
  1. 信息公开立法必须面对的问题是国家秘密底线的重新确定以及作为保密法副产品的合法伤害权的消解。

    What legislation of information publication should confront is the reconfirmation of the base line of national secrecy and the clear up of " the right of lawful damage ", which works as the byproduct of secrecy legislation .

  2. 姜军指出,无论是互联网信息服务提供者还是网民,都应增强自律意识和坚守法律底线、坚守社会主义制度底线、坚守国家利益底线、坚守公民合法权益底线、坚守道德风尚底线、坚守信息真实性底线。

    Jiang called on both the Internet service providers and netizens to enhance awareness and guard " the bottom lines " of laws , the socialist system , the national and citizen 's legal interests , social order , ethics and the authenticity of information .

  3. 政府通过法律法规、行政手段对媒体、新闻从业人员和受众进行必要的管理和教育,以国家利益为底线、社会利益为目标、人民利益为宗旨,保证信息的畅通为系统目标。

    By taking legal and administrative measures to regulate and educate media , media workers and audience , the government should protect the interests of state , society , people , and render smooth flow of information the foremost goal .

  4. 仲裁是民间组织实施的争议解决程序,对仲裁做公共秩序方面的监督具有必然性和必要性,其运用保障了仲裁的公正、公平,构筑起了国家对外义务的底线。

    Public order review is necessary because arbitration is a private dispute settlement procedure to make sure it is fair and square , to establish obligation bottom of nation against outside world .