
  1. X型固体导弹公路运输随机响应分析与减振方法

    Response analysis of X missile during road transportation and investigation of the vibration control system

  2. 固体导弹发动机药柱表面裂纹稳定性分析

    Stability Analysis of the Surficial Crack of Solid Missile Motor Grain

  3. 新型的固体导弹分离火工系统

    A New Type of Initiating Explosive Separation System of Solid Missile

  4. 含微裂纹的固体导弹弹射筒的可靠性研究

    Reliability Analysis for Ejection Cylinder of Solid Missile with Tiny Cracks

  5. 固体导弹伺服系统的现状和发展趋势

    The Present Situation and Development of Servo System in Solid Missile

  6. 固体导弹发动机装配检测生产线关键技术研究

    Research on Key Technologies in Testing Assembly Line of Solid Missile Engine

  7. 固体导弹发动机药柱容易产生表面裂纹。

    The surficial cracks are easy to emerge in the solid missile motor .

  8. 本文介绍的固体导弹分离火工系统,是一种典型的第二代分离火工系统。

    A typical initiating explosive system applied to solid missile separation is introduced .

  9. 文中对固体导弹耗尽关机与控制进行了研究。

    Depleted shutdown and control of solid missile are researched in the paper .

  10. 固体导弹耗尽关机与控制研究

    Research of Depleted Shutdown and Control of Solid Missile

  11. 高海拔环境对固体导弹的影响

    Inference of High Altitude Environment to Solid Missile

  12. 奇异裂纹单元在固体导弹发动机药柱裂纹分析中的应用

    The Using of Singular Crack Elements in Crack Analysis of Solid Missile Motor Grain

  13. 一种固体导弹最大射程评定方法

    Maximum Range Evaluation Method for Solid Missiles

  14. 固体导弹反喷干扰分析及再入体姿态扰动的解决措施

    Thrust reversal interference analyses of solid missile and measures for solving attitude disturbance of reentry body

  15. 基于加速老化与三维粘弹性有限元分析的固体导弹发动机寿命预估

    Three-Dimension Viscoelastic Analysis and Accelerated Aging Approach to Predict the Service Life of Solid Missile Motor

  16. 在进行固体导弹的姿控系统设计时,对高频弹性模态通常采用鲁棒性较强的幅值稳定。

    When the attitude control system of solid missile is designed , high-frequency flexure modes are generally stabilized by more robust gain-stabilization .

  17. 固体导弹飞行试验给地面安控系统带来较大的困难,国民经济的高速发展也对安全控制的范围和可靠性提出更高要求。

    Solid missile flying test brings great difficulty to ground safety control system , and high speed development of national economy makes greater demands on area and reliability of safety control .

  18. 为评估含裂纹的固体导弹发动机能否正常点火发射,利用奇异裂纹单元进行固体发动机药柱的裂纹分析。

    In order to insure the solid missile motor with surficial cracks can be lunched normally , singular crack element is used to analyse the surficial crack of solid missile motor .

  19. 为分析固体导弹发动机在长期重力作用下的位移、应力和应变,用应力函数推导了发动机药柱水平贮存时的弹性和粘弹性解析解,给出了相应的计算公式。

    For analysis the displacement , stress and strain of solid missile motor grain under longterm gravity , the elastic and viscoelastic analytic solutions for the motor grain in the horizontal storage period were derived by choosing an appropriate stress function in this paper .

  20. 固体战略导弹的机动问题

    The Mobile Launch and Deployment of Solid Strategic Missiles

  21. 固体洲际导弹技术发展分析

    Analysis of Solid ICBM Technology

  22. 对固体战略导弹总体/发动机一体化设计进行了研究。

    The integrated optimal design of the system / SRM of the solid strategic missile is studied .

  23. 设计开发的固体弹道导弹总体设计软件有一定的应用价值。

    The system concept design software has some certain applied value in the system design of solid ballistic missiles .

  24. 固体弹道式导弹射程能力仿真评定的一种方法

    A method of emulating evaluation of range ability of a solid ballistic missile

  25. 级间热分离具有改善和提高继续飞行级的稳定性和入轨精度而被固体弹道式导弹广泛采用。

    The thermal stage separation being provided with improving and enhancing stability and orbit precision for flight was abroad adopted in solid-propellant ballistic missile .

  26. 本文主要介绍了国外两种陆基公路机动的固体洲际弹道导弹武器系统及其运输起竖发射车,并给出了部分性能数据。

    This article mainly introduces two foreign weapon systems of the solid propellant intercontinental ballistic missile on the land road-mobile and their transporter erector launchers , and gives some of the performance data .

  27. 固体火箭发动机/导弹一体化设计

    Solid rocket motor / missile integral optimum design

  28. 它是中国第一种固体推进剂战术弹道导弹,设计去携带常规弹头。

    It is the first Chinese solid-propellant tactical ballistic missile designed to carry conventional warhead .

  29. 定性分析了固体战术地地导弹推力终止时反向喷流的气动干扰。

    Aerodynamic interference of reverse jet for solid tactical ground to ground missile is analysed qualitatively .

  30. 固体火箭发动机是导弹类武器系统的重要组成部分之一,被称为导弹的心脏。

    Solid rocket engine is one of the most important part in the missile weapon system , which is called the " heart " of missile .