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líng yǔ
  • jail;prison
囹圄 [líng yǔ]
  • [prison] 监狱。同囹圉

  • 至于守司囹圄,禁制刑罚,人臣擅之,此谓刑劫。--《韩非子.三守》

  • 才出囹圄

囹圄[líng yǔ]
  1. 那一来他还真会身陷囹圄呢。

    That would have landed him in jail .

  2. 做了任何事都有可能身陷囹圄,或自杀,或被成为精神病人。

    Doing anything else will probably land them in jail , or suicided , or become mental patient .

  3. 所以在这里你能同时看到两条平行的人生轨迹一边是在这所精英的私立大学上学的孩子另外一边是在附近社区的孩子他们中有一些也在努力去读大学但是他们中的大多数却身陷囹圄

    So you 've got these two parallel journeys going on simultaneously11 : the kids attending this elite12 , private university , and the kids from the adjacent neighborhood , some of whom are making it to college , and many of whom are being shipped to prison .

  4. 尽管身陷囹圄,但他在狱中仍能行使股东参与权,成功赶走了公司董事,并阻止了美国私人股本集团贝恩资本(BainCapital)的投资。

    In spite of his incarceration , he has been able to exercise his shareholder rights to campaign from prison to have directors removed and block investment in the company by US private equity group Bain Capital .

  5. 但黄光裕通过ShiningCrownHoldings和ShineGroup两家控股公司,继续控制着国美的34%股权。而且身陷囹圄并未阻止黄光裕继续交易股票,并以他的持股进行投票。

    Mr Huang , however , continues to control 34 per cent of Gome through two holding companies , Shining Crown Holdings and Shine Group , and his detention has not prevented him from trading and voting his shares .

  6. 他们抱怨那些包括法塔赫领导人马尔万•巴尔古提(MarwanBarghouti)在内的巴勒斯坦最重要的在押犯依然身陷囹圄。

    They grumble that some of Palestine 's most prominent prisoners , including Marwan Barghouti , a Fatah leader , remain in jail .

  7. 像往常一样,你害得我们身陷囹圄。

    As usual , you got us in some serious shit here .

  8. 还有许多记者仅仅是因为做了自己本该做的工作而身陷囹圄。

    Many other journalists languish in jail simply for doing their jobs .

  9. 上周四,这位曾经身陷囹圄、而后却当选总统的南非杰出政治人物抱憾离世,享年95岁。

    The South African political prisoner-turned-president died Thursday at the age of 95 .

  10. 那些没有身陷囹圄和流亡海外的“寡头”的确在政治上都选择了“沉默是金”。

    Those " oligarchs " not in prison or exile are indeed politically quiescent .

  11. 是他人身陷囹圄时的恻隐之心

    And sympathy with others ' woes

  12. 虽对他的指控并非严重,但最头疼的是自己已身陷囹圄。

    What bothered him most was being held , especially since the charge against him had been weak .

  13. 然而,认为该书可信的观点似乎是有根有据的。本书由口授而成,且作者身陷囹圄,难免回忆不准。

    The book was dictated when the author was in prison , so his memory might sometimes betray him .

  14. 但此时,他正身陷囹圄。但是,即使在那些有别于中东的动荡政局的地方,商业活动同样要面临政治风险。

    But businesses face political risk even in the absence of the kind of turmoil rocking the Middle East .

  15. 他的角色微不足道,而且他父亲地位显赫,这使他免受囹圄之苦。

    His role had been too minor and his father 's position was too honoured for him to suffer reprisal .

  16. 布莱尔:除了她在顶楼的豪华公寓发动战争,而你仍然身陷囹圄。

    Blair : Except she gets to wage the war from the comfort of her penthouse while you remain behind bars .

  17. 当阿迪拉身陷囹圄时,这家空壳公司出售了这所公寓,赚取了200万美元的利润。

    While Mr. Ardila was behind bars , the shell company sold the condo , making a $ 2 million profit .

  18. 据说,有历史记录的第一张情人节卡片是在1415年,由身陷囹圄的奥尔良大公寄出的。

    It is said that the first recorded Valentine 's card was sent by the imprisoned Duke of Orleans in 1415 .

  19. 由于法治缺失,我父亲与成千上万遭到迫害的成功商人一同身陷囹圄。

    Because of the lack of rule of law my father is in jail , with thousands of other persecuted successful businessmen .

  20. 给他打电话的人中40%是纽约人,他们有的身处花街柳巷,有的身陷囹圄,当然也不乏华尔街商人的身姿。

    Around 40 per cent were people calling from New York , ranging from pimps to prisoners to a Wall Street trader .

  21. 你出现了噢,我美丽的情人!是你把我的心灵从囹圄中解救出来的。

    It was hopeless even from the very start . You came-oh , my beautiful ! & and you freed my soul from prison .

  22. 他打出了罕见的,因为附近的焦特布尔的,他被逮捕和背后的身陷囹圄黑羚羊大约一个星期。

    He shot a rare black antelope near Jodhpur because of that he was arrested and put behind the bars for about a week .

  23. 环境问题令已经身陷囹圄的达尔富尔人们雪上加霜,为那些称气候变化为“威胁增倍”的人提供了有利证词。

    Environmental problems have probably worsened the Darfuris ' dreadful plight , offering grist to those who call climate change a " threat multiplier " .

  24. 美国应该更多地振兴至今仍身陷囹圄的房地产业,重新制定劳工培训计划,这样高失业率才不会屡攻不下。

    America should do more to fix the still-festering housing crisis and overhaul its training schemes , so that high joblessness does not become entrenched .

  25. 从他们身上,我感受到了当自己从小到大因为自己的种族而受到攻击、或有家庭成员身陷囹圄时的感受。

    they taught me what it was like growing up feeling targeted for your race and what it 's like having a family member in prison .

  26. 而一,在男子30岁之间的20和34是身陷囹圄,为黑人男性,在这个年龄组数字是一个在九个。

    While one in30 men between the ages of20 and34 is behind bars , for black males in that age group the figure is one in nine .

  27. 这是从耐克到苹果每一家(美国)公司的错误,因为现在我们发现我们在与中国的贸易中已然身陷囹圄。

    It is the fault of each and every corporation , from Nike to Apple , for the dire straits we now find ourselves in with China .

  28. 现行刑事诉讼法、刑法实施以来,许多参加刑事诉讼活动的律师因证据问题莫名其妙地身陷囹圄,蒙受不白之冤。

    Many lawyers have been jailed for issues related to evidence unjustifiably and for unknown reasons since the implementation of the current Criminal Procedure Law and Criminal Law .

  29. 周一,一对日本夫妇的皇族童话在监狱里终结,这对夫妻用精心炮制的皇室后裔婚礼来欺骗宾客,最终落得身陷囹圄的下场。

    TOKYO ( Reuters ) - A fairy story ended behind bars for a Japanese couple Monday , when they were jailed for staging an elaborate fake royal wedding to defraud guests .

  30. 还有别的说法。有人认为在克劳迪亚斯君王统治时期,圣·瓦伦丁曾经是一名神父,因为公然挑战克劳迪亚斯君王的权威身陷囹圄。

    Other aspects of the story say that Saint Valentine served as a priest at the temple during the reign of Emperor Claudius . Claudius then had Valentine jailed for defying him .