
tǔ dì shǐ yònɡ fèi
  • land-use fee
  1. 如何办理土地使用费缴纳手续?

    How to deal with land to use cost pay procedure ?

  2. 这份用地协议涵盖了土地使用费和环保方面的问题。

    The agreement on indigenous land use covers issues such as royalties and environmental protection .

  3. 第十条土地使用费从发给土地使用证之日起计算。

    Land use fees will be calculated from the date of issue of the certificate of land use .

  4. 这些项目一旦建成,将在未来数十年里为当地带来几十亿美元的出口收入以及土地使用费收入。

    Once completed , these projects will generate billions of dollars of export revenues and royalties for decades to come .

  5. 泰人农民可以保留所有的农产品,但必须交纳土地使用费。

    The Tai farmers are allowed to keep all the produce , but they have to pay the land fee .

  6. 本文对中国和韩国两国的粳稻生产成本进行比较,发现两国生产成本的差异主要表现为土地使用费、劳动力费和农业机械费等方面;

    Both China and South Korea produce Japonica Rice . Their production cost differs mainly in land , labor , and machinery .

  7. 在会谈中,北韩要求提高在开城工业园区工作的北韩员工的工资以及工业园区内南韩企业的土地使用费。

    During those talks , the North demanded pay raises for workers and land-use fees for the South Korean companies that use the complex .

  8. 用统一的标准计算土地使用费,各种投入费用,生产管理费和产值,并计算生产总成本和纯收入。

    Standardized costs for land , inputs , operational expenses and value of outputs are used to calculate total crop production costs and net income .

  9. 中外企业在建设期间免交土地使用费,缓征固定资产投资方向调节税。

    Enterprises are free of charge of the land use fee during the construction period and enjoy deferral of the fixed assets investment adjustment tax .

  10. 外资企业的土地使用费和土地开发费的计收标准,依照中国有关规定办理。

    The land use and land development rates to be collected from wholly foreign-owned enterprise shall be in accordance with the relevant regulations of china .

  11. 外商投资文化、教育、医疗卫生等社会事业,可按规定减收土地使用费。

    F oreign invested culture , education and medical treatment and health and other social projects shall be partially exempt from the land use fees according to regulations .

  12. 同时又将以往忽略掉的土地使用费单独讨论,尤其考虑了土地残值问题。

    At the same time , it discusses the land-use fees alone which was ignored in the past , and especially it gives the residual value of the land .

  13. 对欠缴外商投资企业土地使用费的单位,主管地税机关应及时清缴。

    The local taxation authorities shall sort out the entities that default the payment of land use fee of foreign-funded enterprises and collect the fee in a timely manner .

  14. 这一趋势还将影响矿产资源丰富的国家,如智利、蒙古、加拿大、澳大利亚等,这些国家有一大部分收入来自矿产税以及矿区土地使用费。

    It also concerns the minerals-rich countries , from Chile and Mongolia to Canada and Australia , which earn a significant proportion of their income from mining tax and royalties .

  15. 三年内免征资源税、屠宰税、农业税、农业特产税和免收十年土地使用费;

    Within three years , they shall be exempted from Resources Tax , Slaughtering Tax , Agricultural Tax and Agricultural Specialty Tax and Land Use Fee is exempted for ten years .

  16. 天津开发区取消了除国家法律规定的工商注册费、税务登记费、国有土地使用费之外的一切涉及企业的行政性收费。

    TEDA has eliminated all the administrative fees concerning operation of enterprises , except for three fees required by State laws : Enterprise Registration Fee , Tax Registration Fee and Land Use Fee .

  17. 为了吸引外商投资,地方政府给予外商投资者税收优惠、减免土地使用费、为外商投资项目提供配套资金投入和经营服务、贷款担保以及优惠的贷款利率等激励政策。

    The local government attracts foreign investment through providing preferential policies , for example , tax concession , reduction and exemption of land royalty , counterpart funding and management service for foreign investment program , financial guarantee and favourable interest rate .

  18. 自本法施行之日起,新增建设用地的土地有偿使用费,百分之三十上缴中央财政,百分之七十留给有关地方人民政府,都专项用于耕地开发。

    Starting from the date when this law comes into effect , 30 % of the land compensation fees for new construction land shall be handed over to the central finance , with the rest 70 % to be retained by related local people 's governments , for the development of land for cultivation .

  19. 国有土地有偿使用费起不到应有的作用。

    The fee of using state-owned land do not have the function it should have .

  20. 凡不属于法律规定划拨供地范围的项目均应缴纳土地有偿使用费。

    Land use fees shall be paid for the projects that do not fall into the scope allocated legally .

  21. 对于为规避缴纳土地有偿使用费而越权批地、未批先用、少批多用的违法批地、用地行为,要依法进行严肃查处,同时按规定补缴土地有偿使用费。

    Any behaviors that use and approve lands unlawfully to avoid paying the land use fees by overriding the authorities to approve land , using land before approving or using more lands than approved shall be seriously investigated , and the land use fees shall be supplemented as per regulations .

  22. 如何取得土地使用权转让费的合法入账凭证?

    How to Get the Legal Accounting Voucher of Land Transfer Royalty ?

  23. 巴奈特页岩田分给土地所有者的开采使用费要远低于许多政府官员和土地所有者的预期。

    The Barnett boom has generated far less royalty income than many public officials and homeowners expected .

  24. 在符合规划和用地合同规定的情况下,土地使用者按时足额缴纳土地使用费后,农民集体所有建设用地使用权可以转租或转让。

    Under the condition of matching the programming and contract rule , after the user of land pay the sufficient fee for using land on time , rural collective construction land use right can be subleased and transferred .

  25. 土地开发基金由土地开发与市政配套设施金、土地使用费、土地增值费及土地上的其他收益构成。

    The land development funds are composed by land development and municipal accessory facilities fee , land use fee , increment fee of land value and other profits on the land .

  26. 对土地使用期满不申请延长土地使用期者,按日加收滞纳土地使用费千分之一的滞纳金。

    Those who do not apply to extend the term of land use upon expiration of the term of land use shall pay a default penalty equal to 0.1 % of the land use fee for every day in arrears .

  27. 各级人民政府土地行政主管部门根据上报的用地情况与土地利用动态监测情况,对土地有偿使用费的缴纳进行检查、核实,发现违法违规的,依照法律和有关规定严肃进行查处。

    The competent land administration authorities of the people 's governments at different levels shall check and verify the collection of land use fees depending on the utilization of land reported and dynamic supervision of land use , and shall investigate any violations according to laws and regulations .