
huí cháng
  • ileum;worried;agitated;much worried
回肠 [huí cháng]
  • [ileum] 连接空肠和盲肠的一段小肠,形状弯曲

  • [much worried;agitated] 喻思虑忧愁盘旋于脑际,如肠之来回蠕动

  • 九曲回肠

回肠[huí cháng]
  1. 泽泻醇B对豚鼠离体回肠的影响

    Effect of 23-Acetate Alisol B on Ex Vivo Ileum of Guinea Pig

  2. 作回肠N形造袋;

    Make an N-shaped pouch in the ileum ;

  3. 正位可控N形回肠膀胱术的功能和尿动力学研究

    Urodynamic and Functional Characteristics of Orthotopic Continent Ileal N - bladder

  4. 空肠内容物脂肪酶活性显著高于十二指肠和回肠(P<0.01),回肠脂肪酶活性显著高于十二指肠(P<0.05)。

    Lipase activities in ileum were significantly higher than those in duodenum ( P < 0.05 ) .

  5. 各处理对回肠双歧杆菌的影响差异不显著(P0.05)。

    Ileal Bifidobacteria in each treatment was not difference ( P0.05 ) .

  6. U形管在回肠代输尿管术中的应用(附16例报告)

    Application of U-shaped stent in ileal ureter ( Report of 16 cases )

  7. NO供体SNP介导豚鼠离体回肠H1效应的体外研究

    NO Donor SNP Mediated H_1 Effect in Guinea Pig Ileum in Vitro

  8. 结论ANP时大鼠回肠组织中P物质表达升高;

    Conclusion The expression of substance P in rat intestinal mucosa is increased in ANP .

  9. P物质对5-HT引起的大鼠回肠纵行肌收缩效应的影响及其机制分析

    Effects of substance P on the contractile response of longitudinal muscle of rat ileum to 5-HT

  10. 目的探讨膀胱全切原位W形回肠代膀胱术优缺点。

    Objective To study advantages or disadvantages of total cystectomy and W shape orthotopic ileal neobladder .

  11. 结论CT对右半结肠癌的诊断及显示结肠周围浸润、回肠末端累及和淋巴结转移具有很高价值。

    Conclusion CT scan plays important role in diagnosis of right-sided colon cancer as well as in finding pericolic infiltration , distal ileal involvement and lymphadenopathy .

  12. 结果表明:稀土La对大鼠离体回肠运动有明显的抑制作用;

    The results indicated that rare earth La could significantly inhibit the activity of isolated rat 's ileum . Exercise .

  13. 与食管和胃GIST相比,空肠及回肠GIST的预后不佳。

    Compared with esophagus and stomach GIST , the prognosis of jejunum and ileum GIST is poor .

  14. GnRH类似物对大鼠回肠组织胰高血糖素释放的影响

    Effect of GnRH analogue on glucagon secretion in rat ileum

  15. 果胶酶显著降低了十二指肠和空肠食糜的黏度(p<0.05),而对回肠食糜的黏度无显著影响。

    The pectinase significant decrease the chyme viscosity of duodenum and jejunum ( p < 0.05 ) but had no effect on the chyme viscosity of ileum ( p > . 05 ) .

  16. 结果肠缺血后,大鼠回肠肌间神经丛内AchE阳性神经元明显减少,AchE活性减弱。

    Results After ischemia , AchE positive neurons were markedly decreased , and the AchE activity diminished too .

  17. La对回肠运动的抑制作用可能与回肠平滑肌上的胆碱能M受体和肾上腺素能α受体都无关。

    Probably the inhibitory effect of La had no relation to M receptors and α receptors on the smooth muscle cells of the ileum .

  18. 溃疡性结肠炎患者J形回肠袋肛管吻合重建术后经4周的益生菌干预,其临床症状及内镜下表现的结果

    Outcome of four weeks ' intervention with probiotics on symptoms and endoscopic appearance after surgical reconstruction with a J-configurated ileal-pouch-anal-anastomosis in ulcerative colitis

  19. 目的观察褪黑素(MT)对豚鼠体外回肠吗啡依赖性的影响。

    Objective To study the effect of melatonin ( MT ) on morphine dependence of the guinea | pig ileum in vitro .

  20. 目的观察缺血后回肠肌间神经丛内乙酰胆碱酯酶(AchE)活性的变化。

    Objective To observe the change of activity of acetylcholinesterase ( AchE ) in the myenteric plexus in ileum after ischemia .

  21. Hartmann手术23例,单纯结肠造口术5例,回肠-横结肠吻合术2例,剖腹探查术1例。

    23 Hartmann operation ; 5 colostomy ; two ileocolic anastomosis and one exploratory laparotomy .

  22. 与接受低Gln和对照剂的大鼠相比,Gln和IGF-I分别都促进回肠的适应性增生(DNA含量)。

    Gln and IGF-I each significantly enhanced adaptive ileal hyperplasia ( DNA content ) compared with rats receiving vehicle and low-Gln diet .

  23. 结论:GnRH可能对大鼠回肠L细胞分泌胰高血糖素呈现双向调节作用。

    Conclusion : GnRH may have two-way regulation on the glucagon secretion in rat ileum .

  24. 回肠膀胱术后患者Orem自理模式的应用

    Application of Orem Self-care Nursing Model After Ileocystoplasty

  25. 方法采用双波长扫描定量法和豚鼠回肠生物测定法观察大鼠脑内氨基酸类神经递质的含量和纹状体内Ach含量。

    Methods Contents of amino acid neurotransmitters and Ach in rat brain were determined by double-wavelengh scan and GPI mensuration .

  26. 回肠后部的移行性综合肌电(MMC)与回肠中部MMC3个时相规律一致,并从回肠中部移行而来;通过回肠末端终止于回盲口。

    The migrating myoelectric complex ( MMC ) in the distal ileum migrated from the middle ileum and ended at the ileocecal orifice .

  27. EDF组的血清胃泌素和血浆肠胰高血糖素水平也较ED组有明显的增加。同时残存空肠和回肠粘膜表面绒毛的高度也呈明显的增长。

    According to the pathological examination the height of the residual small intestinal villi also showed a significant increase in the EDF group .

  28. 环状回肠造口术后回肠黏膜的形态学和缩氨酸YY的适应性时段改变

    Time-course of morphologic changes and peptide YY adaptation in ileal mucosa after loop ileostomy in humans

  29. 目的分别考察罗格列酮马来酸盐在大鼠各肠段:空肠、回肠、结肠的吸收动力学特征及不同的药物浓度和pH值的影响。

    OBJECTIVE To investigate the absorption kinetics of rosiglitazone maleate , a new type antidiabetic insulin sensitizer , at different intestine segments in rats and the influence of concentration and pH of the drug solution on the absorption kinetics .

  30. 目的:探讨小檗碱(Ber)对正常豚鼠离体回肠和分泌性腹泻豚鼠离体回肠电解质转运的影响及其作用机制。

    AIM : To investigate the effects of berberine ( Ber ) on ion transport and hypersecretion induced by cholera toxin ( ChT ) in ileum and its mechanism .