
  1. 麦地那国家土地所有制的广泛建立,导致吉玛人对于穆斯林的群体依附状态。

    With the establishment of the land ownership by state , the relations of dependence for Dhimmis to the Medina state were fixed .

  2. 俄国的土地随着军事扩张而逐渐扩大,并历史地形成了村社土地所有制、僧俗地主土地所有制和国家土地所有制。

    Land in Russia was slowly expanded with the military expansion and historically had formed the village ownership of the land , the landlord ownership of the land and the state ownership of the land .

  3. 中唐以后,均田制崩溃,封建国家土地所有制逐渐走向衰落,取而代之的是以地主土地所有制为主要标志的封建土地私有制。

    After the mid-Tang Dynasty , The system of equalized field allotments collapses , the feudal country land ownership moves toward the decline gradually , replaced by a host of land ownership as the main indicator of the feudal private ownership of land .

  4. 在一些国家,土地所有制的不公平是显而易见的。

    Obvious that land ownership in some countries is unfair .