
  • 网络international channel;cnn international;Fox International Channel
  1. 别理会那些出现在CNN国际频道里、告诉你英国行为规范的打领结的专家。

    Pay no attention to those bow-tied etiquette experts you sometimes see on CNN International , telling you how to behave while in Britain .

  2. 一项2009年的调查发现,收看半岛电视台英语频道的观众比收看美国有线新闻网国际频道(CNN)和英国广播公司世界频道(BBC)的观众思想更开阔。

    A 2009 study found that viewers of Al Jazeera English were more open-minded than people who got their news from CNN International and BBC World . 2 .

  3. 根据新提案,星空传媒运营的所有英语电视频道将由福克斯国际频道(foxinternationalchannels)管理。

    Under the new proposals , all the English language channels run by star will be managed by Fox International channels .

  4. 这一战略包括通过国际频道网在美国推广和发行国际频道代理的CCTV-4和其它中文频道。

    This strategy includes the marketing and distribution of CCTV-4 and other Chinese channels represented by ICN in the United States .

  5. 我在我家里的电视上接上了“中国中央电视台国际频道”,我每天晚上都看。

    On my TV I get CCTV INTERNATIONAL and see it every evening .

  6. 该剧在美国境外正通过福克斯国际频道播出。

    The show is being broadcast outside of the United States on Fox International Channels .

  7. 自从她在广州电视台国际频道共同主持一些节目后,她的面孔也逐渐被人熟知。

    Her face also might be recognizable since she had co-hosted some programs on GZTV International Channel .

  8. 刘欣是第一届全国比赛的冠军,现在是中央电视台国际频道的一位新闻节目主持人。

    Liu Xin , the first champion of the national contest , is now an anchorperson of CCTV-9 .

  9. 新闻访谈英语的文体研究&CCTV国际频道新闻访谈英语的文体特征

    A Study of the Style of News Interview English & Stylistic Features of News Interview English of CCTV English Channel

  10. 下一步,江苏国际频道将继续推进在英国、德国等欧洲国家的覆盖工作,逐步成为一个覆盖全世界的国际频道。

    With prospective coverage of UK , Germany , and other countries , JSBC International is gradually becoming a global TV channel .

  11. 与新闻集团达成的交易符合这一政策,因为该交易包括星空华语电影片库及其具有全球吸引力的内容(如成龙的电影),以及在香港和新加坡广播的星空国际频道。

    The deal with News Corp fits that policy , as it includes the fortune library and its globally popular content , such as Jackie Chan movies and access to Xing Kong International which broadcasts in Hong Kong and Singapore .

  12. 本月早些时候,小贝曾向CNN国际体育频道的主播佩德罗平托透露,跟妻子及四个孩子的分别让他很难过。

    Speaking to CNN World Sport 's Pedro Pinto earlier this month , he revealed that it 's hard to be separated from his wife and four children .

  13. 王平:假如我们在国外旅行,更容易在异国他哆找到ESPN,因为它在16个国际体育频道拥有全部或部分股份。

    Wang Ping : If we travel abroad , it would be easier to find ESPN in another country , because it owns whole or partial stock for16 inter-national sports channels .

  14. 能收到国际电视频道吗?分别是什么?

    Any international TV channels and what are they ?

  15. 国际新闻频道的热潮对于未来的新闻业走向具有重要影响。

    The boom in international news channels has important implications for the future direction of journalism .

  16. 首个以英语广播的俄罗斯国际新闻频道,以俄罗斯观点角度剖析国际政治、种族、娱乐、历史及文化。

    First Russian international news channel in English bringing politics , ethnography , entertainment , history and culture in Russian aspect .

  17. 这是改编自尼克国际儿童频道的长篇动画《爱探险的朵拉》的首部真人电影,伊莎贝拉·莫奈饰演的朵拉在一所美国高中就读。

    In the first live-action film to be adapted from the long-running Nickelodeon cartoon , Dora ( Isabela Moner ) enrols in an American high school .

  18. 短短一年间,这位21岁的尼克国际儿童频道(美国一档青少年电视节目)的昔日明星,就从一个只是混了个脸熟的流行歌手成长为无可辩驳的歌坛巨星。

    And over the past 12 months , the 21-year-old former Nickelodeon ( an American TV channel for kids and adolescents ) star has transformed from a pop artist you might recognize to an unapologetic superstar .

  19. 因此,我国国际电视频道要勇于迎接挑战,不断创新跨文化传播的理念、内容和形式,提升国家民族文化软实力。

    Therefore , the international TV channels in China are obliged to face the challenge bravely , innovate the ideology , the content , and the form of cross-cultural communication solidly , and promote the soft strength of our national culture .

  20. 在革命开始的第一天,很多国际的电视频道都播放了一部史诗电影“沙漠之狮”的片段,这部电影讲述了奥马尔·穆卡塔尔率领着英勇的人们反抗意大利殖民统治的历史。

    During the first days of the revolution , some international tv channels were broadcasting clips of the epic movie'Lion of the Desert'featuring Omar Mukhtar and his brave men fighting the Italians .

  21. 二十四小时印及国际新闻,时事频道.当地新闻媒体几乎即时抢播这起事件。

    Instant news and current affairs channel with wide Indian and international reportage . Local news picked up the incident almost immediately .

  22. 文章首先追溯了儿童频道的历史渊源,以及国际、国内儿童频道的发展状况,概括指出了我国电视少儿频道运作中存在的四大问题。

    Firstly , It traces the history of child channel and introduces its development situation , summarizing four problems which internal child channel are facing .