
ɡuó jiā dìnɡ jià
  • National pricing;price fixing by the state
  1. 论国家定价的范围与依据

    On Scope and Basis of State Pricing

  2. 这些成员要求中国就其国家定价制度作出具体承诺。

    Those members requested that China undertake specific commitments concerning its system of state pricing .

  3. 3.中国应在官方刊物上公布实行国家定价的货物和服务的清单及其变更情况。

    China shall publish in the official journal the list of goods and services subject to state pricing and changes thereto .

  4. 他进一步表示,中国将继续深化价格改革,调整国家定价目录,进一步放开价格政策。

    He further stated that China would continue to further its price reform , adjusting the catalogue subject to state pricing and further liberalize its pricing policies .

  5. 长期以来,我国军品生产定价以计划管理为主,是在保本、低利、免税原则下,实行统一管理、国家定价。

    For a long term , the state governed and planned the military producing and uniformly priced the products on the principle of cost-covering , low margin and free-tax in our country .

  6. 长期以来,由于煤炭价格实行双轨制即计划内部分实行国家定价,计划外部分实行市场调节价的制度。

    Since for a long time , because the coal price implements " the two-track system " is in the plan the part implements the state-fixed price , outside the plan the part implements the market adjusted price the system .

  7. 中国铁路运价一直实行国家定价制,管理权限高度集中,运价缺乏灵活机制和基于企业的科学依据。

    Because the Chinese railroad transporting price has been decided by the government all long , and the authority of pricing is highly centralized , the pricing system is lack of flexible mechanism and scientific basis in the view of the enterprises .

  8. 国内成品油价格过低,刺激消费,造成浪费严重;(3)在国家统一定价下,炼油企业难以参与国内外市场竞争;

    Low product prices stimulate oil consumption , resulting in serious waste ;

  9. 更简单些说就是:南部欧洲国家的债务定价之低,让人觉得似乎有德国免费附送的出售权[注1]。

    More simply : the debt of southern Europe was priced as if Germany had issued a free put on it .

  10. 这是因为,学术出版商所售课本在美国通常标价极高,但在那些无力承受高价的国家,课本定价则会大为降低。

    They tend to sell identical books for eye-watering prices in America and much less in countries where people cannot afford those prices .

  11. 发达国家对转让定价的研究要远远早于我国,并已形成了完整的理论研究体系,以及严密、有效的监管机制。

    The study of transfer pricing in developed countries is far earlier than that in China . And a complete study system of theories and a strict and effective monitoring mechanism are formed .

  12. 掠夺性定价是现代市场竞争中的一种典型的限制竞争行为。大多数国家对掠夺性定价行为均加以规制。

    Predatory pricing is a kind of typical restriction competition behavior in the modern market competition .

  13. 国家模拟竞争市场定价是竞争条件不完备情况下的过渡性措施。

    Simulated market price-setting by state is a transitional measure under conditions in which competition is not full-fledged ;

  14. 一旦投资者认识到一国确实可以退出欧元区,他们将不可避免地对欧元区其他国家重新进行风险定价,那会让意大利和西班牙背负更大的压力。

    Once investors see that countries can indeed leave the euro , then they will inevitably re-price risk in other eurozone countries intensifying the pressure on Italy and Spain .

  15. 品的价格,除国家规定必须执行国家定价的以外.当事人协商议定。

    The product price term shall , except where the State provides that the State-fixed prices must be followed , be determined by the parties through consultation .

  16. 国家发改委发布的新成品油定价机制,是以成本为基础,加上厂商合理利润和国家税费加成定价。

    The new refined oil pricing mechanism set by the National Development and Reform Commission is based on cost , with a reasonable profit of manufactures and the state tax and fee added .