- soil mass;soil body

Application of FLAC ~ ( 3D ) in soil body consolidation simulation
Bad soil body is distribute widely . SiCp / Al composites with high volume fraction prepared by pressureless infiltration
The result is conservative to predict slope safety without considering the correlation because the soil parameters is always negatively correlated . 2 .
It is shown that so long as the restrained gas exists , there are two P waves and one S wave , even though the fluid phase is incompressible .
Dynamic Interaction between SH Wave and Embedded Semi-cylindrical Foundation Partially Unbounded from Soil
The rhizosphere soil pH of five kinds of crops were lower compared to bulk soil pH , and significantly decreased with the growth process .
Implement of Constitutive Models of Rock-Soil Mass in Marc
The results indicate that ISS can improve mechanical properties of soil .
Through test , CT images and values including the whole process of Q_3 Malan loess and Q_2 Lishi loess under the different states were obtained .
The soil coefficients of deep foundation reinforcing engineering , especially soil shear strength index of C and φ value are analyzed , and the different testing methods are proposed according to various soil qualities , dewatering and excavating conditions .
Study on Migration Behavior of LNAPLs in Soils
Biot equation is often used for analysis of the interaction between soil skeleton and pore water of saturated soil , which is taken as a fluid-solid two-phase media .
It promulgates the contribution to soil structure and the function to its macroscopic intensity of chemical components such as calcium and magnesium through simulation test including chemical component variation and enhancement of partial pressure of CO2 under normal water environment .
The constitutive relationship of bucket foundation was analyzed by the principle of J2 flow theory and isotropic based on a deformable distinct element method .
Based on Biot 's dynamic consolidation equations , by means of Laplace-Hankel transform technology , the integral solutions of stress and displacement in saturated soil with subjacent rock-stratum under axisymmetric arbitrary excitations were derived .
The non-linear failure criterion proposed by Baker is a generalized geotechnical strength criterion , and the conventional criterion such as M-C , Griffith and Hoek-Brown failure criterions are all special cases of it .
Applying principle of effective stress , the numerical analysis is made on the seismic effect , such as the vibration pore water pressure , displacement and stress , for saturated soil under the influence of earthquake with B spline function on the basis of Biot ' consolidation theory .
The nonlinear and plastic materials are defined . In the program , the used soil constitutive models include Duncan-Chang constitutive model , K-G model , modified Cambridge model and Drucker & Prager elastoplastic model .
By extending and promoting the critical slip field method for slope analysis , passive critical slip fields in retaining structures are numerically computed along with passive earth pressure .
The SAE of TMD is best only when the vibration period of TMD is equation to the basic periods of ( soils and ) structure system being control , if not , the SAE of TMD will be reduced in range of 5 % to 10 % .
The computing formulas of superimposed load on adjacent level parallel pipe induced both by bulkhead additive thrust , force of friction between shield and soil , and force of friction between follow-up pipes and soil are derived from the Mindlin solution in elastic mechanics .
Slippage on the interface ought to be taken into account . Based on Mindlin 's displacement solution of elastic semi-infinite body , one-dimensional mechanical model is established respectively for the semi-numerical calculation of the displacement of surrounding rock mass and axial displacement of grouting mortar .
The method takes into account both the shear deformation effect and the nonlinear stress-strain behaviour of soil body , so , for certain kinds of soils the complete P-S curves thus obtained are fairly in conformity to that of the plate-bearing-test method .
A nonlinear finite element model ( FEM ) has been developed for the analysis of soil - nailed support system . Meanwhile several kinds of constitutive model were chosen for the nonlinearity and inelasticity of soil , and the Goodman element was adopted for the soil-nail interface .
Hierarchical division of soil mass structural system and its engineeing significance
The Identification of Soil Parameter in the Process of Vibrating Compaction
The Effect of Soft Slipping Layer Upon Stabilizing Piles in Landslides
Discussion on calculation method of highly compacted soils with partial wetting
Analysis of Nonhomogeneous Fluid-saturated Soil in Two Dimensions Under Earthquake Load
On the Space Frame Pile / Raft Foundation Soil Mass Interaction