
huí zú
  • the Hui nationality
回族 [huí zú]
  • [the Hui nationality] 中国少数民族之一,主要分布在宁夏、甘肃、河南、河北、青海、山东、云南、安徽、新疆和辽宁

回族[huí zú]
  1. PCR-SSP方法对西北地区回族NA抗原基因分型

    Typing of NA Gene in the Hui Nationality in North west China by PCR SSP

  2. 西北地区盐渍土中抗动物病原菌的拮抗放线菌筛选PCR-SSP方法对西北地区回族NA抗原基因分型

    Screening of Antagonistic Actinomycetes against Animal Pathogen from Saline Soil of Northwest Typing of NA Gene in the Hui Nationality in North west China by PCR SSP

  3. 宁夏回族人群X染色体10个短串联重复序列位点的遗传多态性调查

    An investigation for genetic polymorphisms of 10 STR loci on chromosome X of Chinese Hui nationality population in Ningxia region of China

  4. 目的:通过NA基因分型,了解中国西北地区回族人群NA基因多态性。

    Objective : To understand the neutrophil antigen ( NA ) gene polymorphism in the Hui nationality in North west China by typing of NA gene .

  5. 本研究通过对宁夏地区回族和汉族群体遗传结构的研究,分析宁夏地区回族和汉族群体部分STR多态位点的遗传多态性分布特征和宁夏地区回族和汉族群体遗传结构的特征。

    Analyse genetic polymorphism in some STR loci and genetic structure in Hui and Han population in Ningxia .

  6. 扣手R型出现率回族为49.78%,汉族为48.42%;男性为26.73%,女性为22.28%。

    The frequency of R type in hand-clasping in Hui nationality was 49.78 % , that of Han nationality was 48.42 % , that of male was 26.73 % , and that of female was 22.28 % ;

  7. 同时,根据社区社会工作的基本原则,分析X回族社区工作的不足及原因,提出切实可行的对策建议,为西安少数民族社区工作提供经验借鉴。

    At the same time , according to the basic principles of community work , problems and reasons analysis of X Hui community work , put forward feasible suggestions , provide the experience to the Xi ' an minority community work .

  8. 宁夏回族人群食管癌易感性与HLA-DRB1及DQB1等位基因多态性的关联研究

    Association Study of Polymorphisms of HLA-DRB1 、 DQB1 in Genetic Susceptibility to Esophageal Cancer in NingXia Hui Population

  9. 方法收集宁夏地区回族中老年人KOA患者290人456例膝,按是否礼拜分为礼拜组与非礼拜组。

    Methods 456 knee from 290 KOA patients of middle-old age in Ningxia were collected and were divided into two groups by weather going to church .

  10. 宁夏回族自治区总面积5.18万km2。以1997年、1998年的TM数据为信息源,结合实地验证,建立了风蚀区土壤侵蚀强度分级遥感解译标志。

    The total area of NingXia municipality is 5 . 18 × 104km2 . Based on TM data of 1997 and 1998 and investigation , the explanation signs on remote sensing were studied .

  11. 从吉布森在1966年退休后,与约翰回族一起,麦卡蒂买Bigsby公司。

    After retiring from Gibson in1966 , McCarty , along with John Huis , bought the Bigsby company .

  12. 2005年3月1日,宁夏回族自治区中卫市某镇养鸡大户饲养的1500只(150d)蛋鸡陆续发生腹泻、死亡。

    On March 1,2005 , in Zhongwei town , a peasant household raised 1500 chicken of 150 days , which began to have diarrhoea and die .

  13. 目的比较宁夏地区回族礼拜、不礼拜人群膝关节骨性关节炎(KOA)患者的病变程度在X线片上表现的差异,探讨回族KOA与礼拜的相关性。

    Objective To compare the difference of Xray between the church goer 's group and the not church goer 's group in Ningxia moslem which were diagnosed as knee osteoarthritis ( KOA ) and to explore the relationship whether they went to church .

  14. 应用成本效益分析法对宁夏回族自治区固原市某10kV中压配电网的12套开关配置方案进行评估,得出了最优方案,验证了该方法的工程实用性。

    The paper presented 12 switching device schemes for a medium voltage power distribution networks in Guyuan , Ningxia , assessed the schemes with the cost-benefit analysis and obtained the best schemes . The engineering applicability and correctness are verified by the case .

  15. 临夏回族自治州34302份急诊病历初步分析

    Preliminary Analysis of 34302 Emergency Cases in Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture

  16. 回族话形成的民族语言基础

    On National Language Basis of the Language Spoken by Hui Nationality

  17. 回族经济、文化较发达,其独特的文化是中华文明的重要组成部分。

    Its particular culture is the important part of Chinese civilization .

  18. 黑龙江新式回族教育述略

    Brief Description about the Modern Education of the Hui in Heilongjiang

  19. 社会变迁中的回族文化模式及文化走向

    Culture Hui Nationality culture pattern and direction in the changing society

  20. 宁夏回族自治区贺兰山地区硅藻分布

    A research on diatom-flora in Helan mountains , ningxia Autonomous Region

  21. 婚俗的阐释性分析&一个回族村的法人类学观察

    An Explanatory Analysis on the Marriage Custom of the Hui Nationality

  22. 元代回族诗人萨都剌与道教

    Sa Du La-A Hui Poet and Taoism in the Yuan Dynasty

  23. 但是,回族在发展经济方面又有独特的优势。

    However , it has its particular advantages for economic development .

  24. 宁夏回族苯硫脲尝味能力的测定

    Determination of PTC Tasting Ability in the Hui Nationality of Ningxia

  25. 宁夏回族遗传病调查分析

    Analysis of hereditary diseases in Ningxia hui ( islamic ) nationalities

  26. 固原地区回族女童教育研究

    The Research of Hui Nationality Girls ' Education in Guyuan Region

  27. 青海省回族人群肠道寄生虫感染状况

    Human intestinal parasite infection in Hui ethnic group in Qinghai Province

  28. 乡村回族社区人情文化变迁研究

    The " favors " Cultural Change Research in Hui tribe Community

  29. 回族习俗中的法理学思想探微

    On the Implication of Jurisprudence in the Custom of Hui people

  30. 宁夏南部回族社区形成的环境分析

    Environmental analysis on the formation of Ningxia southern Hui ethnic community