
  • 网络soil structure
  1. 设计的常态水环境下的化学组份变异与CO2分压增高水环境下的室内模拟试验,揭示了化学组份钙镁对土体结构的贡献与对宏观强度的作用。

    It promulgates the contribution to soil structure and the function to its macroscopic intensity of chemical components such as calcium and magnesium through simulation test including chemical component variation and enhancement of partial pressure of CO2 under normal water environment .

  2. 由于基坑开挖过程中土体结构受到扰动,导致土体强度降低。

    Disturbance of soil structure leads to the falling of soil strength .

  3. 土体结构系统层次划分及其意义

    Hierarchical division of soil mass structural system and its engineeing significance

  4. 土体结构面对岩土工程问题的影响探讨

    Influences of structural faces within soil on stability of rock-soil mass

  5. 轴对称饱和土体结构在多向荷载下的液固耦合问题

    Coupled liquid-solid problem of axisymmetric geotechnical structure due to multi-directional imposed loads

  6. 真空负压对土体结构中水分运动影响试验探讨

    Test of affect moisture motion in soil boy by vacuum negative pressure

  7. 随机土体结构模型理论及应用

    Study on random soil frame model and its application

  8. 有限元稳定分析法在确定土体结构极限承载力中的应用

    Application of finite element analysis in determining the ultimate bearing capacity of soil mass

  9. 济南市地基土工程地质特征与岩土体结构研究

    Study on Engineering Geological Characteristics and Rock-soil Mass Structure of Foundation Soil in Jinan City

  10. 城市附加磁场与土体结构强度的磁效应机理

    On magnetic domino effect mechanism of superimposed magnetic field on city and structural strength of soil mass

  11. 土体结构面的作用分析土体剪切破坏面问题的推论

    Research on mechanical behavior of soil mass structure plane A Deduction on the Shear Breakage of the Earthwork

  12. 土体结构类型是制约公路路基沉降变形的主要因素。

    The type of soil body structure is main factor that affects the sediment and deformation of a highway foundation .

  13. 因此,粘土体结构失水对开采沉陷的影响是不能忽略的,应该加强粘土体结构失水方面的防范措施。

    By imitation , considering the influence of thick-alluvium , the clay with dewatering of aquifer is greatly influenced on the mining-subsidence .

  14. 研究了红土颗粒间的胶结物的矿物组成及化学成分,胶结作用对土体结构稳定的重要性。

    Studied the clay particles of the cement mineral composition and chemical composition , Cementation of the importance of structural stability of soil .

  15. 冰碛垄土体结构多为粗石状结构,且以粗大颗粒为主,中间颗粒缺乏。

    Moraine ridge soil structure is mostly crude shape structure , and mainly in coarse particles , with a deficiency of the middle particles .

  16. 特别是在水流的冲蚀或潜蚀作用下,易使土体结构崩解破坏,并最终导致地面塌陷积水和边坡失稳滑移。

    Structure of saturant soil worked by water erosion is easy to collapse , and finally leads to surface saving water and losing stability .

  17. 由于土体结构的复杂性,要确定出完全符合实际情况的滑动面是不可能的。

    Because of complexity of the soil structure , it is impossible to definitely find out a slip surface that totally meets the real situation .

  18. 同时表明不考虑土体结构效应的非线性固结和线性固结分析的结果相差不大。

    All computed results based upon the nonlinear consolidation analysis without considering soil structure effect were approximately close to the those based upon linear consolidation analysis .

  19. 最后,利用该模型从土体结构破坏的角度解释了砂土液化的过程和现象。

    Finally , by means of this model , the process and phenomena of the soil liquefaction is explained in the light of soil frame failure .

  20. 土工织物反滤系统土体结构稳定性试验研究土工织物包括稳定地层用织物,防水土流失织物,道路用织物以及防潮织物。

    Experimental Study on the Structure Stability in Soil-geotextile Filtration ; Geotextiles include textiles for ground stabilization , erosion control , drainage , asphalt and moisture proofing .

  21. 系统介绍了吴恒教授提出的细观结构的物理涵义以及土体结构的宏观结构细观结构微观结构三级划分的理论和实践意义。

    Introduced systematically Professor Wu Heng proposed mini-structure physical concept and practice significance about macro-structure , mini-structure , micro-structure three level of division theories in soils structure .

  22. 根据黄土丘陵区土壤肥力特点及土体结构,选用硝酸铵和过磷酸钙作为试验肥料,进行了不同施肥量试验。

    According to soil fertility and soil structure in the loess plateau , the experiment of fertilizer amount was carried out with ammonium nitrate and calcium superphosphate .

  23. 研究所用方法与结果可用于预测因地下水环境变异引起的土体结构变异或引起土体污染后土体性质变化的趋势,进而为建筑环境的岩土环境稳定性做出评价和预测。

    The study methods and conclusion can be used to preview the change of soil with the groundwater change , and then value the stability of geotechnical environment .

  24. 本文通过模型试验,讨论了真空负压对土体结构中水分运动影响及快速排出水分的条件。

    The paper discusses the influence of vacuum negative pressure to the moisture motion in soil boy and the conditions of speed drainage by means of model test .

  25. 冻融作用后土体结构变得松散、土粒形状变得破碎、趋向不规则,导致土体骨架的结构性转移,使其整个受力体系发生变化。

    After freeze-thaw action , soil structure became loose , soil particle shape became broken , tend to irregular , caused the soil structural transferred and changed the stress system .

  26. 从地形、地貌、地震作用、地层岩性,岩土体结构,水的作用等方面对堆积层滑坡的形成条件进行了探讨。

    The formation conditions of the debris landslide are discussed in terms of topography , earthquake , formation lithology , rock and soil structure , and the impact of water .

  27. 由于工程的需要,高速公路修筑时往往会在一定程度上破坏或扰动原来较为稳定的岩体或土体结构而形成新的人工边坡。

    Owing to the require of engineering , the stable rock mass or soil mass is destroyed in a certain degree to form the new artificial slope when constructing expressway .

  28. 而下方过渡层和母质层的性质与之相反,它们所含的胶结物质较少,土体结构松散,渗透性好,土壤粘聚力小。

    On the contrary , the cement contained in the underlying transition horizon and parent material horizon is less , the soil structure is loose , and permeability is good .

  29. 粗粒土在高应力水平下容易发生颗粒破碎,颗粒破碎直接改变土体结构,对土体的峰值强度、内摩擦角、剪胀性、渗透系数等工程特性均产生影响。

    The coarse granular soil is susceptible to particle breakage in high compressive strength , which modifies its structure directly , influencing its dilatancy , friction angle , strength and permeability .

  30. 该设施须满足的主要技术要求包括:保持周围试验区土体结构稳定,保持地下水化学条件和水动力条件不被改变。

    The URF has to meet the following main technical requirements : no disturbance to soils in the experimental area , keeping original state of groundwater table and chemical conditions of groundwater unchanged .