
  • Recycle;recycling;recovery
  1. 目标是对98%的生活垃圾进行回收利用。

    The objective would be to recycle 98 per cent of domestic waste

  2. 德国环保运动的影响力使得该国率先发起了回收利用更多废品的运动。

    The power of the Green movement in Germany has made that country a leader in the drive to recycle more waste materials .

  3. 所有不能再次装用的玻璃瓶子都可以被回收利用。

    All glass bottles which can 't be refilled can be recycled

  4. 这些团体现在正转而致力于大规模的回收利用工作。

    These communities are now turning to recycling in large numbers

  5. 汽车制造商使用的许多塑料制品是无法回收利用的。

    A lot of the plastics that carmakers are using cannot be recycled .

  6. 对废弃物的回收利用能够减少对垃圾场的需求,从而也有助于控制环境污染。

    Recycling also helps control environmental pollution by reducing the need for waste dumps .

  7. 回收利用是上个十年中被英国民众广泛认可的观念。

    Recycling is an issue that has come of age in Britain in the last decade .

  8. 例如,Dewalt发现,许多承包商仍保留着不能工作的旧工具,因为这些工具的采购成本很高,而且很难说它们可以回收利用。

    For instance , DeWalt discovered that many contractors were holding on to their old tools , even if they no longer worked , because they were expensive purchases and it was hard to justify bringing them in to recycle .

  9. 但对于热衷于回收利用的人们来说,这是个坏消息。

    But they have bad news for ardent5 recyclers .

  10. 因为虽然回收利用能节约资源,也是值得的,但这样做并不能大量减少二氧化碳的排放量。

    Recycling saves resources and is worthwhile , they say , but it doesn 't reduce CO2 much .

  11. 这样安排的原因是:被洗涤剂、脱落的皮肤组织以及身上洗下来的污垢污染的水很难回收利用。

    Water , which is contaminated with detergent and dirt washed from the body , will be challenging to recycle .

  12. 此举得到了各环保团体的支持,他们一直认为,除非在商品设计之初就考虑到回收利用,否则污染是不会被减少的。

    The move has been welcomed by environmental groups , who 've long-argued that pollution can never be reduced until products are designed with recycling in mind .

  13. 沼气工程中的CO2脱除和回收利用研究

    Studies on Removal of CO_2 and H_2S from Biogas and Thier Recovery

  14. 应用新技术回收利用N2O废气的设想

    Tentative Ideas for Recovering and Use of N_2O Waste Gas by New Technologies

  15. 经生化处理后,使PVC母液废水全部回收利用于循环水系统。

    Waste mother liquid was completely recycled after treatment .

  16. 实验表明,Socket缓冲区回收利用的方法可有效改善Linux网络性能。

    Test shows that the method of recycling socket buffer can improve the Linux network performance efficiently .

  17. 如何充分回收利用LNG的冷能是全世界关注的课题。

    Recycling the cold energy released during transformation is becoming a worldwide topic .

  18. 由于该渣含较高的CaO,使其中的钒难以回收利用。

    It is difficult to reclaim vanadium from the slag because its higher CaO content .

  19. 论述了辽化的精对苯二甲酸装置(PTA)的废渣回收利用方法。

    The recovery utilizing method of waste residue in PTA plant of Liaoyang Petrochemical Company was discussed .

  20. 本文主要采用阳离子交换树脂对焦化废水中NH3-N的进行吸附,使废水中的NH3-N尽可能多的富集在树脂中,为回收利用焦化废水中NH3-N提供依据。

    This paper uses cation exchange resin to adsorb NH3-N in the coking wastewater .

  21. 通过定义可回收利用Socket缓冲区的原语,并在NIC设备驱动程序中予以实现。

    In this paper , the primitives of recycling socket buffer are defined and implemented in NIC device driver .

  22. 依据研究结果,提出了采用Rankine循环和Brayton循环的方法来实现LNG物理回收利用。

    According to the results , Rankine cycle and Brayton cycle are advised to recycle LNG physical exergy .

  23. 重熔性好,TiC、VC增强颗粒无明显的衰退现象,有很好的回收利用价值。

    Their properties are good when they were smelt again , TiC , VC do not have obvious decline phenomenon , so there is very good recovery value .

  24. 由于HDS普遍含有大量的积碳和油污,国内大多采用焙烧-浸取法进行回收利用。

    Because HDS generally contain large quantities of coke and oil , mostly by domestic roasting-extraction method for recycling .

  25. 静电贴膜方法制膜工艺的失败对MCP通道表面没有明显影响,MCP可回收利用。

    However , the failing technique of electrostatic film-posting has no effect on the active channel surface , such MCPs can be rejuvenated .

  26. 由沼气发动机驱动的热泵(BHP)除能够保证一般热泵功能外,还能够充分回收利用沼气发动机的余热。

    Biogas engine-driven heat pump ( BHP ) not only has the same functions of compression heat pump , but also can utilize the waste heat recovery from biogas engine .

  27. 萃余液中的硫酸锰采用碱式氧化法回收利用,以硫酸亚铁为催化剂,MnO2的转化率可达84%,产品含量达到90%,可达到循环利用的要求。

    Using ferrous sulfate as the catalyst , the conversion ratio of manganese dioxide was 84 % , the content of manganese dioxide was 90 % , which could reach the requirement of circle utilization .

  28. 然而,MacMillan催化剂的主要缺点是催化剂用量比较大且不能回收利用,这一缺点限制了它的大规模应用。

    One of the major bottlenecks of MacMillan catalyst , however , is the low efficiency of catalyst and the difficulty in recycling of the catalyst , which may restrict its applications in large scales .

  29. 热塑性聚氨酯(TPU)具有优良的综合性能,如高强度、高弹性、高耐磨、减震能力强以及可回收利用等,是一种理想的运动防护材料。

    Thermoplastic polyurethane ( TPU ) has excellent properties , such as high strength , comprehensive strength , elasticity , wear resistance , vibration damping ability and easy to recycle , these properties make it ideal for sportsmen protection material .

  30. 燃气蒸汽联合循环发电(CCPP)技术具有很高的能源效率和温室气体减排潜力,但该项技术在中国钢铁工业煤气回收利用中尚未成熟。

    Combined Cycle Power Plant has very high energy efficiencies and the potential of reducing Green House Gases , but it is still immature in the field of utilizing excess gases in steel industry in China .