
  • 网络return to the city
  1. 拓宽设计理念让自然回归城市

    Widen design ideas and let nature return the city

  2. 让环保摩托回归城市市场

    Let Environmentally Friendly Motorcycles Return to the Urban Market

  3. 注重人文教育,呼唤传统回归城市异乡人的现代性认同与传统回归

    Much Account Is Made of Humanities Education with Appeal to the Return of Tradition Identity with Modernity and Regression to Tradition of Strangers in City

  4. 滨水地区的重建和开发已经成为世界性的课题;滨水区的建设与城市地位、竞争力和城市形象息息相关;让滨水地区重新回归城市成为大势所趋。

    Waterfront district reconstruction and development has become a worldwide phenomenon , the construction and urban waterfront status , competitiveness and city image contact together . " Let the waterfront region return to city " become the trend of The Times .

  5. 我们正以前所未有的速度回归到城市当中。

    We are returning to urban areas at an unprecedented rate .

  6. 发展与回归&城市发展中的公共艺术理念

    Development and Retrospect : on the Conceptions of Public Art in the Urban Development

  7. 城市管理综合执法的执法权力与执法相对人的权利平衡是建立在城市社会的整体利益基础上的,最终又回归于城市社会的整体利益。

    Urban management comprehensive law enforcement and the right of counterparts have something to do with city benefit .

  8. 城市土地商品属性的回归、城市房地产市场的兴起、城市土地资源配置中市场机制的切入,都使城市土地在制度、理论与技术上发生了深刻的变化。

    The city land commodity attribute return , the city real estate market start , in the city land resource disposition market mechanism cutting into , all caused the city land in the system , the theory and the technology has had the profound change .

  9. 多元线性回归模型在城市用水量预测中的应用

    Application of the Multiple Linear Regression in Forecasting City Water Consumption

  10. 回归诊断在城市空气质量预报中的应用研究

    An Application of Regression Diagnosis to City Air Quality Forecasting

  11. 城镇用地比例与这六种景观指数的回归分析表明城市化水平与这些指数之间有明显的相关性。

    The regression analysis shows that there are significant correlations between the urbanization and six metrics .

  12. 一是对用水人口进行预测,并运用回归理论对城市生活用水量与用水人口的关系建立模型,对城市生活用水量进行了预测;

    Firstly , the water-use population is forecasted , the model of relation between the water-use population and the urban life-water quantity is established by using regression theory , the urban life-water quantity is forecasted by using this model .

  13. 回归大自然,呼唤城市绿色空间&红太阳生态园景观设计

    Unique Natural Green Space in City & Landscape Design of Red Sun Ecological Garden

  14. 滨水生活的回归&江阴外滩城市设计解构与建构

    Trace back to the Riverside Life-Deconstruction and Construction on Urban Design of Jiangyin Bund

  15. 异化与回归:我国城市土地储备制度的正当性考辨

    Deviation or Return : A Study of the Legitimacy of Urban Land Reserve in China

  16. 本文借助偏最小二乘回归对中国部分城市保险业发展规模和水平及其经济环境进行了分析和建模。

    This article constructs a partial least square regression model to analysis economic environment factors of urban insurance development .

  17. 应用岭回归分析技术对城市儿童智商与社会环境因素关系的初步研究

    Ridge regression analysis of the correlation between the city children 's total intelligence quotient and the social environmental factors

  18. 回归分析表明,城市居民的弱关系信任低于农村居民,而普遍信任尚未建立。

    Multiple linear regression analysis shows that the citizens ' weak-relation trust degree is lower than the farmers , and their general trust has not been built .

  19. 最后线性回归模型来描述城市地价与城市规模、城市化水平、用地效益以及社会经济发展水平的相关关系,以得到它们之间具体而精确的联系。

    And then naturally concludes the exact and vivid connection between the urbane land value and the size of the city , the level of the urbanization , the benefits from the land and the development of the economy .

  20. 当代城市农业的发展是回归与复兴的历程,城市理论以及现实因素均在无形中助推着农业回归城市。

    The contemporary urban agriculture development is the historic process of regression and renaissance , urban theories as well as realistic factors imperceptibly boosted the agriculture return the city .

  21. 构建了线性回归模型和逻辑回归模型来研究城市化与非传染性疾病风险之间的关系。

    Linear and logistic regression models were constructed examining the relationship between urbanicity and chronic disease risk .

  22. 并通过建立线性回归模型和地理加权回归模型,分析城市住宅土地价格与其影响因素之间的关联性,以及城市住宅地价空间分异的原因。

    And through the establishment of linear regression models and geographically weighted regression model , it analyzes urban housing land prices and its impact the correlation between the factors and finds the reasons that cause spatial variation of urban housing land price .

  23. 三个回归模型显示出非常相似的评价结果,并与PSR模型有相似的变化趋势,表明3个回归模型预测城市生态安全的结果是可靠的。

    The three regressive models gave very close assessment results and had the similar tendency to the results of PSR model in ecological security for 8 cities in 2002.It means the three models are reliable to simulate and predict urban ecological security .