
  1. 人物驭龙与四鸟绕日的释读

    Exegesis of Two Jades of Character Driving the Dragon and Four Birds Circling the Sun

  2. 她画了四颗鸟蛋,而不是展示出蜂鸟巢中往往只有两颗鸟蛋。

    And instead of showing just the typical pair of eggs in a hummingbird nest , she painted four .

  3. 北戴河是世界四大观鸟胜地之一。

    Beidaihe is one of the world 's four major bird-watching spots .

  4. 他的四只小知更鸟住在里面。

    His four baby robins lived in it .

  5. 结果是,事实上,在溪流边缘的森林里面住着比远离溪流地区四倍多的鸟。

    It turns out there were actually four times as many bird pairs or couples living in the stream edge habitat compared to the area away from the stream ,

  6. 后来我又观看,看见另有一兽,相似豹子,有四个头,背上有四只鸟的翅膀,且赐给了它统治权。

    After this I beheld , and lo , another like a leopard , and it had upon it four wings as of a fowl , and the beast had four heads , and power was given to it .