
  • 网络Four-Star General;star general;Admiral
  1. 通常,四星上将不会被要求交代自己手腕上手表的情况。

    It 's not often a four-star general is called to account over the watch on his wrist .

  2. 他退役时为四星上将,因传奇般的英雄经历而获此最高军衔。

    He retired at the rank of four-star general , being advanced in rank for having been specially commended for heroism in combat .

  3. 在阿林顿国家公墓举行的授衔仪式上,米歇尔·霍华德在家人和其他同僚的注视下被封为四星上将。

    Michelle Howard received her fourth star at a ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery with her family and fellow servicemen looking on .

  4. 由于美国法律规定五角大楼首长至少要离开军队7年,因此国会必须一项豁免令,才能让这位退役的四星上将担任这一职务。

    Congress has to pass a waiver to allow the retired four-star general to take the job , as U.S. law requires Pentagon chiefs to be out of the military for at least seven years .

  5. 他曾在白宫担任亨利·基辛格的国家安全顾问,四年间从上校升至四星上将。

    His duties at the White House , on Henry Kissinger 's National Security Council and for Nixon , had been carried out while still under military orders and earned him a dizzy ascent , from colonel to four-star general in four years .

  6. 他是一个个子矮小,身材挺直、严肃稳重的四星海军上将。

    He was a straight austere little four-star admiral .