
  • 网络Statoil;noc;Pemex;NNPC
  1. 他在2006年接掌了国家石油公司。

    He took over at the NOC in 2006 .

  2. 挪威国家石油公司和意大利的埃尼(Eni)也与俄油建立了合作关系,帮其勘探据认为蕴藏在俄罗斯遥远的北极地区的巨量能源资源。

    Statoil and Italy 's Eni have also signed partnerships with Rosneft to help search for the vast energy resources thought to exist in Russia 's remote Arctic areas .

  3. 中海油表示,该公司对加拿大政府有关马来西亚国家石油公司与Progress交易的决定无可奉告。

    Cnooc said the company had no comment about the Canadian decision on Petronas-Progress .

  4. 如果马来西亚国家石油公司对Progress的收购最终被加拿大政府否决,其它大型国际公司可能会感兴趣。

    If the Petronas acquisition of Progress is finally blocked by the Canadian government , other large international companies are likely to be interested .

  5. 浅析挪威国家石油公司HSE文化模型

    Analysis on the model of statoil 's HSE culture

  6. 他可能将需要从国有石油公司尼日利亚国家石油公司(NigerianNationalPetroleumCorp.)那里挖客户。这家公司控制着四家在尼日利亚石油行业唱主角的老旧炼油厂。

    He likely will have to lure away customers from state-owned oil company Nigerian National Petroleum Corp. It controls the four rundown refineries that dominate Nigeria 's oil industry .

  7. 缅甸通过道达尔(Total)和马来西亚国家石油公司(Petronas)运营的管道,向泰国出口天然气。该国统治者如何利用此项收入也受到严密审查。

    How Burma 's rulers use the revenues from natural gas exports to Thailand through pipelines operated by Total and Petronas is also under scrutiny .

  8. 与此同时,巴西检方对54名高级别政治人物展开调查,这些人卷入了巴西国家石油公司(Petrobras)的一场丑闻。

    Meanwhile prosecutors launched investigations into 54 senior political figures over a scandal at oil company Petrobras .

  9. 由于在美国东北部开发大型马塞卢斯页岩(marcellusshale)层的经验,挪威国家石油公司可能是一家有吸引力的合作伙伴。

    Statoil could be an attractive partner because of its experience developing the big Marcellus shale formation in the US north-east .

  10. 挪威国家石油公司(STATOIL)的区域总部在Fornebu。公司的大楼在市郊拔地而起,很有法国巴黎拉德芳斯站(LaDefense)的感觉。

    STATOIL KEEPS REGIONAL headquarters in Fornebu , an office park rising on the outskirts of town that recalls the corporate anomie of Paris 's La D é fense .

  11. 中化石油勘探开发有限公司(SinochemPetroleumExploration&Production)副总经理兼巴西业务负责人纪发华表示:挪威国家石油公司是个很好的合作伙伴,我们将来可能会合作。

    Statoil is a very good partner . We could co-operate in future , said Ji Fahua , vice-president of Sinochem Petroleum Exploration & Production and country head of Brazil .

  12. 尽管存在加重制裁的风险,包括英国BP、挪威国家石油公司(Statoil)和法国道达尔(Total)在内的其他油企,仍然在和俄罗斯企业签订新协议,或继续相关的谈判。

    Other oil companies including BP of Britain , Statoil of Norway and Total of France have cut new deals with Russian companies or pressed ahead with negotiations in spite of the risk of additional sanctions .

  13. 这些高官都牵扯进了一起有关巴西国家石油公司Petrobras的重大腐败丑闻,但是阿尔维斯否认了这次指控。

    All are implicated in a major corruption scandal at the state oil company , Petrobras . Mr Alves denied the allegations .

  14. 奥丽文公司现在的客户包括巴西国家石油公司(petrobras)与美国埃克森(exxon)等石油巨头,每年生产的阀门数量达到了40万只。

    His company now supplies oil majors such as Petrobras of Brazil and Exxon of the US and makes 4 00000 Valves a year .

  15. 第三,这些债务原本要由委内瑞拉国家石油公司(PDVSA)用石油偿还。

    Third , PDVSA the national oil company was supposed to pay back the debt with oil .

