
  • 网络four wave mixing;fwm;DFWM
  1. 四波混频效应重新分配不同振荡线的能量从而产生多波长输出。

    FWM effect redistributes the energy of different oscillating lines and causes multi-wavelength operation .

  2. 相对于量子模型,四波混频理论给出了更加直接明显的物理规律,同时也大大节省了计算时间。

    Compared with the quantum model , the FWM model gives analytic formulas and clear physical pictures , and has the advantage of efficient computing time .

  3. 光纤四波混频对ASK调制直接检测光频分复用系统性能的影响

    Influence of Four-Wave Mixing in Fibers on the Performance of Ask Direct Detection Optical Frequency-Division Multiplexed Systems

  4. 氟化锂晶体F3~+色心四波混频研究

    Study on four-wave mixing of f_3 ~ + centers in lithium fluoride crystals

  5. SOA四波混频波长变换器的理论优化与实验研究

    Theoretical Optimization and Experiment of SOA Wavelength Converter Based on Four wave Mixing

  6. 双泵浦SOA四波混频效应全光波长变换的研究

    All-optical Wavelength Conversion Based on Four-wave Mixing in Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers with Two Pumps

  7. 等离子体中受激Raman效应引起的近简并四波混频

    Nearly degenerate four - wave mixing in plasma by stimulated Raman scattering

  8. 本文讨论了在高压H2受激喇曼散射中产生一阶斯托克斯散射的参量四波混频过程。

    The investigation of the four-wave mixing process in first Stokes scattering of SRS in H2 is presented in this paper .

  9. 有SBS场在内的四波混频过程

    Four-wave mixing effect in the existence of SBS field

  10. 研究Zn∶Eu∶LiNbO3晶体的二波耦合效应和四波混频效应。

    Two wave coupling effect and four-wave mixing effect of Zn ∶ Eu ∶ LiNbO 3 Crystal have been studied .

  11. 非相干光时延四波混频中V型三能级原子的布居弛豫量子拍的理论研究

    Theoretical studies of the quantum beats on population relaxation for V-level atoms by using time delayed four-wave mixing with incoherent light

  12. 利用半导体光放大器(SOA)的四波混频和交叉增益调制效应实现了具有任意频率响应的微波光子学滤波器。

    We also demonstrate a scheme to realize microwave photonic filters with arbitrary frequency response based on XGM and FWM in SOA .

  13. 利用SOA中的四波混频实现2.5Gb/s信号的波长变换实验

    Wavelength Converter Based on Four-wave Mixing in a Semiconductor Optical Amplifier

  14. Ce∶KNSBN光折变类光纤简并四波混频特性研究

    Properties of Degenerate Four-Wave Mixing with Ce ∶ KNSBN Photorefractive Fiber-Like Crystal

  15. Brillouin增强四波混频相位共轭激光器的基本物理特性

    Elementary physical properties of a Brillouin enhanced four wave mixing phase conjugate laser

  16. DWDM系统非简并四波混频串扰的分析

    Analysis of non-degenerate four-wave-mixing crosstalk in DWDM system

  17. 利用光析晶体Fe1L1NbO3四波混频实时实现图象微分

    Real-time image differentiation with four-wave mixing of photorefractive crystals fe : l_in_bo_3

  18. 长腔DFB半导体激光器非简并四波混频波长转换效率

    Efficiency of nondegenerate four-wave mixing in a long-cavity DFB laser diode

  19. DFB半导体激光器的非简并四波混频理论分析

    Theoretical analysis of highly nondegenerate Four-Wave Mixing in DFB laser

  20. 基于SOA附加双折射效应的交叉偏振调制,与交叉增益调制、交叉相位调制和四波混频等非线性效应一样,可以为SOA开拓出新的应用天地。

    Like other nonlinear effects such as cross-gain modulation , cross-phase modulation and four-wave mixing , cross-polarization modulation has opened up a new application field of SOAs .

  21. 论文的第二部分研究BEC物质波的四波混频。

    The second part of the thesis studies the four-wave mixing of BEC matter waves .

  22. InGaAsP半导体激光器中的近简并四波混频

    Nearly degenerate four-wave mixing in InGaAsP semiconductor lasers

  23. 对InGaAsP半导体激活层中的近简并四波混频进行了理论分析和数值计算。

    Nearly degenerate four-wave mixing in InGaAsP semiconductor active layers is analyzed and calculated .

  24. 首先,介绍了光纤中四波混频基本理论,并且推导出了符合MF的相位匹配公式。

    The basic theory of four-wave mixing in fiber is presented , and the phase matching expressions are deduced .

  25. 本文研究等离子体中由于受激Raman散射激发起来的电子等离子体波引起的近简并四波混频。

    This paper studies the nearly degenerate four-wave mixing in plasma which is caused by the electron plasma wave excited via the process of stimulated Raman scattering .

  26. 实验中,我们提出了利用SOA的四波混频效应产生了多条梳状谱线,然后用可编程滤波器对每条谱线的强度和相位进行操作,从而使输出波形的形状发生改变。

    In the experiment , we use FWM in SOA to generate spectral comb lines . The amplitude and phase of each line are adjusted by a programmable optical filter .

  27. 第三,首次提出并实验研究了基于半导体光放大器(SOA)的四波混频效应的单泵浦(pump)光OFDM的波长变换系统。

    We have theoretically and experimentally investigated all optical wavelength conversion of optical OFDM based on single pump four-wave mixing in a semiconductor optical amplifier ( SOA ) for the first time .

  28. LiNbO3:Fe晶体中光感应四波混频光散射

    Light-induced four-wave mixing and scattering rings in LiNbO_3 : Fe crystals

  29. 氩气的匹配对钠原子近4D能级双光子共振参量四波混频的影响

    The influences of matching magnitude of argon on the parametric four-wave mixing near 4D two-photon resonance in sodium vapor

  30. 用简并四波混频对聚[3'-甲基-4'-二(N,N-氧亚乙基)胺基-4-硝基偶氮苯癸二酰]薄膜三阶非线性光学性质、光信息储存及光致异构过程的研究

    The thrid-order nonlinear optical property , photo-induced isomerization process and optical information storage in poly [ 3 ' - methyl-4 ' - bis ( n , n-oxyethylene ) amino-4-nitro azobenzene sebacoyl ] film by degenerate four-wave mixing