
  • 网络International domain name;Idn;idns
  1. 红楼梦电视国际域名出售!

    The Hong Lou Meng television international domain name sells !

  2. 国际域名争议解决机制管辖权问题研究

    Research on the Jurisdiction of the International Domain Name Dispute Resolution Mechanism

  3. 注册一个国际域名并且指向你的网志。

    Register a domain name with your name and redirect to your blog .

  4. 第一部分为国际域名争议专家裁决机制概述,通过对国际域名争议专家裁决机制的产生、基本特点及法律性质的阐述来分析域名争议专家裁决机制中所涉及的主要法律问题;

    The first part is the outline of panel 's solution mechanism of international domain name disputes , mainly discussing the main legal problems in panel 's solution mechanism of international domain name disputes through demonstration of derivation , basic characteristics and legal property of this mechanism .

  5. 国际互联网域名纠纷及其法律对策研究

    Studies on the Internet Domain Name Dispute and Its Resolution Policies

  6. 最后,申请国际顶级域名,对域名进行备案,上传程序至服务器,实现了网站在国际互联网上的运行。

    Finally , by applying international top domain name , the construction puts a record of the domain name , submits the website to the server and realizes the operation of the website on the Internet .

  7. 因此,在利益的驱动下,又加之域名与传统知识产权法律制度的冲突,国际国内域名纠纷此起彼伏,域名不正当竞争行为愈演愈烈。

    Therefore , under the benefit driven as well as the domain name and intellectual property legal system conflicts , the domain name disputes go up and come down frequently at home and abroad , and the domain names ' misbehavior in competition intensifies a lot .

  8. 第三章介绍了国际上对域名纠纷解决的实践经验。

    The third chapter presents the domain name dispute resolution of all the international experience .

  9. 其次针对如何处理两者的争议,先后介绍了国际社会对域名与驰名商标争议解决机制的探索以及美国对此类争议的解决政策;

    Then focusing on how to settle the disputes , it introduces the research of the settling mechanism made by the international world and America 's policy to settle the disputes .

  10. 涉外域名纠纷案件包括当事人一方或者双方是外国人、无国籍人、外国企业或组织、国际组织,或者域名注册地在外国的域名纠纷案件。

    To the tort disputes over domain names , the intermediate courts in the places of tort or the residences of the accused have the jurisdiction .

  11. 我是学金融系的我们常常认为的文化相对主义的发生在国际商业公司的域名时,为了竞争,通过道德的国家,他们在运作。

    We often think of cultural relativism as occurring in the international business domain when companies , in order to compete , adopt the ethics of country in which they are operating .

  12. 国际互联网络和域名注册与使用的迅猛发展,使域名不正当竞争案件也大量涌现,这对传统的知识产权法律制度提出严峻挑战,现行法律的缺憾弥加彰显。

    With the rapid development of the Internet , the unfair competition concerning domain name has become more and more popular . The flinty challenge roused to traditional international property law makes the shortcomings of the current law more obvious than before .

  13. 通过对世界知识产权组织的国际案例进行分析概括这一独特视角,本文旨在明确现阶段国际实践中在域名争议领域达成的共识及存在的分歧。

    This Article uniquely summarizes and analyzes the UDRP cases by the World Intellectual Property Organization , and provides clarity as to the status quo of the census views and dissents in the international practice of the domain name dispute resolution .