
  1. 中央级行政事业单位国有资产财政监管问题研究

    Study on the Finance Supervision of Central Administrative Institutions ' Assets

  2. 然而,中国财政并不是真正意义的公共财政,还大量并存着以赢利为目的的国有资产财政。

    However , China is not the true meaning of the public finances , also coexist with a large number of profitable state-owned assets for the purpose of the Financial .

  3. 非经营性国有资产:公共财政框架下的制度重塑

    Non-profit State-owned Capital : Restructuring Financial Institutions under the Framework of Public Ownership

  4. 政府收费的法律调整主要应从政府收费法、行政法、国有资产法、财政预算法等方面来完善。

    And its legal regulation should be improved by government charge law , administration legislation , state-owned asset law , budget law and so on .

  5. 水利国有资产管理体制、财政金融管理体制等改革缓慢,投融资体制的改革相对滞后。

    The reform of state-owned property management system , finance management system and investment system is lag .

  6. 而另一种认为政府是出自财政的压力,即停止对亏损国有企业的补贴,或出售国有资产增加财政收入(简称收入论)。

    The other theory explains that increasing government revenue or stopping subsidies to profit losing state enterprises is the motivation .

  7. 行政事业单位国有资产监管也是我国国有资产管理和公共财政职能的一个重要部分。

    Supervision on administrative assets plays an important part in State-owned assets management and public finance in China .