
  • 网络Risk averse;risk aversion;risk-aversion
  1. 穆迪表示,随着投资者日益回避风险,当前评级Aa2(为第二高评级)的意大利若不提高利率,国债可能就会卖不出去。

    The rating agency said that as investors grow more risk averse , Italy currently rated aa2 , the second-highest rating may be unable to sell bonds without offering higher interest rates .

  2. 但这些都不是灵丹妙药,尤其是在欧元区问题使得美国的银行更加回避风险的时候。

    But none is a silver bullet , least of all when eurozone woes are making US banks even more risk averse .

  3. 中国贸易数据弱于预期,拖累亚洲股市出现6周来最大跌幅。美联储(Fed)重要政策会议结束前,投资者也倾向于回避风险。

    Weaker-than-expected trade figures from China sent Asia stocks to their worst losses for six weeks as investors eschewed risk prior to a key policy meeting for the US Federal Reserve .

  4. 体内接着在压制睾酮量时会导致回避风险的倾向。

    risk aversion grows as testosterone production is suppressed .

  5. 经过运筹的冒险,应取代一致小心回避风险的做法。

    Calculated risk-taking should replace consensus careful risk-aversion .

  6. 内部控制是一个古老而又充满活力的话题,其目的就是要回避风险。

    Internal control is an ancient and vibrant topic , its purpose is to avoid risk .

  7. 但富人回避风险是有道理的,甚至连那些白手起家的企业家也不例外。

    But the picture of the wealthy , even including self-made entrepreneurs , as risk-averse makes sense .

  8. 并购企业要尽量回避风险,将风险消除在并购各环节中,最终实现并购成功。

    Merging of enterprises should be avoided as possible as permitted , in order to the successful merging .

  9. 9月份股票和信贷市场遭受沉重打击,投资者回避风险较高的资产,使美国国债受益。

    Investors shunned riskier assets as equity and credit markets were hit hard in September , fuelling dollar gains .

  10. 如果这样,政府必须格外小心,别把可能回避风险的财政政策都置于脑后。

    If so , the government must be extra careful as to not throw all fiscal prudence out the window .

  11. 用风险链理论,回避风险,提高决策效率,运用故障树法对风险的米源进行分析,并对可能发生的风险进行控制。

    Then the author employs fault tree system to analyze the sources of risk and how to control possible risks .

  12. 这对于那些进入这个市场中,但没有适当回避风险的那些银行来讲,由此引起的损失期望值在上升。

    That raises the prospect of losses for banks that entered the market but failed to lay off their risks properly .

  13. 女孩在这个年龄回避风险,这也正是为什么很多女孩的专业开始都是在私营部门。

    Girls at this age shy away from risk , which is exactly why lots of girls'programs began in the private sector .

  14. 但真正的原因仍在于早年缺乏必要的财务知识教育,这也是普通中产阶级被迫回避风险的原因。

    The real tragedy is that the lack of early financial education is what creates the risk faced by average middle class people .

  15. 在制定车轮公司低成本领先战略实施策略的基础上,对实施过程中可能产生的风险进行了概述,对回避风险的办法进行了讨论。

    In the base of drawing low cost strategy of the wheel company , this paper summarizes the possible risk in the implementing course .

  16. 三维的投资组合可以综合考虑收益、风险和流动性三方面的因素,使组合更稳健,也更能够有效地回避风险。

    Three-dimensional portfolio model can consider generally return , risk and liquidity and make the portfolio more steady and so can avoid risk more effectively .

  17. 而现在我们正直接面对国外金融高技术的竞争与挑战,只有对衍生产品进行科学定价,才能在争取市场的同时回避风险。

    We are directly facing the foreign financial high-tech competition and challenge , only for scientific pricing of derivative products in order to gain market while risk-averse .

  18. 国债衍生产品由于具有很好的分散风险和回避风险的功能,在国外经常被用来作为利率风险管理工具来控制利率风险,在国内却运用很少。

    Bond derivative , which can decentralize and avoid risk , is often used to control rate risk in developed countries , but seldom used in China .

  19. 本文还定义了不确定性防灾投资的期望效益,说明了防灾投资效益与期望效益之差即为回避风险的选择价值。

    Expected benefit of uncertain anti disaster investment is also defined , and option value to evade risk is difference of anti disaster investment and expected benefit .

  20. 然而,风险与机遇往往是并存的,回避风险虽然是一个重要的方面,但更重要是积极地应对风险。

    However , the risks and opportunities are often co-exist , although avoiding the risk is an important aspect , but actively cope with risk is more important .

  21. 而不是用你过去的消极经历把你变为一个不惜一切代价去回避风险的人。

    Use your past negative experiences to build character and make better decisions , instead of letting pessimism turn you into someone who avoids risk at all costs .

  22. 人们不能一味地回避风险,而应正视风险。风险是可以管理的,人们可以针对不同的风险因素采取相应的对策措施来对风险加以防范和管理。

    Although risk is an objective thing , and there is no one who can slide over it , people can prevent and control it by various methods .

  23. 地缘政治冲击可能促使投资者回避风险,而作为亚洲地区主要经济驱动力的中国为抑制通胀而加息,也可能令投资者感到不安。

    A geo-political shock could fuel risk aversion while interest rate rises to stem inflation in China , a key regional economic driver , could also spook investors .

  24. 其实,我们不妨把未来的银行想象成受到政府高度监管的公用事业:它们将持有大量的资金,勉强维持盈利,并且会聘用经理人来回避风险。

    Think of tomorrow 's banks as highly regulated public utilities : They 'll hold lots of capital , eke out profits , and hire managers who shun risk .

  25. 农产品期货市场以其独特的发现价格、回避风险功能,在世界农产品的生产、流通、消费中,发挥了无可替代的重要作用。

    With its particular function of price discovery and risk elusion , agricultural futures market plays significance and important role in agriculture commodities production , circulation and consumption in the world .

  26. 投资者正买入创纪录数量的金条和金币,以回避风险资产,他们再次对全球金融体系的状态感到担忧。

    Investors are buying record amounts of gold bars and coins , shunning risky assets for the relative safety of bullion amid renewed fears about the health of the global financial system .

  27. 风险控制在与对于风险作出事先的调整,随时掌控风险的发展趋势并调整采购战略来回避风险。

    The risk control in and make the adjustment for risk in advance , the trend of thedevelopment of risk at any time control and adjust the purchasing strategy to avoid risks .

  28. 对于权益资本的投资者而言,这两种模型的应用也有利于他们在进行投资活动的过程中,优化资本组合,合理回避风险,以最终实现较多的投资回报。

    Furthermore , the investors of equity capital can benefit from these two models when they invest because the models can optimize capital combination , mitigate risks and realize the maximum investment return .

  29. 对于每个企业来言,市场的风险和机遇总是并存的,关键是如何利用自身优势或创造优势来回避风险,把握机会。

    For every enterprise , risks and opportunities of market exist simultaneously , and the key point is how to make full use of advantages and create advantages to avoid risks and grasp opportunities .

  30. 农产品期货作为一种回避风险的金融衍生工具,通过近百年的市场实践证明是有效的,在发达国家的市场体系中扮演着极其重要的角色。

    Agricultural product futures as an implement to evade risk of price fluctuations is proved to be effective through nearly a hundred years of practice and play an extremely important role in developed countries .