跑的地方,重新开始一步一步地踱起四方步来。

    Consequently , braving the rain , he returned to the place where he started running and began to walk slowly again , step by step with measured strides .

  16. 四方研究所和东英吉利亚大学的微生物基因组学教授马克·帕伦建议采用一个固有的专有名词清单来重新命名,因为B.1.617.2这样的标签不好念也不好记。

    Mark Pallen , professor of microbial genomics at the Quadram Institute and University of East Anglia , suggested alternatives that use a pre-generated list of proper nouns because labels like B.1.617.2 are so tricky to pronounce and remember .

  17. 有一位儒学先生进城去,走在大路上,弓着腰,背着手,恭恭敬敬地踱着四方步,每一步都不超过规定的角度和距离。

    There was one Confucian moralist who went to the city . On the street , he walked respectfully with measured strides , his back arched and his hands behind his back . He took every step according to the accepted angle and length .

  18. 商季子特别爱好道学,带了很多钱,游学四方,只要见到戴黄帽子的先生,就以为是道士,跪拜求教。

    Ji Zi of the Shang Dynasty was particularly fond of Taoism . He carried a lot of money with him and travelled around to fmd a teacher of Taoism . Whenever he saw a man wearing a yellow cap , he would take him as a Taoist priest and kneel down before him to ask for instructions .

  19. 第四方物流(FourthPartyLogistics-4PL)是近来非常流行的供应链新理念。

    4PL ( Fourth Party Logistics ) is the popular theory of accommodate chain .

  20. X射线粉末衍射实验确定所获BaWO4晶体的结构属于四方晶系,空间群I41/a。通过浮力法测得其密度为6.393g/cm3。

    The cell parameters of BaWO_4 crystal were measured by X-ray powder diffraction .

  21. 每个Cu离子的配位环境可以看做为一个扭曲的四方锥型结构。

    The coordination of copper (ⅱ) ion can be seen as a distorted tetragonal pyramid .

  22. 通过XRD分析,粉体与瓷片均呈四方相。

    The powder and the pieces are all tetragonal phase .

  23. 基于SOA的第四方物流信息平台的数据库研究与设计

    The Design and Research of the Fourth Party Logistics Information Platform Database Based on SOA

  24. (Gd,Ba,Fe)多元四方晶系草酸盐的生成过程和热分解

    Process of formation and thermal decomposion of tetragonal structure oxalate

  25. 四方相PZT陶瓷极化后电畴在空间取向分布的测定

    Determination of space distribution of domain orientation in polarized tetragonal PZT ceramics

  26. 化学法制备的四方相纳米Y2O3-ZrO2的X射线与Raman光谱分析

    X-ray and Raman Analysis of Tetragonal Nanometer-sized Y_2O_3-ZrO_2 Synthesized by a Chemical Method

  27. X射线衍射证实,经700℃热处理后,膜呈现四方钙钛矿的单相结构。

    X-ray diffraction reveals that after a heat treatment at 700 ℃, the film is in a single phase of tetragonal perovskite structure .

  28. XRD分析结果表明所制备的样品都生成了纯的钙钛矿结构,并且都为四方相。

    The pattern of XRD illustrated that the pure perovskite phase ( tetragonal ) had been obtained for all samples .

  29. 四方ZrO2的X射线衍射鉴定特征及定量分析中的几个问题

    Some problems and inquiry on the character and quantitatively analysis on the XRD examination of tetragonal ZrO_2

  30. 我们还研究了PT四方相区和立方相区介电常数与晶格畸变的关系。

    We also study the relation between the dielectric constant and lattice distortion of the PT tetragonal and cubic phase region .