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kùn dùn
  • Difficulty;exhausted;weary;impoverished;fatigued;tired out;poverty-stricken
困顿 [kùn dùn]
  • (1) [tired out;exhausted]∶十分劳累疲倦

  • 被十创,困顿不知所为。--《后汉书.刘平传》

  • 因编著事烦,颇为困顿

  • (2) [poverty-stricken;impoverished]∶艰难窘迫

困顿[kùn dùn]
  1. 仅仅是在世存在,生存就将流于困顿;只有审美理想,就会使生存变成一种空想。

    Just " being-in-the-world ", existence will tend to be exhausted ; only aesthetic ideal , it will be turned into a Utopian existence .

  2. 文章从心灵的困顿、多元上帝的产生、最后的解放三个方面试图找寻世纪的回声。

    It tries from three aspects as " the mind of exhausted "," the creation of diverse god " and " the final liberation " to search the echo of the century .

  3. 我们需要减轻导致经济困顿的税收负荷。

    We need to reduce the burden of taxes that impoverish the economy .

  4. 马萨诸塞州斯通哈姆市(Stoneham)Circadian培训咨询公司的董事长兼首席执行长马丁•摩尔艾德(MartinMoore-Ede)说,困顿感也往往是在下午两点左右达到顶峰,这是进行午休的好时候。

    Sleepiness also tends to peak around 2 p.m. , making that a good time for a nap , says Martin Moore-Ede , chairman and chief executive of Circadian , a Stoneham , Mass . , training and consulting firm .

  5. 而由威瑞森通讯(Verizon)、美国电话电报公司(AT&T)和T-Mobile开发的钱包服务也一样经历着困顿。起初是因为这项服务一直跳票,随后又因为那个倒霉的名字:Isis。

    That service , which is backed by Verizon , AT & T , and T-Mobile , struggled as well , first because it was plagued by delays , and later , because of its ill-fated name : Isis .

  6. 金博博士称,CDKN2A基因的活跃意味着细胞其实困顿不堪,她因此呼吁女性一年四季都应该做好护肤措施,而不要等到沙滩度假才想起防晒。

    Dr Kimball said CDKN2A activity is a sign that a cell is ' tired out ' and urged women should protect their skin year round and not just when on a beach holiday .

  7. 李尔王说,他要接受必要而强烈的困顿。

    King Lear says he would accept necessity 's sharp pinch .

  8. 社论:气候变化,全球觉醒,伦理困顿。

    Editorial : Climate Change , Global Awakening , Ethical Somnolence .

  9. 试论杨朔散文的诗美特征及困顿

    On the poetic beauty and predicament of Yang shuo 's prose

  10. 长途艰辛跋涉使我困顿不堪。

    I was beaten out by the long and difficult journey .

  11. 他要拯救困顿于现代文明的人类。

    He tried to save human beings restricted in the modern civilization .

  12. 有很多人终身困顿在他们自己的茧里。

    Many people get struck in the cocoon they make for themselves .

  13. 发展与困顿:近代江西的工业化历程(1858-1949)

    Development and Embarrassment : Modern Industrialization Process in Jiangxi ( 1858-1949 );

  14. 如果你像一位困顿的国王夤夜而来,

    If you came at night like a broken king ,

  15. 第二章,文章论述了教育符号化的困顿。

    In the second chapter , the thesis expounds the educational symbolized difficulty .

  16. 首先,从困顿的原因出发,提倡建立教育生命机制。

    First , it advocates the educational life mechanism .

  17. 我的心在痛,困顿和麻木

    My heart aches , and a drowsy numbness pains

  18. 尽管这头脑已经困顿,疲乏

    Though the dull brain perplexes and retards .

  19. 然而出狱后的生活仍然是困顿的,题目本身就是一个极大的讽刺。

    The title itself is a great satire .

  20. 建国初期,美国的财政状况非常困顿。

    America began life as a fiscal basket-case .

  21. 俄罗斯仍然困顿在20世纪90年代。

    Russia is still trapped in the 1990s .

  22. 海南中部地区发展旅游经济的困顿及对策研究

    Research on Difficulty and its Countermeasures of Tourism Development in the Middle of Hainan

  23. 他们中的很多人经历过早年的困顿,可能是贫穷,被抛弃,

    Many of them had experienced early hardships , anywhere from poverty , abandonment ,

  24. 全球多元语境下中国大众文化的人文困顿及演绎趋向

    Humane Confusion of Chinese Mass Culture and Its Developing Trend under the Global Multi-dimensional Context

  25. 当你双眼困顿眯着眼睛时,你的脸部肌肉也会疲劳。

    When your eyes are tired , youre squinting will make your facial muscles tired .

  26. 第四,新区面对机制体制上的困顿,特别是行政职能缺失带来的问题。

    Fourthly , thera has the mechanism system difficulties , especially lack of administrative functions .

  27. 他们拥抱伤害和困顿,这是他们成为成功企业家的关键要素,

    They embrace their trauma and hardships as key elements of who they 've become ,

  28. 每个人都会有疲惫困顿的时候

    At some point somebody gets tired .

  29. 困顿时没人自告奋勇&现在,让他们捶胸顿足的时候到了。

    Nobody came forward at the right time-and now it 's going to cost them .

  30. 这是当你困顿时他支持你的方式。

    It is just his way of being in your corner when you are down .