
  1. 妙启不二、圆行中道:文殊智慧中的人文精神

    The Humane Spirit in the Wisdom of Mayuri

  2. 方法:对20例临床诊断为TIA的患者行PWI检查,分别在PWI检查前后于双侧半卵圆中心行1HMRs检查,扫描参数及兴趣区(VOI)均相同。

    Methods : 20 patients with clinically diagnosed TIA were examined with 1H MRS before and after PWI scans . The same technical parameters and VOI locations were respectively set in the pre-and post-PWI 1H MRS.

  3. 目的评价经圆韧带途径行Ⅲ段胆管空肠吻合术姑息性治疗不能切除的恶性梗阻性黄疸病人的临床效果。

    Objective To evaluate the effects of segment ⅲ cholangiojejunostomy through round ligament approach for the palliative treatment of unresectable malignant obstructive jaundice .

  4. 在第二组,有25例(37侧),子宫底和体上部的淋巴管,沿子宫圆韧带走行,注入髂外淋巴结、闭孔淋巴结或腹股沟淋巴结。

    The second group : in 37 sides of the specimens , 1-2 lymphatics emerging from the fundus uteri and the upper portion of the corpus uteri run along the round ligament to the external iliac nodes , the obturator nodes or the inguinal nodes .

  5. 14例27侧(42%)输卵管浆膜下1~2条淋巴管经子宫底至子宫圆韧带,沿子宫圆韧带走行,但未见进入局部淋巴结。

    In 27 cases ( 42 % ), 1-2 subserous lymph vessels of uterine tubes are connected with those of the fundus of the uterus and run along the round ligament of the uterus , but they don 't enter the regional lymph nodes .