
  • 网络national output
  1. 经合组织各国的退休金公共支出增长速度要快于国民产出,占gdp的比重1990为6.1%,到2007年上升至7%。

    In the OECD public spending on pensions benefits has been growing faster than national output , rising from 6.1 % of GDP in 1990 to 7 % in 2007 .

  2. 为了探究其中的原因,文章利用了Chow检验程序和增加变量法对原方程进行了进一步的分析,结论表明数据断裂改变了国民产出与公共支出的因果结构;

    In order to find its cause , this article utilizes Chow ' check and lag variable method , the result is that the ruptured data changes the structure of cause and effect between national output and public expenditure .

  3. 然而,家庭负债现在是国民产出的1.28倍。

    Yet household indebtedness now stands at 128 per cent of national output .

  4. 在这里,人们论述的是国民产出的总供给和总需求的决定。

    Here one is dealing with the determinants of aggregate supply and demand for national output .

  5. 失业现象的存在,还意味着劳动力未尽其用,国民产出总量减少。

    And unemployment also mean that the labor is not fully utilized , which will reduce the GDP .

  6. 而印度制造业的产值仍然只占国民产出的一小部分&其大力炫耀的软件和服务业亦是如此。

    Indian manufacturing still generates a small share of national output – as do its much-vaunted software and services industries .

  7. 在不同货币之间,增加国民产出数值也是有诀窍的。

    There is also a wrinkle when it comes is adding up national output figures , in different national currencies .

  8. 目前,印度有60%的劳动力在农业部门工作,但在国民产出中所占比例只有少得可怜的五分之一。

    Today , agriculture employs about 60 per cent of the workforce but accounts for a measly one-fifth of national output .

  9. 以国民产出衡量,日本地震造成的破坏最终可能是旧金山地震的两倍甚至三倍。

    Relative to national output , the Japanese disaster may end up being two or even three times costlier than the San Francisco quake .

  10. 中国人肯定可以进行更多的消费,他们的消费仅占国民产出的三分之一(美国的这一比例则为70%)。

    Chinese citizens , whose consumption accounts for a measly third of national output – against 70 per cent in the US – could certainly spend more .

  11. 而滞后变量的引入则进一步揭示出引致公共支出变化的原因,即相对于国民产出的影响,公共支出变化的惯性特征更为重要。

    Furthermore , by introducing lag variable , it reveals that the inertia characteristic of public expenditure is an even more important reason for its own change than national output .

  12. 财政支出增加对国民产出、全社会固定资产投资和出口的影响具有持久性,对最终消费影响的周期为5个月左右。

    It is found that fiscal expenditure 's effects on national output , private investment and export last a long period and while that on total gross consummation is only about five months .

  13. 对中国来说,当前的正确政策推动国内支出以弥补出口下降,在未来也将是正确的:永久性提高消费在国民产出中所占的份额。

    For China , the right policy today compensating for lost exports by boosting domestic spending is also a sound policy for tomorrow : moving towards a permanently higher share for consumption in national output .

  14. 从经济规模来看,欧盟占有世界国民总产出的30%左右。

    From economies of scale , the EU share of world gross national output by about 30 % .

  15. 本文在严格的假设条件下,采用公共经济学的基本理论和方法推导出了收费制度使国民经济产出最大化的条件,即公路投资的边际收益等于其机会成本。

    Under a district hypothesis , and with the theory and method of public economics , the paper deduced the optimal condition of tolling system to national economy . The condition is that marginal benefit of investment equals to the opportunity cost .

  16. 而事实上,外资企业所得税率的调整对FDI的影响将在一定程度上使货币供给内生化,进而通过货币市场与外汇市场影响国民经济总产出。

    In fact , the impact to FDI from the adjustment in the tax rate in FDI enterprises in some degree would make the money supply become endogenous , and then affects the domestic production level through both monetary market and exchange market .

  17. 我国国民经济总产出动态模型及其仿真

    Simulation of Chinese Dynamic Output Model

  18. 宁夏国民经济用水投入产出分析

    Input-Output Analysis of Water Consumption for Economic Development in Ningxia

  19. 关于国民经济用水投入产出分析指标的讨论

    Input-output analysis indices for water utilization in national economy

  20. 服务贸易逐渐成为促进国民经济效率提高和国民产出总量增长的主导力量。

    The service trade is becoming the dominant force to promote the improvement of the national economic efficiency and the growth of the total national output .

  21. 为此,从国民经济发展角度考察国民经济产出与木材产品需求的相关性,也是衡量林业相对重要性变化的一个重要方面。

    For this reason , investigate the national economy output and dependence of the timber products demand in terms of national economic development , weigh an important respect that forestry 's relative importance changes too .

  22. 作为主要的直接融资市场,股票市场连接着资金盈余部门和资金不足部门,促进资本在国民经济各部门的流动,从而提高整个国民经济的产出水平。

    As the main direct financing market , stock market is the joint of capital surplus departments and capital shortage departments . Stock market accelerates the flow of capital in all department of economy , and enhances the output level of whole economy .

  23. 从发达国家的农业发展来看,传统农业在国民经济中的比例已经日益缩减,包括美国、日本、欧盟等发达国家和地区的传统农业比例已经下降到国民总产出的2%左右。

    Looking from the experience of developed country agricultural development , the traditional agriculture already reduced day by day in the national economy proportion , including US , Japan , European Union and so on .