- 名international accounting standard

Both Financial Accounting Standard Board ( FASB ) and International Accounting Standard Board ( IASB ) are transferring from historical cost accounting to fair value accounting in making accounting standards .
With International Accounting Standard being accepted widely , the regulation of adopting fair value measurement to financial assets will cause great banking revolution in IAS39 .
The International Accounting Standards Board has taken a first step , raising questions about whether eurozone banks are provisioning adequately for losses on government bonds .
But several European banks have privately lobbied for the IASB to remove some reclassification differences between its International Financial Reporting Standards and US GAAP .
After joining in the WTO , participating in international competition and sharing its market , the convergence of International Accounting Standards has become a necessity for China .
Some politicians , including the head of the congressional committee that oversees the SEC , worry about ceding standard-setting power to the IASB .
As HSBC has pointed out in its submissions , international accounting standards already require a distinction between banking activities and trading activities .
The International Accounting Standards Board will today consider adjusting its rules to make it easier for banks to reclassify some of their holdings and account for more financial instruments at cost rather than at their depressed market value .
IASB said it had fast-tracked the changes in response to calls by the Group of 20 nations to introduce them by the end of the year .
With steely pride , he recalls a landmark agreement last year between China and the International Accounting Standards Board .
Third , comparing firms issuing only A-share and firms issuing both A-share and B-share , I investigate whether IAS contributes to corporate governance and generalize my results to other institutional systems .
An EU regulators ' committee in Brussels voted unanimously to accept Monday 's emergency changes made by the International Accounting Standards Board .
In the post-financial crisis era , IASB and FASB jointly research for financial reporting in order to establish a high-quality accounting standards .
International Accounting Standards Board ( IASB ) requires them to simplify the fair value measurement and use Expected Loss Model to measure depreciation .
In order to standardize the accounting of long-lived assets in practice , FASB and IASB issued related standards in 1995 and 1998 respectively .
IASC has enacted IAS34 " interim financial reporting " on2,1998 , it is the fist time that IASC enact standard on IFR .
Banks outside the US would have to report expected losses on their lending much earlier , under proposals published yesterday by the international accounting rulemaker .
The international accounting standards board earlier published its overhaul of rules on " fair value " accounting , where assets are marked to market prices .
Since the inception of IASC in 1972 under the sup-port of IOSCO , it develop the 40 core standards .
At present , IASC is under an overhaul reform which is an important step to adapt to the globalization of capital market .
IASB is committed to narrowing these differences , by seeking to harmonize regulations , accounting standards and procedures , relating to the preparation and presentation of financial statements .
Some European financial institutions should have taken bigger losses on their Greek government bond holdings in recent results announcements , says the organisation that sets their accounting rules .
Proponents of a single , global accounting system say sufficient protections could assure that the body that crafts international rules , the IASB , is buffered from political interference .
A recent report by the Institute of Business Ethics made this point using the example of BHP Billiton - the mining company reports two figures for its chief executive 's pay , one based on UK standards , the other on international accounting rules .
The International Accounting Standards Board will today unveil its most significant attempt yet to address complaints that it is out of touch with users and propagating new rules too quickly .
In order to making criterion for oil and gas industry special business , the USA and IASB etc promulgated oil and gas ac - counting standard or mining accounting standard .
Some politicians , including the head of the congressional committee that oversees the SEC , worry about ceding standard-setting power to the IASB . Even though America has seats on its board , there is concern that it will be under-represented .
Both the international accounting standards board and its US counterpart , the financial accounting standards board , are currently developing proposals to change the contents of the main financial statements .
The decision came after China and Japan , which are both moving toward International Financial Reporting Standards , complained that the detailed provisions of IAS 24 were either unworkable or unclear .
In October 16,2008 , the International Accounting Standards Board ( IASB ) and Financial Accounting Standards Board ( FASB ) jointly issued the Discussion Paper & Preliminary Views on Financial Statement Presentation .