  16. 当年晚些时候,反对派发起了一场运动,原本想令国有的石油垄断企业委内瑞拉国家石油公司(PDVSA)陷入瘫痪,但是最终还是失败了。

    An opposition strike later that year paralysed PDVSA , the state oil monopoly , but it failed .

  17. 至于其它煤层气液化天然气开发计划,英国天然气集团与中国中海油(CNOOC)、澳大利亚Santos与马来西亚国家石油公司已经纷纷建立合作关系。

    Of the other planned coal bed methane LNG developments , BG has tied up with CNOOC of China , and Santos of Australia with Petronas .

  18. 来自巴西国家石油公司的消息,推高了英国天然气集团(BG)和西班牙石油公司Repsol的股价。这两家公司均是开发Guara油田的合作伙伴。

    The news from Petrobras pushed up the share prices of BG and Repsol , the UK and Spanish oil companies that are partners in developing Guar .

  19. 首先,这位巴西国家石油公司(Petrobras)的前首席执行官是位女性&事实上,也是执掌大型石油企业的首位女性。

    For a start , the chief executive of Petrobras is a woman & in fact , the first woman to lead an oil major .

  20. 首先,这位巴西国家石油公司(Petrobras)的前首席执行官是位女性——事实上,也是执掌大型石油企业的首位女性。

    For a start , the chief executive of Petrobras is a woman - in fact , the first woman to lead an oil major .

  21. 名列在前的所有13家石油企业都是国家石油公司(noc),它们由国家部分或是全部所有,政府从中获取石油生产的利润。

    All 13 of the oil firms that outshadow it are national oil companies ( NOCs ) : partially or wholly state-owned firms through which governments retain the profits from oil production .

  22. 其他不算太新的公告包括,中国向巴西国家石油公司提供贷款并向巴西航空工业公司(Embraer)订购40架飞机。

    Other not-so-new announcements included Chinese loans to state-owned oil company Petrobras and a Chinese order for 40 Brazilian Embraer aircraft .

  23. 2007年,挪威国家石油公司兼并了挪威海德鲁公司(NorskHydro)的石油及天然气部,并在兼并的过程中接管了一部分该公司的艺术藏品。

    In 2007 , Statoil merged with the oil and gas division of Norsk Hydro and , in the merger , took over some of that company 's art collection .

  24. 确实,培尼亚已表示,他将向外资开放墨西哥国家石油公司(pemex),同时在经济中引入更多竞争。

    True , Mr pea has said he will open Pemex to foreign capital and the economy to more competition .

  25. 在墨西哥,墨西哥国家石油公司(Pemex)推测,每年因打入内部的石油盗窃犯而损失的石油价值7亿美元。

    In Mexico , Pemex estimates it loses $ 700 million annually to petro thieves who tap into its pipelines .

  26. 巴西增强了巴西国家石油公司(petrobras)、eletrobras等国有控股公司和公共银行的实力,以推动(经济)发展。

    The country has strengthened state-controlled companies such as Petrobras , eletrobras and the public banks , to induce development .

  27. 贸易商表示,被美国原油取代的加拿大原油部分被智利国家石油公司ENAP买走。

    Chile 's state oil company ENAP bought some of the displaced Canadian crude , traders said .

  28. 除了要面对美国证券交易委员会(SEC)的调查,由于去年11月其审计机构普华永道会计事务所(PwC)拒绝核实该公司的账目,巴西国家石油公司仍然被挡在资本市场之外并面临技术性违约的风险。

    As well as facing a Securities and Exchange Commission investigation in the US , Petrobras remains cut off from capital markets and risks technical default after its auditors PwC refused to approve its accounts in November .

  29. 随着巴西发现了巨型盐层下离岸油田,这些担心有所加剧&未来5年内,国有企业巴西国家石油公司(Petrobras)将向这些油田投资2000亿美元。

    These fears have increased following the discovery in Brazil of giant pre-salt offshore oilfields , in which state-controlled oil company Petrobras is investing $ 200bn over five years .

  30. 中国最近同意向巴西国家石油公司(Petrobras)提供100亿美元贷款,以换取有保障的石油供应。

    China recently agreed to lend $ 10bn ( 6bn , 7bn ) to Petrobras , Brazil 's state-controlled oil company , in return for a guaranteed supply of oil .