
ɡuó jiā xué shuō
  • theory of the state
  1. 他构造了一个利维坦,形成了其系统的国家学说。

    He constructed a " Leviathan ", forming a systematical theory of the state .

  2. 第一,“一国两制”构想丰富和发展了马克思主义的国家学说。

    First , the " one country , two systems " concept to enrich and develop the Marxist theory of the State .

  3. 马克思主义狭义国家学说论析

    An Analysis of Marxist Theory of State in a Narrow Sense

  4. 列宁进一步发展了马克思列宁主义的国家学说。

    Lenin further developed the Marxist doctrine of the state .

  5. 指出:国家学说是马克思主义理论的一个重要内容。

    Point out : The state theory is an important content of Marxism theory .

  6. 马克思主义国家学说的创新

    The Innovation of Marxist Theory of State

  7. 狭义国家学说是马克思主义国家学说的出发点和归宿点。

    The theory is both the starting point and destination of Marxist theory of state .

  8. 霍布斯国家学说述评

    On Hobbes ′ Theory of State

  9. 马克思的国家学说和政党理论是建立在对社会发展客观规律的认识上的。

    The state and political theory of Marx was founded on the objective law of social development .

  10. 其渊源主要有两个方面,一是马克思、恩格斯、列宁党建理论和国家学说中的廉政思想;

    It comes from two aspects : one is Marxism and Leninism on part construction and country theory ;

  11. 列宁对坚持和发展了马克思主义的国家学说,并社会主义从理论变为现实。

    Lenin , insisted and developed the Marxist state theory , and made socialism theory turn into reality .

  12. 马克思恩格斯国家学说理论是马克思主义基本原理的组成部分,它包含着极其丰富的科学涵义。

    Marx and Engels national theory is a Marxist basic principle component , it contains an extremely rich scientific meaning .

  13. 自由主义作为一种国家学说,构成西方市民社会最为直接、最为深厚的理论基础。

    As a stake doctrine , liberalism has formed the most direct and profound theoretical base in the Western civic society .

  14. 认为在理论上,“一国两制”是对马克思主义国家学说即国家本质、国家职能、国家主权、国体与政体的创造性发展。

    In theory , " one country , two systems " is the creative development to the national theory of Marxism .

  15. 第四部分主要论证了一国两制构想对马克思主义国家学说的创新和发展。

    The fourth part demonstrates the conception of " One country , Two systems " is the innovation and development of Marxist Theory of State .

  16. 根据马克思主义的国家学说,权力与权利关系的发展趋势是此消彼长,权力向权利回归。

    According to the Marxist State theory , the development trend between power and right is a contradiction : the transition from power to right .

  17. 在西方近代国家学说史上,霍布斯是第一个在国家问题上自觉反对神学国家学说的人。

    Thomas Hobbes is the first person in the modern western history of the theory of the state to oppose the divine theory of the state .

  18. 《圣经》历来被看作西方国家学说和法文化的重要思想资源之一。

    The Bible has long been one of the most important thinking sources of different schools of thought about the state and legal culture in the western world .

  19. 尽管霍布斯的国家学说具有历史局限性,但同时它还具有反对宗教神权、反对封建割据、主张国家主权来自人民的进步意义。

    Despite its historical limitations , his theory is progressive because it is against religious theocracy and feudal separatist rule , and for the idea that the state sovereignty comes from people .

  20. 人民性是马克思主义国家学说的核心思想,是马克思对主权在民这一传统政治思想的继承和发展。社会主义国家的人民性指社会主义国家是属于人民的,人民是国家和社会的主人。

    Affinity to the people is the key thought of Marxism national theory , also the inheriting and development of this traditional political ideology " sovereignty belongs to the people " by Marx .

  21. 相对而言,西方国家主流学说所采的客观过错标准更趋于理性,亦具有更强的可操作性。

    Comparatively , the criterion of objective negligence adopted by the main west countries is more reasonable , and can be operated easily .

  22. 马克思主义经典作家在批判前人研究成果的基础上,创立了属于自己的、特色鲜明的、系统且完善的国家观学说。

    Based on criticizing the previous researches , the classic writers of Marxism established their own special , systematic and sound view of a country .

  23. 政府的体制和国家的学说就是建立在这个观念上的,所以,这种观念严重地影响了教育的思想和实践。

    Systems of government and theories of the state have been built upon this notion , and it has seriously affected educational ideas and practices .

  24. 最高额保证在现实经济活动中,特别是银行融资业务当中比较常见,并在许多国家判例学说和制度规范中得到了广泛承认。

    The maximum guarantee has been widely used in the economic activity , particularly among banking and financing business , and recognized by judicial practices , theories and regulations of various jurisdictions .

  25. 此外,按照马克思国家权力学说思想,从复杂的社会关系中抽离出来的财产权力是一种与国家政治权力相对应的权力范畴,即:国家以财产所有者身份获取财产权力。

    In addition , according to Marxist theory of ideology , the property rights which was pulled out from the complex social relations was a corresponding area with the national political power , that is , a country can obtain the property rights with the identity of property owner .

  26. 对于物权请求权制度的基础理论和具体内容,大陆法系国家立法和学说存在一定的差异和分歧。

    There are many debates in basic theory of right of the real claim .

  27. 让与担保是大陆法系国家经判例学说发展起来的一种非典型担保制度,它是通过预先转移担保标的物的所有权来实现对债权的担保。

    Guarantee for transfer is a kind of non-representative surety system which developed from precedent and law theory in civil law system countries . Creditor ' rights can be assured by transferring the droit of the guaranty beforehand .

  28. 对所涉及的概念和制度,试图通过分析大陆法系和英美法系及社会主义国家的检察学说理论和检察实践的异同,并结合自身在工作中对检察理论和实践的理解和把握,做出判断和选择。

    Trying to make judgments and choices on the concepts and system involved by analyzing the similarities and differences of the theory and practice of the prosecutorial power among the continental legal systems , the Anglo-American legal systems and socialist countries .

  29. 上世纪90年代以来,波特、纳尔逊等人从一个全新的角度提出了国家创新系统的学说,深化和发展了创新理论。

    The latest development was the national innovation-system theory by Nelson and Porter .

  30. 国外许多国家的立法或学说都在不同程度上肯认了转质制度,但立法上,各国因其不同的立法背景对转质类型的选择而有所不同;

    However , in legislation , because of their different background their choice in types is very different ;