
  • 网络Gushi County
  1. 固始县农民工流动时空变化研究

    Research on Spatial-Temporal Variation of the Peasant Worker Flow of Gushi County

  2. 调查分析结果表明:固始县外出务工人数逐年递增;

    It shows that the peasant workers increase every year in Gushi County ;

  3. 县域经济发展战略研究&以河南省固始县为例

    Research about the County Level Economic Development Strategy & Gushi County in Henan Province as Instance

  4. 农村劳动力流动对流出地的影响和效应探析&以河南省固始县为例

    The Influence of the Rural Labor Forces to the Outflowing Areas : a case study of Gushi County , Henan Province

  5. 农村劳动力流动、土地流转与农业规模化经营研究&以河南省固始县为例

    Research on Rural Labor Force flow , Farmland Transfer and Agricultural Scale Management & Taking Gushi County , Henan Province as an Example

  6. 第三部分,提出消除固始县国税局人员断层的主要对策。

    Part Three Putting forward of main countermeasures of elimination of phenomenon of personnel " faultage " of State Tax Bureau of Gushi County .

  7. 过去4年,固始县出现了少量轻工业投资,为县城创造了数千个就业岗位。

    Gushi has seen a handful of light industry investments over the past four years which is creating thousands of jobs in the county seat .

  8. 对固始县县情与旅游发展现状进行介绍与分析,着重从游客市场和旅游发展空间布局进行分析或规划。

    The introduction of Gushi county and the current situation of tourism development and the analysis of tourism development from the tourist market and spatial layout . 4 .

  9. 对国内外县域旅游经济或区域旅游开发相关研究文献进行综述的基础上,对固始县旅游发展进程中的对应旅游发展趋势作了相关分析。

    The anaiysis of the trends of the corresponding correlation of Gushi County tourism development on the basis of the literature review of the county or region of tourism . 3 .

  10. 本研究以固始老母鸡为素材,借鉴固始县当地熬制鸡汤的办法制备鸡汤,测定了鸡汤的基本营养成分和鸡汤对小鼠免疫力的影响。

    The objectives of this research were to determine the basis nutritional components and the effect of Gushi chicken soup on immunity in mice .

  11. 本文认为固始经验的背后是一个制度变迁的过程,即固始县从传统农业社会向现代工业社会的制度变迁过程。

    This dissertation considers that the essence of the successful practice in Gushi is the institution change , that is , the change from traditional agricultural society to modern industrial society .