
  1. 周仲瑛教授是全国著名的中医药专家、国医大师。

    Professor Zhou Zhong-ying is a famous expert of traditional Chinese medicine , Chinese medicine master .

  2. 路志正教授,国医大师,著名中医药专家。

    Professor Lu Zhi-zheng , National Chinese Medical Science Master , a famous Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM ) expert .

  3. 此外,在多年的实践过程中,一些国医大师发现将经方中的某种药物替换成别的相似的药物,更加符合当地的环境、病人的情况,能够取得更好的疗效。

    In addition , in many years of practice , some GuoYi master by the party found a certain drug replaced with other similar drugs , more in line with the local environment , patient , can achieve better results .