
  • 网络International Volunteer Day
  1. 联合国秘书长潘基文国际志愿人员日致辞2012年12月5日

    UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon 's Message on International Volunteer Day 5 December , 2012

  2. 我们在国际志愿人员日认可志愿人员对世界和平与发展的贡献。

    On International Volunteer Day ( IVD ) we recognize the contribution of volunteers to peace and development worldwide .

  3. 值此国际志愿人员日之际,让我们再次承诺,向青年人提供各种有意义的志愿服务机会,使他们能够积极和充满自信地为全球变革作贡献。

    On this International Volunteer Day , let us renew our commitment to offering young people diverse and meaningful volunteer opportunities to become active and confident contributors to global change .